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  1. #1
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Cool PCT With or After Cycle or Both?

    How you doing guys just want to know a bit about PCT.

    Ive been reading up on Cycle etc for newbies and thinking about going with something ive read on here

    Cycle 3:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after last Enan injection

    In this Cycle it says 1-12 Nolvadex 10mg ED But when ive read up you also are saying your PCT should be like this After you Cycle ends??

    Week 1: 40mg every day
    Week 2: 40mg every day
    Week 3: 20mg every day
    Week 4: 20mg every day

    And also What is L-Dex.

    I know im a newbie but everyone starts some where. Ive seen so meny guys on here looking for advice on first Cycles and yous always say you need to be this size etc before doing one which is alot of tosh. My mate was like a twig before he started a Cycle now hes like a brick shit house n he's just finished his Cycle, So all this you need a base to start on is alot of nonsense.

    Hope some can help

    Last edited by BryanS1987; 02-19-2012 at 10:46 PM.

  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
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    we need stats

  3. #3
    BryanS1987's Avatar
    BryanS1987 is offline New Member
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    Im just over 13 stone
    Last time i checked i was about 8/10% bf
    My goals are to get bigger like any1 wanting to use steriods .

    Anything else ive missed?

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    when do you turn 25, and are you sure you want to take the pludge over to the dark side..
    and it sounds like a good diet will help you out alot.. you only weight 180lbs at 6'3....I would go more natural first..

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
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    when do you turn 25, and are you sure you want to take the pludge over to the dark side..
    and it sounds like a good diet will help you out alot.. you only weight 180lbs at 6'3....I would go more natural first..

  6. #6
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Nov this year.

    yeah Ive been thinking about it for a while now. I know what ur saying but you dont need to be built like arnold to start steriods do you is that not the whole point, Why do u need to be like a tank to start your first cycle?

    Alot of people i know have gained crazy size and weight and they wernt as big as me before they started. Just dont get why you need to be big?

    Anyway my question was...... Nolvadex ..... In the stated Cycle advised on this website is says take 10mg ED from week 1-12. But then says start PCT 2weeks after last jag of enan. So do i take Nolvadex with and after my Cycle or Both or ?Just After lol? Does this not Contridict "Post Cycle Theropy" Hmm?

  7. #7
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BryanS1987 View Post
    How you doing guys just want to know a bit about PCT.

    Ive been reading up on Cycle etc for newbies and thinking about going with something ive read on here

    Cycle 3:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after last Enan injection

    In this Cycle it says 1-12 Nolvadex 10mg ED But when ive read up you also are saying your PCT should be like this After you Cycle ends??

    Week 1: 40mg every day
    Week 2: 40mg every day
    Week 3: 20mg every day
    Week 4: 20mg every day

    And also What is L-Dex.

    I know im a newbie but everyone starts some where. Ive seen so meny guys on here looking for advice on first Cycles and yous always say you need to be this size etc before doing one which is alot of tosh. My mate was like a twig before he started a Cycle now hes like a brick shit house n he's just finished his Cycle, So all this you need a base to start on is alot of nonsense.

    Hope some can help

    What is tosh? Already pre-emtively responding to advise by calling it nonsense... Why don't you just have your twig mate sort you out? BTW, maybe ask him what liquidex is and what to do when you start growing tits...

    I love the title of this post...sounds like your ready to pull the trigger...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 02-20-2012 at 01:12 AM.

  8. #8
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Well explain why you need to be built like a tank to start taking steriods ?

    Is that not the whole point in steriods to get gains quicker than the bodys natural process? And ive been told of people i know to take nolvadex after your Cycle but on here it says to take it with your cycle then says take it after also so thats my question that still no1 can answer it. I dont just want to go by what people tell you on the street i want to know for sure and thought this would be a good place for advice.

  9. #9
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    OK, to answer the first question, you don't. HOWEVER, ask yourself what your trying to do... The answer is almost always to be bigger, stronger ,faster, etc, right? If you are not already fairly big (tank) you probably haven't been eating correctly. If your diet sucks the steroids won't build muscle for you. Muscle is made from food, full stop. If you jump on a cycle and are not eating you are assuming all the risk and will receive nothing in return. If you do gain some muscle and do not have the diet to support it or maintain it, your newly acquired muscle will disappear as soon as your cycle ends, so unless your goals are to work out for 2-3 months and then lose it all, then injecting a small amount of oil won't help you in the least. What it might do is promote rapid strength gains and once again, since your skinny it only follows that you haven't been lifting much. Since you haven't been lifting much you don't have proper lifting form, don't know how to avoid injury etc. Steroids make the muscles stronger, but do nothing for the joints, ligaments, tendons, CNS and the like. What follows is something along the lines of putting rocket fuel in your Prius. Injury is a sure thing where you have rapid strength gains combined with little or no lifting experience, weak ligaments, cartilage and joints. This won't help you attain your goals either, since you can't get bigger stronger and faster while recovering from shoulder/knee/back surgery. So, there's that...

    So, you don't NEED to be built like a tank, your right there. However, unless when you walk in a place and everyone knows your a body builder, this is the quickest indicator that you don't need AAS. What you need is first a proper diet, lifting experience, good lifting form and then maybe AAS, maybe not.

    I'll let someone else field the PCT issues, or more like the lack of PCT issue. I will give you a hint though, the question you need to be asking isn't whether or not to take Nolva on cycle or post cycle, the question you need to be asking is what in the hell is Nolva, what does it do, then decide if and when to take it as it pertains to your specific situation. Good luck.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 02-20-2012 at 03:14 AM.

  10. #10
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You definitely need to get your diet in check. I wouldn't run l-dex and nolva together. Hit the PCT Section and do some more research. you might want to add clomid w/that nolva.

  11. #11
    John Andrew's Avatar
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    Read what you have just been told its the best advice you can get. Train another 10 years and then if you are any good and cannot get better, try what you want. Unless you do this you will just ruin your life. Up to you, What would I know? Only 32 years training, and: Yes I started to use at age 50. Advice was given to me by doctors to do so. I have not competed using, I was No 1 in my state and no 6 in Australia open division at age 50. I have never met a world class lifter or bodybuilder who was not prepared to train at least 7 years clean! If you want an easy way, stay home. Many body builders are power lifters and vice versa. As a rule of thumb, bench double your body weight, squat 3 times it and dead lift 3 times body weight. Then you are strong trained and may be ready to make a decision.

    There are no short cuts. Proper nutrition and train, train, train. I am now 57 and stronger than ever. If this is not a lifetime commitment, do nothing! There are 5 men only in Australia my age still going, 2 were world record holders. One world champion. We all train together when or if we can. My mate is 67, weighs 65kg and is still dead lifting 250kg. He was the world champion and has never used. No young man in Australia can beat him even now. He train 5 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week was representing first time in the Australia 1972 Olympics! Train hard and grow discipline and self respect! Good luck. John

  12. #12
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    If your diet sucks the steroids won't build muscle for you. Muscle is made from food, full stop. If you jump on a cycle and are not eating you are assuming all the risk and will receive nothing in return. If you do gain some muscle and do not have the diet to support it or maintain it, your newly acquired muscle will disappear as soon as your cycle ends, so unless your goals are to work out for 2-3 months and then lose it all, then injecting a small amount of oil won't help you in the least.
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    You definitely need to get your diet in check..
    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew View Post
    There are no short cuts. Proper nutrition and train, train, train.
    I'm sensing a pattern here.

  13. #13
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Jay Cutler has said many times "Why even bother to train if your diet's not in check?"

  14. #14
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    I appreciate yous taking the time to explaing and help me out a bit more.

    I have always been on 2 minds whether to take steriods or not, In all honesty i just wanted to get bigger quicker like alot of my mates i go to gym with who are on them and they keep saying i should start a cycle etc, Its not the peer presure thats making me want to start a cycle but just the fast gains ive noticed in my mates. Thats why i was asking for advice on what to take etc as i didnt want to rush into anything and just start doing cycles my mates are on.
    I would say my diet is pretty healthy but would admit i could probs eat more and more proteins.

    I know your saying you can start steriods if you arent like a tank but you can get injuries etc. Just now im benching around 90kg which is more than my weight, If i was to start a cycle its not as if im going to be like a monster and start lifting double that after a few weeks is it really? I understand what your and you obviously know better than what i do but if all i need to do is sort my diet out then is there really much of a big risk if im lifting in correct form and not overlifting?

  15. #15
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BryanS1987
    How you doing guys just want to know a bit about PCT.

    Ive been reading up on Cycle etc for newbies and thinking about going with something ive read on here

    Cycle 3:
    1 - 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 - 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 - 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 - 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after last Enan injection

    In this Cycle it says 1-12 Nolvadex 10mg ED But when ive read up you also are saying your PCT should be like this After you Cycle ends??

    Week 1: 40mg every day
    Week 2: 40mg every day
    Week 3: 20mg every day
    Week 4: 20mg every day

    And also What is L-Dex.

    I know im a newbie but everyone starts some where. Ive seen so meny guys on here looking for advice on first Cycles and yous always say you need to be this size etc before doing one which is alot of tosh. My mate was like a twig before he started a Cycle now hes like a brick shit house n he's just finished his Cycle, So all this you need a base to start on is alot of nonsense.

    Hope some can help

    You need a base to start on because going from 115 to 150 is easy. Going from 220 to 240 is much harder and the only way your going to be ready to use gear is with experience and knowledge. Having enough experience would imply you have enough weight on you already anyways. You won't retain much if you don't know what your doing and you just shoot up

  16. #16
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew
    Read what you have just been told its the best advice you can get. Train another 10 years and then if you are any good and cannot get better, try what you want. Unless you do this you will just ruin your life. Up to you, What would I know? Only 32 years training, and: Yes I started to use at age 50. Advice was given to me by doctors to do so. I have not competed using, I was No 1 in my state and no 6 in Australia open division at age 50. I have never met a world class lifter or bodybuilder who was not prepared to train at least 7 years clean! If you want an easy way, stay home. Many body builders are power lifters and vice versa. As a rule of thumb, bench double your body weight, squat 3 times it and dead lift 3 times body weight. Then you are strong trained and may be ready to make a decision.

    There are no short cuts. Proper nutrition and train, train, train. I am now 57 and stronger than ever. If this is not a lifetime commitment, do nothing! There are 5 men only in Australia my age still going, 2 were world record holders. One world champion. We all train together when or if we can. My mate is 67, weighs 65kg and is still dead lifting 250kg. He was the world champion and has never used. No young man in Australia can beat him even now. He train 5 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week was representing first time in the Australia 1972 Olympics! Train hard and grow discipline and self respect! Good luck. John
    That's really cool to btw. Hope to do as well in competitions at that age

  17. #17
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Last edited by BryanS1987; 02-20-2012 at 08:29 PM.

  18. #18
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Last edited by BryanS1987; 02-20-2012 at 08:28 PM.

  19. #19
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew View Post
    Read what you have just been told its the best advice you can get. Train another 10 years and then if you are any good and cannot get better, try what you want. Unless you do this you will just ruin your life. Up to you, What would I know? Only 32 years training, and: Yes I started to use at age 50. Advice was given to me by doctors to do so. I have not competed using, I was No 1 in my state and no 6 in Australia open division at age 50. I have never met a world class lifter or bodybuilder who was not prepared to train at least 7 years clean! If you want an easy way, stay home. Many body builders are power lifters and vice versa. As a rule of thumb, bench double your body weight, squat 3 times it and dead lift 3 times body weight. Then you are strong trained and may be ready to make a decision.

    There are no short cuts. Proper nutrition and train, train, train. I am now 57 and stronger than ever. If this is not a lifetime commitment, do nothing! There are 5 men only in Australia my age still going, 2 were world record holders. One world champion. We all train together when or if we can. My mate is 67, weighs 65kg and is still dead lifting 250kg. He was the world champion and has never used. No young man in Australia can beat him even now. He train 5 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week was representing first time in the Australia 1972 Olympics! Train hard and grow discipline and self respect! Good luck. John
    Well done firstly hope im still here at 67 never mind deadlifting 250kg lol. Natural is obvs the best way maybe im just wanting to rush into things. As they say Rome wasnt built in a day. So maybe i will sort my diet , train harder and eat like a fek lol.

  20. #20
    BryanS1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    You need a base to start on because going from 115 to 150 is easy. Going from 220 to 240 is much harder and the only way your going to be ready to use gear is with experience and knowledge. Having enough experience would imply you have enough weight on you already anyways. You won't retain much if you don't know what your doing and you just shoot up
    I totally understand but i wouldnt say im skinny lol theres guys in the gym that are like monsters and double the size of me and are lifting like 100kg thats like 10kg more. only realy i wanted to start is im wanting to get bigger. But as Titan99 said i cant be eating right, Im doing everything else fine i would say.

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