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Thread: Which AIs + PCT

  1. #1
    UFO is offline New Member
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    Which AIs + PCT

    I am getting ready to try a Test only cycle...MAYBE stacked with deca , all depending on if I get the deca soon. I have run about 6 cycles over the past 18 mos (deca,tren ace,dbol and several test) but have NEVER used an AI during, or hcg during. Lets just say I was not well informed by the guys I got gear from. Although I never had any problems while running any of these cycles even without AIs or HCG apart from my pct, I do want to do it 100% right this time. Would 25mg Clomid and novla tabs + several 5000iu amps of HCG be a good start or should I add something like anastrozole? Should I definitely be running the HCG during cycle and only take an AI as needed or take one anyway? Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    Nuzzi is offline Associate Member
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    dude.....where do i start. you need to do some research, 6 cycles in a year and a half? all wrong.

  3. #3
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UFO View Post
    I am getting ready to try a Test only cycle...MAYBE stacked with deca, all depending on if I get the deca soon. I have run about 6 cycles over the past 18 mos (deca,tren ace,dbol and several test) but have NEVER used an AI during, or hcg during. Lets just say I was not well informed by the guys I got gear from. Although I never had any problems while running any of these cycles even without AIs or HCG apart from my pct, I do want to do it 100% right this time. Would 25mg Clomid and novla tabs + several 5000iu amps of HCG be a good start or should I add something like anastrozole? Should I definitely be running the HCG during cycle and only take an AI as needed or take one anyway? Thanks for any help.
    you can't be serious... deca , tren , dbol , test and no AIs, PCT or HCG ? not to mention you have to watch your prolactin levels when you're on either deca or trenbolone ...

  4. #4
    UFO is offline New Member
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    I hear you, like I said I was not well informed and didn't know until recently there was such a good online community and source of info for using gear. I just didnt know and was not told I needed anything other than the actual gear. I did use HCG , but not until my PCT and that was all I used...I know dudes trust me. Dont need to bash me for whats already been done, I'm trying to change that and do shit properly this time. At least I didnt get nasty side effects, just lost a lot of my gains. As for the 6 cycles...I wouldnt say they were genuine cycles...some would just be small doses of test that I would bridge between a cycle. Anyway I know now that what I did was retarded and dangerous. Trying to change that so any help is appreciated.

  5. #5
    UFO is offline New Member
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    I feel dumb for my lack of research on this. Now that I have done some of my own reading rather than taking the advice of the guys in the gym that run gear all year and are most likely just trying to keep me around for sales...I'm wondering if I've screwed my hpta or body up? I ran test constant for almost a year along with other gear...I started at 23 years old, had been training hard for 2 years prior. My only pct was HCG for 2 1/2 weeks. Man this sounds like a disaster now. With that said...I saw NO side effects while on cycle besides a little acne, insomnia and a very small amount of hair growth. I have now been off for 6 months. I lost a lot of my gains when I came off, but have since gained a lot. My diet and training is the same as when on cycle minus a lot of strength loss. Sex drive is normal, not depressed or anything like that. I feel normal and look normal. Am I just lucky that my body responded so well to the gear or are there steps I need to take now to fully recover? Kinda lost here, thanks for any help.
    Last edited by UFO; 01-16-2012 at 12:55 PM.

  6. #6
    27300man is offline Associate Member
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    I'm no pro but i do tons of reading on this shit everyday. You can look at my AI/PCT for my next cycle and if you like it copy it, if not do some research then I'm sure you'll find one for you. Mine is pretty basic and it'll go like this:
    AI: [email protected] EOD (entire cycle)
    HCG : 250ui x2/Week
    PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Tore 120/120/60/60
    ex; I'll be taking 40mg of Nolva everyday for two weeks then 20mg everyday the next two weeks

  7. #7
    UFO is offline New Member
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    Sounds good thanks for the input...what kind of cycle are you running? I had already ordered clomid novla and anastrozole...still working on the hcg .

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Don't copy someone else's PCT, your PCT and ancillaries should be based off of the compounds and dosages that you're gonna run.

    If I were you, I'd go get a full blood panel run and make sure you're healthy and that you're HPTA is functioning before considering another cycle. That's a lot of gear in a short time at a young age and with no PCT hopefully you haven't done any permanent damage. If your Dr won't order a full blood panel then go through one of the online blood testing companies. They're relatively inexpensive, discreet, and nothing will be reported on your medical records. I use directlabs dot com.

  9. #9
    27300man is offline Associate Member
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    I've been going back and forth on what dose to run but as of right now I'll be running test prop only 100mg everyday, so 700mg/week. With Clen during the 1st two weeks of PCT.
    I might up the Test dose.

  10. #10
    27300man is offline Associate Member
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    Go read swiftos sticky in the PCT section. That helps a lot.

  11. #11
    UFO is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input. Def checking out the blood work, but my only concern is... after running cycles that long, is 6 mos(technically 5 1/2) long enough for my body to get back to normal test levels so that I would have an accurate test?

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