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  1. #1
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004

    BLOOD TEST RESULTS: Here's what Winstrol REALLY does to your liver....

    eh...not much Cardiac stuff was worse than liver, tho some of that is secondary to liver stress but some because of estrogen inhibition, though estrogen was still in normal range. Ok heres the numbers. But I'm also going to compare it to a otc roid "max lmg" that my brother used awhile back...check it out mofos!

    WINSTROL 50MGS a day oral (25 2x/day) x 7wks
    test c 400mg wk
    Letro 2.5/day
    Result Range
    AST(SGOT).....................45 0-40
    ALT(SGPT)......................86 0-55
    TOTAL CHOLESTEROL.......213 100-199
    HDL...............................19 >39
    LDL................................183 0-99
    VLDL..............................11 5-40
    CRP................................11.39 0.00-3.00
    HOMOCYSTEINE................6.5 0.0-15.0

    Compared to my brothers 8 wks of
    MAX lmg 100mg/day oral
    test prop 100mg eod
    adex 1mg/day

    AST(SGOT)..................390! High 0-40
    ALT(SGPT)...................963 Alert 0-55
    TOTAL cHOLESTEROL....193 100-199
    HDL.............................25 >39
    LDL..............................156 0-99
    VLDL.............................12 5-40

    HIS didnt have homocysteine or CRP

    Ok, now ya know. granted dosagees were not the same but still, even if i had doubled the dose of winny, i dont think it would have equaled the damage max lmg by Alri did.

    Moral of the Story.....stick to REAL gear! Otc stuff is EXPERIMENTAL.

  2. #2
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    yes you are correct otc ph's are harsh on liver but you are implying that the result you had is going to be the norm for everyone, this is not the case as everyone is different and responds differently

  3. #3
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    well of course, but it is what it is. take it for what it is

  4. #4
    DanB is offline Banned
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    post proelia praemia
    yes and i have, and i thank you for posting the labs, i was just pointing it out as some newbies here have a habit of seeing something that they can use to suit their arguement and latching on to it

  5. #5
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2004
    It did destroy ur good cholesterol lol..... anavar is like that too..... fvckin hate it

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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