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Thread: T400/Tren Cycle

  1. #1
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    T400/Tren Cycle

    Hey guys, I have some questions about how to run my next cycle. I have T400 and Tren A, 25mls of each. I was planning on doing an 8-10 week cycle, at 800 test/week and 100 Tren EOD. I'd like to to use prop, but not sure if I can get it before I want to start. I was thinking of running my T400 a few weeks before the tren, to give it time to kick in. When I start my tren, I will break my T400 shots up and go EOD to avoid less sticks. Also running HCG at 500 iu 2-3x/week. (I usually shut down pretty hard) I'm VERY gyno prone and adex didn't touch my gyno on my last cycle of T400/Deca , only nolva and letro were able to control it. What do you guys recommend for ai/serms while on cycle? Also what about caber/prami for the prolactin? Below are my stats:
    5'9 223lbs, 14% bf, 24 years old, cycling for a while now and I plan to drop some more bf before I start the cycle in March. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Before I get into are 24 correct? How much cycle experience do you have to run tren ? There is a bunch of issues to touch on.I think that you need to read abit more before you run anything. AI's are used on cycle.Serms are for pct...Help us out so we can help you better.How do you usually run hcg ?I am somewhat confused here.......



  4. #4
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    I know I started early, but I did my first cycle at 18. Some of the older bodybuilders kind of took me under their wing and helped me out. Although now I see I should have waited, but I've been fortunate to have pretty normal recovery. So about 6 years of cycling. I've usually done 2 cycles a year until I was 22, then I started putting in about 3 per year between 8-12 weeks. The serms I have used for PCT, but the nolva helped my gyno more than the adex while on cycle, until I used letro. I dont wanna jump the gun and use letro from the start, but adex just hasn't cut it for me when it comes to the onset of gyno, that's why I asking about aromasin . As for the tren , I've done 2 cycles of Tren E and 1 of Tren A, this will be the first tren cycle in 2 years. Usually, I blast hcg the last few weeks of a cycle, but I was gonna try and run it throughout to avoid a shutdown at 500iu 2x/week.

  5. #5
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    I'd like to hear what the Vets would say to your question. You've done some heavy cycles at your young age.

  6. #6
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I'd like to hear what the Vets would say to your question. You've done some heavy cycles at your young age.
    I'd like to hear what they have to say too. So far, I've been one of the lucky ones as far as recovery goes (except one time when I got bunk PCT). When you're 18 and the local bodybuilders are encouraging you to use, talking about all of your portential, telling you it'll be fine, you kind of just get sucked right into it. I know i'm probably not the only one guilty of that. Luckily, i've done research the past 2 years and done smarter cycles, when before I was just taking their word for it. The reason I started this thread is just trying to get a good idea of how to mix long/short acting esters without getting a shutdown from the Tren kicking in first. Also about aromasin since I need something other than letro to help with my nips.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    can you lay out your cycle clearer.
    like week 1-10 CXXXX
    2-8 XXXXX whatever you see what i mean

    for some people aromasin works better then a-dex
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Week 1-3- T400 2x a week, 800mg week
    Week 4-10 T400 EOD (still for 800 mg/week), Tren A 100mg EOD
    Week 7-10 Winstrol 50mg/ED
    Week 1-10 HCG 500iu 2-3x/week
    Week 1-10 Some sort of AI, whichever we agree on that will work best for me

    *If I can get my hands on prop, i'll be using it instead of the T400

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddawg View Post
    Week 1-2- T400 2x a week, 800mg week
    Week 3-9 T400 EOD (still for 800 mg/week), Tren A 100mg EOD
    Week 10 T 400 800mg
    Week 9-12 Winstrol 50mg/ED
    Week 1-10 HCG 500iu 2-3x/week
    Week 1-10 Some sort of AI, whichever we agree on that will work best for me

    *If I can get my hands on prop, i'll be using it instead of the T400
    see my changes in bold. i moved the tren to give it more of a chance to clear when you come off to help you recover after. And changed the winny to run it up to start of pct.
    Start pct week 13
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome, thanks a ton bro...If by some chance I get the prop, how should I change the tren /win? I know my pct will start 3 days after the last prop shot if so.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i would keep the you could start the tren week 1 and then end it earlier to clear even more. Then put the winny back the way you originally had it
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    K. Still having a hard time deciding on keeping the T400 or finding Prop and switching. Part of me wants to be done in 8 weeks, but on the contrary I love T400. I just usually bloat a lot from it, but maybe since I'll be on a cut this time, taking Tren and an AI, I won't bloat AS bad? Any thoughts on helping me choose between Prop and T400?

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i dont notice alot of bloat difference between esters. a good diet and an ai should make a big difference on bloating
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Gotcha. I plan on keeping sodium low also and will probably give aromasin a try at 12.5mg ED. If it doesn't work, I'll pull out the letro again.

  15. #15
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Just an update...I've decided to run the Prop w/ Tren and save the T400. Also, should I run Caber during the cycle along with aromasin ?

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