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  1. #1
    Porky's Avatar
    Porky is offline Junior Member
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    what would you do?

    hey fellas ,

    im 22 , 5 foot 8 and 190 pounds, ive done 3 cycles of prohormones without proper pct in the past so at this point in time i have low test levels (232) and my estrogen level is at 50 . my blood work was done 12/15/11 . i have been really sluggish ,and my workouts are no where near as good as they were . i also have minimal gyno. i dont want to feel like this during the summer in az because i work outside and would like to work out afterward like i did last summer while on phs .i eat six meals a day and would like to know if doing another cycle with proper pct sometime in the future prefferably before it gets really hot is a bad idea?

    if i do a proper pct and run some sort of estrogen blocker will my gyno get worse? i hate this sluggish feeling i have been having and i just really need some advice.

  2. #2
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Each time you do a cycle, PCT or not, your natty levels will drop a bit. Your HPTA cannot heal to previous levels. That's like saying is a used car ever gonna be like new. Of course not. How long after you did your last hormone cycle did you check your test levels? 6 months? It can take quite a while for your levels to get back in shape. It's hard for anyone to tell you advice when we don't know what your test levels were before you cycled. I don't think hopping on another cycle will help anything. If you do, please do HCG while on cycle and start it two weeks after your first injection and end it a couple of weeks after your last.

    As far as gyno goes, there isn't much you can do if you indeed have a little gyno. I'm not 100%, but I would assume that a little of what you think is gyno is fat also. Now if you're under 9% bf and you still have titties, then I'd say it might be gyno. The only way you can really tell without going to the doctor is by losing some of that fat and then evaluating yourself.

    Any time you do a cycle you have to see the short term benefits within a long term perspective. Doing a cycle will not solve any gyno problems and wont raise your natty levels. This is why a lot of guys never get off... It's hard to face the fact that you might have done irreparable damage. I'd say see your doctor and get his opinion.

  3. #3
    Porky's Avatar
    Porky is offline Junior Member
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    i was very stupid when i forst started prohormones and didnt have my bloodwork done beforehand, i ended my last cycle in october, so 2 months after i had some blood work done. i know it will take sometime to bounce back if its going to but i am desperate to get some of that drive back that i had while on prohormones. my gyno is alot of fat and its not really bad but noticable. my bodyfat % is higher than usual atm because my diet isnt super clean , im a hard gainer to begin with and had to work hard to get to 190.

    i just want to have alot of energy for the summer so i can maintain on what ive already built. pre workouts lose their potency very quickly. i have been taking black widow 25 an ephedra pill that gives you alot of energy but it also makes me feel a bit like a tweaker/ crackhead so i have stopped taking it and im just really mushy if you know what i mean and i just want to feel better, some people said to get hrt but if im going to do that why not just start a real cycle?

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