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12-10-2011, 10:43 PM #1New Member
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My HGH / Slin / IGF Protocol! - With AAS Of course. * Research Only*
This is strictly a research protocol, and should only be used in a research setting.
I decided to go a bit crazy with peptides, I got a great deal on MGF/DES/LR3 for my research test subjects.
So I got to thinking and asking questions, and this is the plan I have come up with. Many Thanks to Victorz06 - Pieguy - and Mike Arnold for their input on the following protocol.
Keep in mind Im used to just taking GH/ed at 6iu, and slin pre and post workout. so this is going to be a bit different. Im excited to experiment.
I read that using IGF /Slin and GH more than 3 times per week can cause cell over-saturation and closure. But with the the added MGF I increase the time it takes for sensitivity to increase to around 8 weeks, then a 3 week break is recommended.
The Protocol.
The protocol is as follows; inject all products post workout, With the exception of a DES shot Pre Workout, preferably after training large muscle groups which cause the most glycogen depletion, hence providing faster uptake of peptides. A sample layout is to inject Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.The reason for the high dose growth hormone is to take what would normally be your one week intake of gh and spread it out into 3 equal doses, injected pwo. This will create a truly anabolic rich environment and you will also benefit from full uptake due to your pwo depleted state. In my case I am on 6iu ed so 42/3 = 14iu
Monday ( workout )
Pre Workout
5-10min Pre Workout Inject DES 120mcg Split Bi lat ( 60mcg IM)
Post Workout :
Immediately after workout Pin MGF 150mcg Split bi Lat ( 75mcg)
10-15 min Later inject 14iu HGH IM into one muscle group.
30 min after HGH injection Dose 50mcg LR3 Sub Q
10min Later 5-10iu Humalog ( I will start with 5iu and work to 10iu because the IGF will make me Hypersensitive to the insulin . )
Tuesday -
Pin 100mcg LR3 Sub Q
Wednesday ( workout )
Pre Workout
5-10min Pre Workout Inject DES 120mcg Split Bi lat ( 60mcg IM)
Post Workout
Immediately after workout Pin MGF 150mcg Split bi Lat ( 75mcg)
10-15 min Later inject 14iu HGH IM into one muscle group.
30 min after HGH injection Dose 50mcg LR3 Sub Q
10min Later 5-10iu Humalog ( I will start with 5iu and work to 10iu because the IGF will make me Hypersensitive to the insulin. )
Thursday -
100mcg LR3 Sub Q
Friday ( workout )
Pre Workout
5-10min Pre Workout Inject DES 120mcg Split Bi lat ( 60mcg IM)
Post Workout
Immediately after workout Pin MGF 150mcg Split bi Lat ( 75mcg)
10-15 min Later inject 14iu HGH IM into one muscle group.
30 min after HGH injection Dose 50mcg LR3 Sub Q
10min Later 5-10iu Humalog ( I will start with 5iu and work to 10iu because the IGF will make me Hypersensitive to the insulin. )
Being that MGF is used 3x per week, and LR3 is used 5 days a week off Sat and sun, I think I can minimize desensitization.
I will provide labs after a month of running this protocol, but I will not have baseline levels from before, Im still on the fence on posting pictures, but maybe soon I will unveil. but for now I can promise you blood work in mid January
I will be using The following for AAS
Test Enanthate 750mg W/K
Nandrolone 500mg/wk
30mg dbol ED
All for around 14 weeks.
AI, and so on are in place, I went with longer esters because I will be already pinning so much with the peps, I decided to cut some pins down with long esters. This is subject to change depending on how I feel though!
One I get PEG MGF I may differ from the off days being LR3 to the OFF days being Peg MGF, but for now this is the above.
I full expect my labs to show, IGF levels past 500, and gh sky high.
I will be testing, Human Growth Hormone, Acromegaly Screen (Basic) & Hormone Panel for Females ( to save a buck )
I will be starting this Monday of Next week De***ber 12th, and will continue for 8 weeks, Blood will be drawn January mid-end, I will keep this thread Updated.
Current stats, 5'8 226 around 11%
Diet Pre and Post
Good question sorry I left that out.
I create my own carb concoction.
Pre Workout
2 Scoop Whey Isolate - 40g Protein
20g Dextrose
Banna, Blended, drink pre workout.
Post workout.
3 Scoops whey Isolate in water ( 60g Protien )
40g Dextrose
Banana, Blended.
1 hour later,
Chicken and Pasta, with Vegetables, along side a Gatorade ( 20g Dextrose )
Around 50-60g Protein, and 100g Simple and complex carbs.
Input if any is appreciated, But just wanted to share.
You can Download the complete Guide and protocol, among Diet, and Reconstituting options Here Just copy the URL and paste in your browser, and a download will begin
It is in excel format
12-10-2011, 11:21 PM #2
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why would you post this? this is Q&A
12-11-2011, 12:06 AM #3New Member
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Oh I thought I could just post my cycle and so on here... Is there a better section? Sorry!
12-11-2011, 12:54 AM #4Associate Member
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peptides in my experience are junk while on cycle, but help alot for pct.the mgf being a huge help to speed recovery and love the lr3 for size, but i personally think its a waste to run them on cycle.
and why not shoot the humalog preworkout? the way ur shooting, ur shooting the slin around an hour after workout takes 15 to kick in. if i were u id hit it preworkout, slam shakes and food before gym, drink shake while working out and eat right after gym, that way ur getting all the nutrients as ur working out, and right after.
and with so much gh id run at least gram of test and 600-800 nand at ur weight, but i like running a bit heavier then ppl on then ppl on this forum so they probably will tell u im stupid.
nice thread tho, hope it all goes well for you hope u throw up sum pictures soon from ur stats ur a big man.
mind if i ask how old and how many cycles deep u are?
12-11-2011, 01:09 AM #5New Member
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As to your questions, IMO im running enough gear to compliment the amount of peptides and GH I will be taking. I am very used to taking HGH AAS and humalog pre and post workout, but with this instance I am only doing humalog POST becasue the lr3 is going to intensify the effects of the insulin , making for some incredible gains.
I am 27 and MANY Cycles deep, Soon SOON ill post pics but for now, just my writings. lol
12-11-2011, 04:15 AM #6
Wow. You must absolutely love pinning urself. That is A LOT of pinning for one week. But good luck with it
12-11-2011, 08:31 AM #7New Member
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12-11-2011, 01:53 PM #8New Member
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Well all pinning is done for Today.
Pre Workout - 60mcg each Bicept DES
Post Workout - 75mcg each Bicept MGF
15 min later - 14iu hgh in delt
30 min later - 50mcg LR3
10 min later - 6iu Humalog
Today's workout was great, my biceps were insanely pumped as was my back, I had to end a set short on deads becasue if the immense pump.
The veins in my arms looked like garden hoses, I definitely feel much FULLER today, but we will see as the week progresses.
I had 40g Protein pre workout, and 80g so far after, about to have another meal for 50.
So far so good, Just damn that's alot of pining.
12-11-2011, 02:07 PM #9
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there is a members section for pics and cycle logs. you could come into a bit of flak for posting slin protocols, as its a dangerous compound and not spoken about much on open forum.
lr3 etc are a waste of time and money mate, why are you even bothering with them if you're doing a huge amount of HGH?!
12-11-2011, 02:29 PM #10
That's a lot of pinning for a 99 year old man.
12-11-2011, 02:33 PM #11
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whoa here, you're using slin for 8wks at a time?!
still dont get why you titled this 'research only'Last edited by dec11; 12-11-2011 at 02:36 PM.
12-11-2011, 05:28 PM #12New Member
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READ THE PROTOCOL GUYS!! Slin is used intermittently only 3x per week along side GH. IGF is not useless, nor is DES or MGF. lol and im not 99. This is not a slin protocol by any means that's is why I haven't really divulged into the use of slin, becasue it is dangerous and not to be messed with. The title states research ONLY becasue of the peptide use, and the fact that I am researching, I have never ran GH like this before nor the peptides in this fashion so it is research for me.
12-11-2011, 05:39 PM #13
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12-11-2011, 05:44 PM #14New Member
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12-11-2011, 05:46 PM #15
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all LR3 does is cause a retention in muscle cells, doesnt equal muscle growth at all, come off and the site will shrink back down, ive tried it for awhile.
if you dont believe me speak to the most experienced guys on here, i know i trust 'em with their knowledge.
ive used slin and it is not worth it unless you are competing, my last run left me lethargic for weeks afterwards, i wont ever use it again, just not worth your health or worse...Last edited by dec11; 12-11-2011 at 05:51 PM.
12-11-2011, 05:49 PM #16Banned
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12-13-2011, 02:31 PM #17New Member
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Pinned 60mcg in each Bicep Prior to training today.
Came home and pinned 75mcg MGF in each tricep.
15 min Later I pinned 14iu HGH in my Chest
30 min Later I pinned 100mch LR3 Sub Q
10 min Later I pinned 7 IU Humalog.
Whoa boy, insulin sensitivity is heightened for sure, Im glad I have my carbs and quick acting sources, made this day go buy very smooth.
Today workout was Legs/Combo Arms
Great pump, and lots of energy today!
12-13-2011, 08:06 PM #18
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man, why are you persisting with this in Q&A? do a log in the members results section. you can ask to get this thread moved there.
and i did read your thread properly, doesnt matter if you only use slin intermittently, its the longevity that matters and anything over 4wks is asking for trouble. but hey, your life and your healthLast edited by dec11; 12-13-2011 at 08:09 PM.
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