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  1. #1
    nikalexopoulos is offline Junior Member
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    Smile First post- one day being a pro champion

    Hi guys, this is my first post actually. Firstly, i will tell you that i am a natural bodybuilder, i have been lifting for 2 years. i am 18 years old, i am 230 pounds, 6ft 1 and 14.8% bodyfat. So i wana ask something purely hypothetical, as i am NOT planning on using AAS in the near future. WE all know that phil heath and jay cutler started using AAS well before the age of 25, which is what u all suggest as the 'right' age. We look at alexi lesukov who is 22 and is a monster, probably been juicing since 16, yet whenever anyone under 25 suggests they start cycling, the vets advise agaisnt it. i know that its stupid because 99% of these people are jsut trying to get a bigger chest and some bigger arms so that they might be able to pick up, so all for the wrong purposes; but if i were to ask what i should do about using AAS in the future, with the hope of one day maing an olympia stage, what would you all say? based on my stats and my progress to date, i think that genetically i am lucky to be able to build mass without too much trouble, mind you i am very dedicated to eating every 2 hrs, training 6 days a week religiously and never drinking or partying late while my mates are. So what would you all say to someone like me if i were to ask you when i should start AAS and what i should take, bearing in mind that i want to make the big time? Also please remember i am not planning on taking anything now, this is merely for educational purposes.

  2. #2
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    If you want to be on olympia stage you need to be on now. You will potentially ruin your natural hormones for life. Being a pro BB takes a lot of sacrifice. It's a life choice, not a thing you do for a while.

  3. #3
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    we will say 25. we believe what we say why would we tell you to take the risk we dont want people to take just because you hope to one day see the Olympia stage? if you were to chose to do it now well probably a good idea if you want to see the stage but we wont advise it

  4. #4
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    buddy of mine wants to be on stage as well. he's 20 right now and 245lbs around 10% bf. he started at 18. he realizes he is putting his health and well being in danger. He literally told me he doesnt care if he dies at 35. He wants to win mr olympia. get big or die trying.

  5. #5
    nik1603's Avatar
    nik1603 is offline New Member
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    Yea it does take more sacrifice and commitment than pretty much any other sport or career but then again u have freaks like phil heath who started around 22 and have done so much in such little time. So i think it is still possible to achieve greatness without putting urself at such high risk. I mean i dont want to die by 35 because of it haha. But ur buddy seems to be pretty set on it. So props to him.

  6. #6
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    buddy of mine wants to be on stage as well. he's 20 right now and 245lbs around 10% bf. he started at 18. he realizes he is putting his health and well being in danger. He literally told me he doesnt care if he dies at 35. He wants to win mr olympia. get big or die trying.
    and i dont think any less of him. i wish i had the balls to do it but i dont

  7. #7
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    and i dont think any less of him. i wish i had the balls to do it but i dont
    It doesnt take balls,its inteligence to not think like that. How the hell do you know what you want at 35 or 40 when your only 20.

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