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  1. #1
    chris0283 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Could use some advice on my first cycle.....please advise if you can

    Whats up guys, Im 27 and I have been researching about steroids for about 2 years now....I am 6'3, and fluctuate between 175-180 daily. I take in about 4k calories a day, do heavy weights, low reps, and follow a good weight lifting regime. I have been training, for about 4 years now heavily, and just cant seem to get that extra edge I have been looking for. I just recently did my first injection of test e this afternoon....and still wondering about the PCT...Im doing 250mg twice a week, and see responses differentiate from website to should you start a PCT daily or do you start it after the last injection of your 12 week cycle? I was going to start off with 250 mg a week, but heard that its basically just replacing your natural testosterone , so its just a wash really....any help would greatly be appreciated, since this is my first cycle.

  2. #2
    WSC786 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    There are so many things wrong with this I'll put them in point form for you.
    1) your 6'3" and 180lbs on a good day. U have aserious issue with your diet. Post it here or in diet section.
    2) I really don't think your eating 4k calories. Are u tracking your calories? What is your macro breakdown?
    3) you don't start a cycle and them wonder about pct. That's offense. Pct for test e should start 14 days after last injection.
    4) 250mg's is enough to grow on for a first cycle but u are right most people do 500.
    5) you definitely don't produce 250mg's of test naturally. If u did there would be a lot more bigger guys walking

    If I were u I would not shoot anymore. Research a proper pct (which can be done on this website). Start tracking all your calories for a while to see exactly what u r taking in, in a day. Read about hcg which I recommend everyone should use. It helps u recovery faster once u come off. Look into an AI to take while on test e to help reduce water retention and combat gyno if it arises.
    Read ask questions then read again and ask more questions. Knowlegde is king. People on here will help u if you r willing to put the effort into research.

    Good luck

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