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  1. #1
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Lightbulb As a mesomorph, why take steroids?

    I am trying to understand the mentality behind doing steroids if you are already a mesomorph that weighs over 200 lbs and is below 10% bf. Everywhere I read it says that doing even one cycle will lower your natural levels below where they were before doing steroids, and this is after pct/ full recovery. And in a very informative article it says that you will slowly retract back to your natural size after a cycle, but that since your hpta can never recover 100%, you will always end up a bit smaller than before. So steroids are pretty much a short term moment of glory before the onset of low test, depression, and knowing you will shrink back to a size smaller than before you even did the cycle. Hmmm. So from this perspective, how can one believe that there is a safe way to therapeutically do steroids? It seems to me that steroids are a one-way route and the reason people keep doing them is because they screw themselves over and can not naturally produce sufficient testosterone . So its do it once, do it for life. Im not sure i want to do steroids even if i hit my genetic potential, unless I plan on cycling then cruising. It just seems like a dumb idea to do steroids in general and I realize why people who have done them dont want to stop but i also dont understand whye would want tsucks.o begin unless you have the napoleon complex and your life just really sucks.
    Last edited by Whoady; 01-02-2012 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    I am trying to understand the mentality behind doing steroids if you are already a mesomorph that weighs over 200 lbs and is below 10% bf. Everywhere I read it says that doing even one cycle will lower your natural levels below where they were before doing steroids, and this is after pct/ full recovery. And in a very informative article it says that you will slowly retract back to your natural size after a cycle, but that since your hpta can never recover 100%, you will always end up a bit smaller than before. So steroids are pretty much a short term moment of glory before the onset of low test, depression, and knowing you will shrink back to a size smaller than before you even did the cycle. Hmmm. So from this perspective, how can one believe that there is a safe way to therapeutically do steroids? It seems to me that steroids are a one-way route and the reason people keep doing them is because they screw themselves over and can not naturally produce sufficient testosterone . So its do it once, do it for life. Im not sure i want to do steroids even if i hit my genetic potential, unless I plan on cycling then cruising. It just seems like a dumb idea to do steroids in general and I realize why people who have done them dont want to stop but i also dont understand whye would want tsucks.o begin unless you have the napoleon complex and your life just really sucks.
    Well your post was semi-intelligent until this comment in bold.....

    First of all..... each person body will react differently. Doing one cycle doesn't mean you will be fvcked up for life. There have been guys who went on TRT and came off and had test levels in the normal range. This is why a lot of research needs to be done before jumping into the world of aas. Unfortunately most kids will go balls in without research or understanding what they are doing and this is how people damage their bodies down the road. Using proper post cycle compounds can greatly minimize or even prevent the damage to natural test levels.

    Regarding depression..... Supposedly the "low test levels" cause depression..... now I myself have never been depressed when going into PCT but then again - I have no underlying issues and no history of depression to begin with. This is another reason why people need to know what they are doing BEFORE they jump into the water with both feet. This board is here to help those who know nothing about steroids. It's an educational tool to teach people how to prevent these things and also to advise people on how to SAFELY use aas. Those who have underlying issues SHOULD NOT use them. There are millions of people who drink alcohol..... most will go out on a weekend, drink, and get home safely and responsibly. There are a number of people though who will stray from the path and do dumb things. With everything we know about alcohol, it's dangers, and the number of deaths it causes - maybe you should find an alcohol forum and take up issue with them.

    People decide to use steroids for many reasons..... I don't know what brought you to this site. Maybe you wanted to try them ebcause you have a napolean complex..... or maybe you just have an agenda to come to a steroid board and try to "educate" people here or maybe just try to debate the members. While i'm sure there are people who use steroids tog et bigger because they have a napolean complex - thats not the case for many. I myself am 6'1" - I was an all around varsity athlete in highschool..... I assure you I had no napolean complex. I chose this path because I was not satisfied with the limits of the human body.

    Asking questions is fine..... if you want to understand a culture that you know nothing about thats cool. If you have an agenda or wish to put down members because YOU do not condone this lifestyle then don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Thanks for the curiosity - tell Don Hooten we said hello

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  3. #3
    gonebluffn is offline Associate Member
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    I think Haz pretty much covered it.

  4. #4
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    "I chose this path because I was not satisfied with the limits of the human body." -Hazard

  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I take steroids because I have an extremely small penis. I'm talking about 3/4 of an inch at full staff. I enjoy attracting women with my big muscles and ripped abs, then shattering there dreams in the bedroom. I also have humongous balls which make my penis look that much smaller, so a little testicular atrophy is a welcomed side effect.

  6. #6
    ddp2727's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard

    Well your post was semi-intelligent until this comment in bold.....

    First of all..... each person body will react differently. Doing one cycle doesn't mean you will be fvcked up for life. There have been guys who went on TRT and came off and had test levels in the normal range. This is why a lot of research needs to be done before jumping into the world of aas. Unfortunately most kids will go balls in without research or understanding what they are doing and this is how people damage their bodies down the road. Using proper post cycle compounds can greatly minimize or even prevent the damage to natural test levels.

    Regarding depression..... Supposedly the "low test levels" cause depression..... now I myself have never been depressed when going into PCT but then again - I have no underlying issues and no history of depression to begin with. This is another reason why people need to know what they are doing BEFORE they jump into the water with both feet. This board is here to help those who know nothing about steroids . It's an educational tool to teach people how to prevent these things and also to advise people on how to SAFELY use aas. Those who have underlying issues SHOULD NOT use them. There are millions of people who drink alcohol..... most will go out on a weekend, drink, and get home safely and responsibly. There are a number of people though who will stray from the path and do dumb things. With everything we know about alcohol, it's dangers, and the number of deaths it causes - maybe you should find an alcohol forum and take up issue with them.

    People decide to use steroids for many reasons..... I don't know what brought you to this site. Maybe you wanted to try them ebcause you have a napolean complex..... or maybe you just have an agenda to come to a steroid board and try to "educate" people here or maybe just try to debate the members. While i'm sure there are people who use steroids tog et bigger because they have a napolean complex - thats not the case for many. I myself am 6'1" - I was an all around varsity athlete in highschool..... I assure you I had no napolean complex. I chose this path because I was not satisfied with the limits of the human body.

    Asking questions is fine..... if you want to understand a culture that you know nothing about thats cool. If you have an agenda or wish to put down members because YOU do not condone this lifestyle then don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Thanks for the curiosity - tell Don Hooten we said hello

    Very well spoken sir. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  7. #7
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Sorry for sounding judgemental. I'm 6'2 215 lbs, 11% bf. I'm interested in doing a test-e cycle for 8-10 weeks at 500 mg a week. Just want to make sure I don't screw up a good thing. I'm not competing or anything but I would like to sit at 235 8 % bf without doing too many cycles and not damaging my hpta. Hopefully it can be done. I don't have any agenda I just want some good answers from people who faced a similar situation to mine. Thanks

  8. #8
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    Sorry for sounding judgemental. I'm 6'2 215 lbs, 11% bf. I'm interested in doing a test-e cycle for 8-10 weeks at 500 mg a week. Just want to make sure I don't screw up a good thing. I'm not competing or anything but I would like to sit at 235 8 % bf without doing too many cycles and not damaging my hpta. Hopefully it can be done. I don't have any agenda I just want some good answers from people who faced a similar situation to mine. Thanks
    Lol how old are you man? With the proper precautions, and a well balanced cycle and pct you should be fine. There are always going to be risks, you just need to decide if you are willing to take them.

  9. #9
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    25 yrs old

  10. #10
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Ok well I've heard and read everything that was said here but I guess nobody treats this "activity" as scientifically as theya claim it to be. At least not in this forum. I'd like to know concrete numbers, test levels before and after, cholesterol before during and after, blood pressure before and after. Lipid profiles before and after. Obviously I know you there are risks and exceptions to every rule, but I am not asking for general statements. "STEROIDS are a choice/ a serious decision/ should be taken after age 25/ shoukdi wantnt be abused/ should be followed by a proper pct/ there are risks involved." Come on I wasnt born yesterday, I know all these things. I want to know objective data, your observations, real experiences. I know that I probably wont get any answers that I already dont know or some generic dont cross the street without looking response, but I guess that's what I should expect.

  11. #11
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    And sorry im typing from a retarded droid.

  12. #12
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I take steroids because I have an extremely small penis. I'm talking about 3/4 of an inch at full staff. I enjoy attracting women with my big muscles and ripped abs, then shattering there dreams in the bedroom. I also have humongous balls which make my penis look that much smaller, so a little testicular atrophy is a welcomed side effect.
    I know youre kidding but this totally cracked me up

  13. #13
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed
    I take steroids because I have an extremely small penis. I'm talking about 3/4 of an inch at full staff. I enjoy attracting women with my big muscles and ripped abs, then shattering there dreams in the bedroom. I also have humongous balls which make my penis look that much smaller, so a little testicular atrophy is a welcomed side effect.
    Lol ......

  14. #14
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I know youre kidding but this totally cracked me up
    Breaking hearts out here! hahahahaha I loled typing that.

    To the op. In your first post you came off as an anti steroid troll and that is why you got some less than serious responses. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people on here that will be able to help you. I suggest you make a new thread with all of your questions and concerns. I myself have never had my blood ran. I will after I finish pct on my current cycle, but that is a ways off and of no use to you.

  15. #15
    brianlb98's Avatar
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    Don't forget about vanity, that's why I started taking them.

  16. #16
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    Ok well I've heard and read everything that was said here but I guess nobody treats this "activity" as scientifically as theya claim it to be. At least not in this forum. I'd like to know concrete numbers, test levels before and after, cholesterol before during and after, blood pressure before and after. Lipid profiles before and after. Obviously I know you there are risks and exceptions to every rule, but I am not asking for general statements. "STEROIDS are a choice/ a serious decision/ should be taken after age 25/ shoukdi wantnt be abused/ should be followed by a proper pct/ there are risks involved." Come on I wasnt born yesterday, I know all these things. I want to know objective data, your observations, real experiences. I know that I probably wont get any answers that I already dont know or some generic dont cross the street without looking response, but I guess that's what I should expect.
    There are no concrete answers that you seek. They dont exist as every person is different and will respond differently too AAS...The only thing you can do is educate yourself and make the choices you feel to be safe and beneficial.

  17. #17
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    Ok well I've heard and read everything that was said here but I guess nobody treats this "activity" as scientifically as theya claim it to be. At least not in this forum. I'd like to know concrete numbers, test levels before and after, cholesterol before during and after, blood pressure before and after. Lipid profiles before and after. Obviously I know you there are risks and exceptions to every rule, but I am not asking for general statements. "STEROIDS are a choice/ a serious decision/ should be taken after age 25/ shoukdi wantnt be abused/ should be followed by a proper pct/ there are risks involved." Come on I wasnt born yesterday, I know all these things. I want to know objective data, your observations, real experiences. I know that I probably wont get any answers that I already dont know or some generic dont cross the street without looking response, but I guess that's what I should expect.
    Thats kinda like asking "What's 3100 calories going to do to you?" That's the amount of daily calories I need to stay the same size I am but 3100 cal/day to someone else might turn them into a lard a$$. I cut on 2300 cal / day and that might be someone elses maintenance intake. Does that analogy make sense?

    How aas effects you will be vastly different than it affects another. All this forum can do is provide information so you can make the best educated decision you can knowing the risks involved.

  18. #18
    Brohim's Avatar
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    ummmm I don't think many ppl that use AAS do before and after bloods so asking for scientific data....yeah.

    IMO if you do a proper PCT using HCG and clomid/nolva your natural levels will recover for MOST people. I have no idea on the data on if it return's to pre-AAS level's or not. I know test level's decline anyway as we get older. Everyone responds differently so it would be hard to say. But, most guy's that need TRT were not educated on AAS use and/or were heavy user's over many year's. i.e. many compounds, lots of cycles, not enough time to allow proper HPTA recovery, too long of cycles, etc. Lot's of factor's to include. I think if someone uses just Test with 12 week cycles and uses the time on time off protocol along with aforementioned PCT then they will be better off than the abuser. You can abuse alcohol, cigs, sex, and AAS.

    If you are going to get involved with anything, you better be educated on the subject. This includes AAS.
    Last edited by Brohim; 01-03-2012 at 12:53 PM.

  19. #19
    havehotasianwife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I take steroids because I have an extremely small penis. I'm talking about 3/4 of an inch at full staff. I enjoy attracting women with my big muscles and ripped abs, then shattering there dreams in the bedroom. I also have humongous balls which make my penis look that much smaller, so a little testicular atrophy is a welcomed side effect.
    my wife likes my balls in there small "cold" position. plus the smaller the balls,, the bigger my shaft looks... just saying... haha.

    nice pic by the way ALEX! looking lean as venison...

  20. #20
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I have natural test levels in the 700 area. My lipids are excellent. PSA very low. As doc puts it "picture of health". Oh my vit d levels were low so he told me to take 2000iu's/day.
    I just fathered a son in july. Im 43 yrs old. Ive always been very prudent as far as ancillaries and always did appropriate pct (although years ago that just meant a few weeks of clomid). I always take adequate time off between cycles. Ive taken care of myself as far as diet and exerecise.
    You seem to be big on genetic predisposition - perhaps these experiences are indicative of mine - i dont know - but there is some first hand real world experience for you.

  21. #21
    Hazard's Avatar
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    You want concrete bloodwork..... why don't you run a search? Do the research yourself..... I'll even help you out and point you to a member called BJJ. Search some of his threads..... he has had bloodwork done on the regular. Before, durring, and after cycles.

    Personally..... I think you have an anti-steroid agenda and thats why you're here..... and you know what..... thats fine with me. You are certainly entitled to your opinion..... and you will be free to express your opinion as long as members of this site are not being put down.

    If you are looking for advice..... make a new thread. Do the research on your own..... if you are truely interested in using aas and you genuinely care about your health - you will research how to use them safely so you can form your own opinion on what risks are acceptible to you. Everything can be abused and misused...... when you first bought tylenol or cold medicine you read the lable didn't you? Just because that lable is there though doesn't mean it'll stop the highschool kids from downing 2-3 bottles of robotussin to get high.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  22. #22
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    ^^^ excellent post Haz...

  23. #23
    nikalexopoulos is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed
    I take steroids because I have an extremely small penis. I'm talking about 3/4 of an inch at full staff. I enjoy attracting women with my big muscles and ripped abs, then shattering there dreams in the bedroom. I also have humongous balls which make my penis look that much smaller, so a little testicular atrophy is a welcomed side effect.

  24. #24
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Thanks for the responses. I really don't have a problem with anything unless the thing in question is a lie. Like, for example, I waz taking creatine in my teens and early twenties. I weighed 235 at one point. All natural. My bf was 12-14%. I stopped taking the creatine and I dropped 10 lbs in a week and a half. I think that creatine is bull and I don't take it anymore. I'm just trying to see if steroids will do the same thing. I know I'll lose water weight and whatnot. I know you can't keep all of the gains made on cycle. But if I can go from 215 to 225 clean, and hold on to that, then I'd be happy.

    I read about guys that cycle blindly and go back to the weight they previously were before cycling. Thats a shame. And I don't want to hear about the sob stories of guys who fell off because they weren't dedicated enough. I am dedicated and I would do a cycle to see for myself what I can gain and keep.

    Jimmy, Haz, what have you guys kept after pct and onward? Did you take into account the muscle/ fat ratio? If you guys stopped cycling today, would you be happy with the gains you made and would you be able to maintain them naturally?

  25. #25
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoady View Post
    Thanks for the responses. I really don't have a problem with anything unless the thing in question is a lie. Like, for example, I waz taking creatine in my teens and early twenties. I weighed 235 at one point. All natural. My bf was 12-14%. I stopped taking the creatine and I dropped 10 lbs in a week and a half. I think that creatine is bull and I don't take it anymore. I'm just trying to see if steroids will do the same thing. I know I'll lose water weight and whatnot. I know you can't keep all of the gains made on cycle. But if I can go from 215 to 225 clean, and hold on to that, then I'd be happy. Who wouldnt be? In all honesty I dont know that this can be achieved in one cycle(the keeping forever part). People throw around ridiculous numbers (not you) out of ignorance and misplaced desires. I hear guys talk of 25-35 lb gains - all muscle and I know they are delusional. They dont factor in water and bodyfat etc. If one is truely honest a 10lb gain in muscle with the same bodyfat is an absolutely amazing transformation - not to be thrown around lightly. Can u gain 10 lbs of muscle - yes; can u keep that forever- i dunno.

    I read about guys that cycle blindly and go back to the weight they previously were before cycling. Thats a shame. And I don't want to hear about the sob stories of guys who fell off because they weren't dedicated enough. I am dedicated and I would do a cycle to see for myself what I can gain and keep.

    Jimmy, Haz, what have you guys kept after pct and onward? Did you take into account the muscle/ fat ratio? If you guys stopped cycling today, would you be happy with the gains you made and would you be able to maintain them naturally?
    Gains have varied - I always take into account bf etc. Im very realistic. Ive been forced into long layoff due to sereious injury - im talking confined to a wheelchair injury- about a year total recovery. Without working out or cycling I KNOW i was still ahead of the game as far as the amount of muscle I retained.

    You know there is such a thing as balance. When I entered this lifestyle it was because I was a fat slob and it became a matter of health. Then it progressed to almost obsession. Now I have other priorities - the lifestyle is a constant - but it doesnt, nor will it ever, pay my bills. Would I be happy if I coulnt cycle ever again- yes I think so. I dont go crazy overboard anymore anyway. I have a family - a good life - I look better than guys half my age. As my ex wife put it after my injury/layoff " It looks like you would never be small". I think as long as I continued working out and eating well - she was prob correct - cycling or not.

    Whether you ever cycle or not the important thing imo is to keep a good perspective on what this lifestyle will and will not afford you in life and base your decisions accordingly. Im pretty content with myself - i live the way I do because it does make me feel better about myself - but I dont base that off of how big i am. How big am I - big enough. How strong am I - strong enough. How happy am I with me and my life - more than happy enough.
    This doesnt mean I dont set goals and work hard - I do. I just reap the rewards of the journey and the destination is a bonus.

  26. #26
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Gains have varied - I always take into account bf etc. Im very realistic. Ive been forced into long layoff due to sereious injury - im talking confined to a wheelchair injury- about a year total recovery. Without working out or cycling I KNOW i was still ahead of the game as far as the amount of muscle I retained.

    You know there is such a thing as balance. When I entered this lifestyle it was because I was a fat slob and it became a matter of health. Then it progressed to almost obsession. Now I have other priorities - the lifestyle is a constant - but it doesnt, nor will it ever, pay my bills. Would I be happy if I coulnt cycle ever again- yes I think so. I dont go crazy overboard anymore anyway. I have a family - a good life - I look better than guys half my age. As my ex wife put it after my injury/layoff " It looks like you would never be small". I think as long as I continued working out and eating well - she was prob correct - cycling or not.

    Whether you ever cycle or not the important thing imo is to keep a good perspective on what this lifestyle will and will not afford you in life and base your decisions accordingly. Im pretty content with myself - i live the way I do because it does make me feel better about myself - but I dont base that off of how big i am. How big am I - big enough. How strong am I - strong enough. How happy am I with me and my life - more than happy enough.
    This doesnt mean I dont set goals and work hard - I do. I just reap the rewards of the journey and the destination is a bonus.
    Good post.....

    I started out at 175lbs..... got to 200lbs naturally and have been up to almost 260lbs at my peak when everything was on point. I had a 6+ month lay off and never went below 225lbs.

    No one can really give you a sure fire answer on what you are looking to hear. How much you gain and lose depends on soooo many factors. The biggest factor is going to be your genetic make up. It's hard for a body to gain 10-20lbs in 12 weeks and then hold that weight while going through PCT. you SHOULD retain some gains for sure..... how much you retain depends on genetics, food, training, etc. There WILL be a point where you just CAN NOT retain the gains you have made. At some point.... it will take superhuman ammounts of testosterone to hold onto the weight. Where that point is though will vary from person to person.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  27. #27
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Search through the member journals, there is plenty of info for you to decipher. However what you sound like you want is scientific data, actual studies done using large amounts of test and other compounds. Unfortunately this isn't allowed in the US. I think it is an area of science that should be explored, anything to do with how the body reacts its potential and the like. There are some studies done as it pertains to trt and anti aging and you will find blood work to go with it, but this really has nothing to do with going back to normal levels. I sometimes wonder if its possible for me to run a cycle with proper PCT, and come back with higher T, this is coming from someone with low T having never done a cycle but thinks something caused T levels to drop over the past half decade and moreso recent years.

    If you are worried about messing with a good thing, then don't bother, but you could be like others who maintain their natural levels well. I think the psychological effect of wanting to be like you were on cycle will keep you doing it, and make you feel worse when not doing it. At least I would respond that way.

  28. #28
    TruRelign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Gains have varied - I always take into account bf etc. Im very realistic. Ive been forced into long layoff due to sereious injury - im talking confined to a wheelchair injury- about a year total recovery. Without working out or cycling I KNOW i was still ahead of the game as far as the amount of muscle I retained.

    You know there is such a thing as balance. When I entered this lifestyle it was because I was a fat slob and it became a matter of health. Then it progressed to almost obsession. Now I have other priorities - the lifestyle is a constant - but it doesnt, nor will it ever, pay my bills. Would I be happy if I coulnt cycle ever again- yes I think so. I dont go crazy overboard anymore anyway. I have a family - a good life - I look better than guys half my age. As my ex wife put it after my injury/layoff " It looks like you would never be small". I think as long as I continued working out and eating well - she was prob correct - cycling or not.

    Whether you ever cycle or not the important thing imo is to keep a good perspective on what this lifestyle will and will not afford you in life and base your decisions accordingly. Im pretty content with myself - i live the way I do because it does make me feel better about myself - but I dont base that off of how big i am. How big am I - big enough. How strong am I - strong enough. How happy am I with me and my life - more than happy enough.
    This doesnt mean I dont set goals and work hard - I do. I just reap the rewards of the journey and the destination is a bonus.
    you're my hero bro lol

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