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  1. #1
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Low Test diagnosis

    Hello all, I`ve went to the docs the other day after having syptoms such as erectile probs, weight gain, no energy and very irritabile.. anyway he sent me for a blood test and the results came back saying i have low test levels and i need to go and see a specialist..

    I`m not going to be able to see anyone till new year, and i will prob have to have another blood test, meeting, ect ect and not get a cure of solution for a while by which point i could of fallen out with most my mates, lost all libido and put on another stone in weight...

    I think i`ve always had some sort of problem with test levels as i`ve always struggled to get the body i`m after and its been a long time since i can remember waking up with an errection..

    Anyway, i`ve heard that i may be put onto some gel, or a patch or low dose of injections.. all seem like things perscribed for the average guy not looking to boost there test levels for training ect...

    has anybody been in this situation before? and if so what route did you go down? I have never taken anything before, but want to get this sorted and would prefer to get the right thing to use if i go down the route of sorting the problem... and at the very least when i do eventually have my next appointment, i want to be able to hold my own with the doctor..

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you have never taken anything and your levels are low then you have a condition called low testosterone , it happens to some people. Not to worry you will get prescribed testosterone and be feeling better than ever.

    How low was it, we need the number? Ng/dl
    How old are you?

  3. #3
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Hi thanks for the reply, Bin getting worried and a bit depressed with it (which i think is a symptom of low testosterone as the doc has given me a form about how i feel to fill in)

    I`m 33 and the figures the doc gave me were just 6.1 and he said it should be around 7.9, he didnt go into it to much.

    I`m a big lad 6ft and 235lb, ive put on 15lb in the last couple of months whilst my diet hasn`t changed, this is why i`m worried, i`ve always found it hard to lose fat and even tho i`m a big lad, and trained and dieted for many years i`ve never had the body i`ve been looking for, maybe this has something to do with why.

    Thanks again for any advice.

  4. #4
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    Let the endocrinologists check you out first and he or she will tell you what treatment you need dont start any steriods until you have been check by the endo as this will screw up any test they carryout as I was told by my endo last week

  5. #5
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the heads up, I won`t do anything till i see them, but my doctor said i will have to see a urologist next, will they be able to help me out or will i have to see other people before i get closer to a solution? there was no mention of a endocrinologist ??

  6. #6
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ask your doctor for a referral to a endo they are the ones in the know when it comes to checking your test levels I found this out to late due to my GP sending me down the wrong route sorted now , sounds to me your heading the wrong way

  7. #7
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Rang up the doctors this morning to see when my next appointment is and they didn't have a clue, said it could be weeks!! Absolute joke!! I am now more worried than ever that it's not gonna get sorted!!!

  8. #8
    Bill_boy2005 is offline Associate Member
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    I was going through the same thing as you are. Depression, anxiety, lack of libido, lack of morning wood, etc. My levels came back at 37 (different scale and range 350-1080 being "normal"). You will see a urologist to rule out health issues with the testes (testicular cancer, etc). Mine prescribed me test cyp right after the ultrasound was clear while we were chasing other possible reasons why I would be so low on test. From there I had more blood work to rule out a pituitary tumor(prolactin test). At the point we are now, 8 weeks into testing and treatment, it has been ruled as primary hypogonadism, effectively, my testicles just cant product enough.

    After starting TRT, roughly three weeks passed before I noticed much difference, though energy levels did improve somewhat. At the three week mark libido increased markedly, depression improved, I am sleeping better, and overall have a lot better sense of well being. I know that treatment in the UK can be slow, but stick with the tests to rule out any other issues, and then move towards TRT. For me it has been life changing, though I still have some ground to cover to get my protocol right where it needs to be. There is a great forum on here for TRT, HRT, and anti-aging. You should check it out.

    In the meantime, I would suggest visitng nutrition and exercise forums on here as well to get those things in check so you can fully appreciate the changes that the TRT will make once you start on it.

  9. #9
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A urologist is fine to see, usually is it a sub specialty of that who are the docs that do trt. If u go to a fertility endo then u run the chance that they are mainly preggo docs and not much of low test docs.

  10. #10
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks alot for the replys especially Bill, gives me a bit of hope, I rang the doctors again before and They haven't even sent my referral off yet!! So after a moan they said they will get my doc to ring me tomorrow!! Still not going to speed things up!! But they need to do something, can't sleep, can't think bout anything else, worried and taking it out on random ppl, finished with my gf, things going from bad to worse!!

  11. #11
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill_boy2005 View Post
    I was going through the same thing as you are. Depression, anxiety, lack of libido, lack of morning wood, etc. My levels came back at 37 (different scale and range 350-1080 being "normal"). You will see a urologist to rule out health issues with the testes (testicular cancer, etc). Mine prescribed me test cyp right after the ultrasound was clear while we were chasing other possible reasons why I would be so low on test. From there I had more blood work to rule out a pituitary tumor(prolactin test). At the point we are now, 8 weeks into testing and treatment, it has been ruled as primary hypogonadism, effectively, my testicles just cant product enough.

    After starting TRT, roughly three weeks passed before I noticed much difference, though energy levels did improve somewhat. At the three week mark libido increased markedly, depression improved, I am sleeping better, and overall have a lot better sense of well being. I know that treatment in the UK can be slow, but stick with the tests to rule out any other issues, and then move towards TRT. For me it has been life changing, though I still have some ground to cover to get my protocol right where it needs to be. There is a great forum on here for TRT, HRT, and anti-aging. You should check it out.

    In the meantime, I would suggest visitng nutrition and exercise forums on here as well to get those things in check so you can fully appreciate the changes that the TRT will make once you start on it.
    If you dont mind me asking, what did you get perscribed? thanks for your help

  12. #12
    Bill_boy2005 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Complete novice

    If you dont mind me asking, what did you get perscribed? thanks for your help
    I was placed in test cypionate @200mg bi weekly. Fairly low dose. I added liquidex at .25mg every other day. I am nit really happy with where it got me too, so I am going to an HRT clinic next week now that other issues are ruled out.

  13. #13
    Complete novice is offline Associate Member
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    Hi just a quick update for anyone going through the same as me, I have now seen a urologist and have been refered to an endo!! had a sperm count which has come back fine! so at least thats something of my mind.

    The problem is my LH (the signal from my brain) is in the high 9`s but the test is low 5`s so the doc said its very unusual and i`ve had alot more tests which i will find out about later this month when i see the endo..

    Has anyone else been in this position?? the weirdest thing that has happened is that i have grown 2 inch taller in the last month...

    Thanks for any advice

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