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  1. #1
    redmeat1 is offline Associate Member
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    Keeping gyno in check while on HGH

    Was curious as to what was the best combo to keep gyno at bay while on a test/deca /growth cycle for gyno prone individuals. I'm currently doing 12.5mg's of stane eod and 10mg's of nolva eod...seems to be working...had a small flare up so i added the nolva and within a day or two everything was back to only concern is i've heard nolva can lower igf levels which is counter productive while taking growth...any other combo's recommended that won't conflict with the growth? I'm 30yrs old 6'1" 200lbs 10%bf and i'm doing 500mgs cyp and 400mgs deca btw. I've always had issues with gyno in past cycles and I've used that combo mentioned above but this is my first time taking growth and i've heard you shouldn't take nolva while on hgh. thanks guys and happy holidays.

  2. #2
    redmeat1 is offline Associate Member
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    anybody? been a few days and gyno started creeping up so i used a little nolva and gyno was gone the next day...can i use arimidex with the stane?

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
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    id drop the nolva and go to 12.5mg stane ED rather than EOD, i havent used it but ive seen on here that stane needs to be use ED and thats where you prob were going wrong. shouldnt need nolva alongside summit as strong as stane

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'd drop the Deca and start the Adex.
    That evil shit is like gyno in a bottle for me.

    The problem is that real Aromasin looks great on paper and in clinical trials, but most of the Stane out there is of dubious quality and origins.

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I'd drop the Deca.
    That evil shit is like gyno in a bottle for me.
    thats another good point, its crap anyhow if you ask me

  6. #6
    redmeat1 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys...looks like i've got some thinking to do...i like the deca because the 4iu's of growth is giving me a little joint pain so i may just do 12.5mg's of stane much of an effect do drugs like stane have on your gains while on a steroid cycle?

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redmeat1 View Post
    thanks guys...looks like i've got some thinking to do...i like the deca because the 4iu's of growth is giving me a little joint pain so i may just do 12.5mg's of stane much of an effect do drugs like stane have on your gains while on a steroid cycle?
    ive not heard of anyone complain that it interfered with their gains. using too much adex is more likely to do this and no, dont use it with stane.

    if just looking for joint relief you could drop that deca to 200mgs pw, hell it even gave me relief at 100mgs pw

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Deca isn't likely to help with joint pain from HGH.

    This is because GH does not wear down/dry out your joints (where Deca would help).
    Instead, it causes your joints to hold excess synovial fluid, which pinches the nerves that run through your joints, much like the inflammation from carpal tunnel syndrome.
    If you're having joint pain from the GH, that is just an indication that you're using too much for therapeutic effect.

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Deca isn't likely to help with joint pain from HGH.

    This is because GH does not wear down/dry out your joints (where Deca would help).
    Instead, it causes your joints to hold excess synovial fluid, which pinches the nerves that run through your joints, much like the inflammation from carpal tunnel syndrome.
    If you're having joint pain from the GH, that is just an indication that you're using too much for therapeutic effect.
    ah, a pressure thing then. good to know BP

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