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  1. #1
    Mafio400's Avatar
    Mafio400 is offline Junior Member
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    Can you gain lean body mass while losing BF%?


    Is it possible to gain lean body mass while losing BF%? Im currently at 18% BF and will be working my way down over the next 4-6 week before I add my test 500/week. My last(1st) cycle i gained 30 lbs(Up to 244lbs).. but i was eating everything in site! (put on a ton of muscle but also BF)... Ive been on a strict diet.. But my weight is at 226lbs and when I start the test I'd like to be at 216-218lbs but I want to make sure I don't gain more then 15lbs on my second cycle. If I include 60min cardio 4-5x week with a strict diet...

    .. Is this achievable?

    -I know everyone says its gaining or cutting.. Id like to have some small gains while losing BF%.. & in general look better.

    26years old
    BF% 18
    Bench Press: 375lbs
    Squats: ? - Bad Knee

    Help a guy out!

  2. #2
    arico is offline Banned
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    pretty sure someone told me sus250 will do that to you, i mean it is best to use sus in a bulking cycle but i heard it cuts bf aswell

  3. #3
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arico View Post
    pretty sure someone told me sus250 will do that to you, i mean it is best to use sus in a bulking cycle but i heard it cuts bf aswell
    Lol where did you get that from? Any type of test you use should help lose a little bf% depending on diet ofcourse.

    OP, you can lose bf% and gain muscle at the same time but that all depends on diet, cardio and compounds you use. If you're trying to lose bf dont expect too much lean gains. IMO try to get your bf% to where you want it then start a lean bulk.

  4. #4
    arico is offline Banned
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    just heard it from somewhere lol cant member where

  5. #5
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Yes its called propinate and avavar and diet....head to the diet section

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Of course you can. Cardio is always important but diet is the key.

  7. #7
    arico is offline Banned
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    i cant see how u could ??? To gain muscle u need to be in a cal surplus, to lose bodyfat u need to be in a deficency. Go figure? Unless of course perhaps there is some sort of juice combo?I always thought sus250 coz i knew a guy who was on it that was eating 4000k a day and was lean and big and shredded as ****

  8. #8
    Deltasaurus's Avatar
    Deltasaurus is offline The Over Analyzing Nattabolic
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    if u start with high bodyfat u can do it

    i lost 4% bodyfat and put on 2lbs of muscle naturally

    takes more time thought since the goals do not compliment each other what so ever

  9. #9
    ifthatswhatittakes is offline New Member
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    Man, I eat like a horse and am putting lean mass on. I am only on a test C cycle. I just eat the wright fooods and kill it in the gym. You will find that weight comes on but the scale wont move a lot. TEST helps yuou burn fat if you do it the correct way. Dont be affraid to eat.

  10. #10
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arico View Post
    pretty sure someone told me sus250 will do that to you, i mean it is best to use sus in a bulking cycle but i heard it cuts bf aswell
    It also makes you a crazy good fighter, the stuff is magic. To the op I think with the right doses and compounds it is possible. I feel that I am making this happen right now but I am running a health dose of gear for my size.

  11. #11
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I always lose some body fat on a bulking cycle, but I also consume quality foods and stay away from simple carbs and saturated fats, and I do plenty of cardio in the form of martial arts training. When your diet is in check it's only natural that you're going to lose body fat if you're exercising even harder than you were off-cycle, but I guess I'm only reemphasizing what the above posters stated.

  12. #12
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    loosing fat and gaining muscle, one world. TREN (not for first time users)

    hgh and tren come to my mind when cutting fat and gaining muscle, of course while using a testosterone as well as anavar to a lesser degree

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