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  1. #1
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011

    Exclamation Criticize my FIRST CYCLE

    Hi all.. I'm in my fourth week of my first cycle, and i want to get your expert input/feedback.

    Cycle Duration: 8 weeks, 5 days on and 2 days off
    Steroids : Test Prop, Test Cypon, Primo, oxymethanol (Anabolan 50).
    Injection Schedule:
    Day 1 (Primo 1ml +Prop 2ml +Anabolan 100mg)
    Day 2 (Cypon 2ml +Anabolan 100mg)
    Day 3 (Primo 1ml +Anabolan 100mg)
    Day 4 (Prop 2ml +Anabolan 100mg)
    Day 5 (Primo 1ml +Cypo 2ml +Anabolan 100mg)
    Day 6 OFF
    Day 7 OFF

    + HGH: 2iu before bed & 2iu morning (with 100mcg levothyroxine sodium) every day for 5 days and 2 days off

    + Liv-52: 2 tabs morning & 2 tabs before bed, 5ed 2 OFF.

    Also, i have Nolvadex , but i thought of using it after the cycle (in the PCT along with pregnyl).

    I am 27yo, Height: 186 cm, Weight: 95Kg, with lean body and good muscle structure, i have some fats in the abdominal part of my body. My Goal is to build lean muscle size and then i plan to go into a cutting cycle in April.

    Please give your input..

  2. #2
    TheClinch's Avatar
    TheClinch is offline Senior Member
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    Bad first cycle. Too many compounds. If any complications arise while you learn how you react to the compounds you wont know which is the culprit.

  3. #3
    TheClinch's Avatar
    TheClinch is offline Senior Member
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    Do you know what an AI and SERM is?

  4. #4
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    you should have put cycle up before you started this cycle. That cycle is crap for a first cycle.

    no need to run two types of test. Prop needs to be injected ed or eod not as you have planned cause its a short acting ester. Test cyp needs to be injected e3.5 days and run no shorted than 10 weeks. HGH needs to be run ed for at least 4 months before getting correct results. And your pct needs to be adjusted.

    you should start with just test for a first cycle because you don't know which compound will be the cause of side effects.

    just run test cyp for 12 weeks. Inject e3.5days. Run nolva / Clomid pct.

  5. #5
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    No !! not sure

  6. #6
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    No !! not sure

  7. #7
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help..

    Since you have said that i'd better use one test only, which one is best for muscle size buildup, is it prop or cyp ??

    regarding HGH, my plan is for 3 month cycle and i can easily extend it for 4 month.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Test is test so just pick one.HGH is a waste unless you run it for at least 6 mos.Wat are your stats? traing history?

  9. #9
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    iam 27Yo, H 186cm, W 95KG, 22% Fat
    I've been training for 3 years continous... but i started going to the gym before 9 years

  10. #10
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    22% bf leads me to believe your diet is way off. I would get that in check before you start a cycle.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    As a first cycle, i'd say it is terrible! You said criticize so i'm just telling you like it is.
    First, it should have been test only with nothing else in there so you can see for yourself what testosterone does to your body
    Second, the cycle should have been 12 weeks, not 8 weeks.
    Third, just eyeballing your test dose rate, it looks like you are taking too much test for a first cycle. Typically you should be administering about 500mg week, give or take.
    I'll let someone else review your PCT protocol. I trt instead of pct, so i'll let someone else discuss with actual experience.
    4th, HGH is 6months minimum. very slow acting. should wait until after a first cycle, so there is no doubt the test only has on you.

    more thoughts...
    how long have you been working out?
    how does your diet look? macros?
    know anything about your BMR/TDEE? How many cals above that are you consuming?
    what does your lifting routine look like?

    I ask all this because AAS is the final thing to put in place after you have built your natural foundation.
    for example, if you are not eating right, little gains can be expected, and what you do gain, will dissipate soon after you end your cycle. this is truer than you think.

    Anyways, it's good you asked the question. We all start out asking questions just like you did. With time and knowledge, through constant reading the material we have here, and through experience, the answers to questions such as this will become second nature to you.

    Good luck!

  12. #12
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    agree with above..and yes your diet/cardio needs some adjustments....

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would stop the cycle and run a pct and recover from a awful first cycle, no need to try and salvage anything from that cycle IMHO. You should ask questions first and not on your 4th week.

    You also have to much bf to be cycling, stop the cycle and go to the diet section and start eating correctly to suit your goals.

  14. #14
    mibrahim is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    Roman and the rest... thank you all for the help.

    Its really helpful, and i guess i will complete the cycle with prop & Primo only.

    here is my pics before starting the cycle.
    Criticize my FIRST CYCLE-img_0221_2.jpg Criticize my FIRST CYCLE-img_0222_2.jpg

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