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  1. #1
    gillchase is offline New Member
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    Is this good advice

    I'll start by giving a bit of background.

    Age 35
    BF: 27%

    Im wanting to do a cycle to kickstart my weight loss and return to good conditioning.
    Can anyone with a bit of experience and knowledge comment on the following as I'm really interested in the connection between certain gear and its effect on weight loss.

    Im a new member so not allowed to post links, therefore Ive cut a bit of key text from the article below.

    Cutting-Shredding-Theoretical Principles Behind Choosing the Best Anabolics for Fat-Loss

    ....One of the best ways to get lean is to increase your muscle mass. The more mass on your body, the easier it will be to burn calories and create a deficit which will force your body to pull from its fat stores. An interesting note about body-fat or what scientists like to call, “adipocytes”, is that adipocytes like aromatase. They house it and help produce it. Does that mean the fatter you are, the more estrogen your body will convert from the anabolic steroids you use? Probably.

    ....In any case, body-fat and estrogen are good buddies. We want to disrupt their relationship as much as possible so that we can get both of them to move out of our space.

    ........we want to create an environment and metabolism that has very little of both. Enter non-aromatizing anabolic steroids . Here are your primary choices:


  2. #2
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Half truth to article. Alot of other factors to take into consideration.
    But a better way for your situation is to train and diet naturally for 3 years at least. You should be able to drop to 13% bf and get your body ready for AAS in 3 years.

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    People with excessive BF, usually hav hi BP, steroids with further raise ur BP, putting u @ greater risk of heart attack. Also, the likelihood & severity of Gyno. is greater.

  4. #4
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    does not sound good to me,

    27% is high, i think you could lower it to 15% within a year if you trained and ate correwctly for a year and maybe with the help of some cutting drugs although many would not recomend this on here, I know if i were 27pc i know what i would do, diet and exercise is a MUST ! but within a year you may not be ready foe gear if yopu have never trained befoer

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