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  1. #1
    Airnzah is offline Junior Member
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    Second Cycle. Few Questions..

    This is going to be my second cycle (technically 3rd, but I don't even wanna talk about the first one). First was a Test Cyp only cycle for 12 weeks, 400mgs/week, back in 2010. Gained around 18lbs, kept I think 10lbs after PCT. I'm starting to gradually up my calories now, pretty much did a cut & stayed at maintenance the whole of 2011.

    BTW stats:

    5'6 1/2
    currently @ 170lbs
    lifting for somewhat a good 9 years
    noob weight @ 115lbs; my heaviest was @ 190lbs

    Anyways, I'm looking to do a Test E/Deca cycle this time. I like to keep things simple.

    Test E = 500mgs = 12weeks

    Deca = 300mgs = 10weeks

    I guess my questions will be these:

    1. Pretty much the sides I encountered were only "backne", w/c was pretty bad, & bloated as fuark. Since I'm also doing Deca, figured it'll be worse. So I'm gonna be adding Adex. Is .25mg EOD best? Based from what I've read, is there really any difference if you dose it .25mg/eod, or .50mg/e3d, or just 1 tab a week? Also, should I run it the whole cycle, or just when the bloat kicks?

    2. For acne sides, anyone have tried using Pantothenic acid (Vit. B5)? It's cheap & natural, & it does the job based on some friends who have used it (non-trainers). & it's all over the net too

    3. My PCT from my last cycle was a simple Clomid = 50mg and Nolva = 20mg for the whole month, 2 weeks after the last shot. I came off well, naturally weight & strength dropped a bit (probably because I kept the same diet post cycle). Should I make any difference this time?

    4. Is HCG really necessary? It's kinda hard to get a hold of that where I'm from. Most sources basically don't use them.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    1. Adex at 0.25 EOD is a good start... If problems arise you can increase

    2. Pass

    3. I run the following and it works well for me even on 19nors

    Nolva 40 20 20 20 20 20
    Clomid 100 50 25 25 25 25

    4. HCG is advised by many and for good reason.... Especially while on a heavily suppressive drug like nandrolone ... I would run it at 250IU x3 per week and ramp it for the last 10 days or so, run up untill 4 days b4 PCT

  3. #3
    Airnzah is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2007
    ^^ Thanks for the reply bro..

    On your PCT, you do it for 6 weeks?

    & regarding HCG , it isn't mandatory, isn't it? But yeah, I'll try to get a hold of some as well.

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airnzah View Post
    ^^ Thanks for the reply bro..

    On your PCT, you do it for 6 weeks?

    & regarding HCG, it isn't mandatory, isn't it? But yeah, I'll try to get a hold of some as well.
    Yeh PCT for 6 weeks

    HCG is not mandatory, just advised

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