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Thread: Ghrp-6

  1. #1
    thephil's Avatar
    thephil is offline Associate Member
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    Read somewer that ghrp-6 help your body to grow and develop new muscle. My question is would it be a good idea to alternate from ghrp-6 the aas. My thought behiend it is. You use the aas you develop more volume in you muscles ie hypertrophy. Then once you come off of your cycle you begin a course of ghrp-6 to help you body develop new muscle to be volumised in your next cycle of aas. In result you get constaint state of improvement

    Was just a thought and would like to hear your oppions on it.

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  2. #2
    thephil's Avatar
    thephil is offline Associate Member
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    From ghrp-6 to aas. Sorry typo

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  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to do some reading in the Forum: IGF-1 LR3, HGH, and INSULIN QUESTIONS

  4. #4
    thephil's Avatar
    thephil is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks that is realy informative but i cant realy see anywer that answers my question. If im wrong tho please point me in the right direction. to the actual thread and or comment please because i would love to read it

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  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP-6)

    GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide) Dosing:

    Light: 50mcg
    Common: 100mcg
    Large: 150mcg

    Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide (GHRP-6) is a peptide in the growth factor family composed of six amino acids. It has strong effect on the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Dosed at night for anti-aging purposes and multiple times throughout the day for anabolism. GHRP is often used in conjunction with GHRH CJC-1295 to amplify GH pulse. GHRP-6 peptide is typically offered in 5mg vials.

    GHRP can be used effectively in the treatment of GH deficiency. Main use is to promote food intake by stimulating hunger and aid in energy metabolism. The major side effect being a significant increase in appetite due to a stimulating the release of Ghrelin, a hormone released naturally in the lining of the stomach and increases hunger and gastric emptying.

    Benefits of increased HGH levels through GHRP-6 stimulation include: an increase in strength, muscle mass and body fat loss, rejuvenation and strengthening of joints, connective tissue and bone mass. Enhanced HGH secretion also leads to the liver secreting more IGF -1, which is thought to be the primary anabolic mechanism of action for Growth Hormone .

    Mixing: Bacteriostatic water is used for reconstitution. When diluted, peptide lasts a very long time when left alone in the refrigerator (months).

    Example- 2.5ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 5mg GHRP vial equates to a 100mcg dose approximately each 2-3 marks on a U100 insulin syringe.
    Example- 5ml(cc) bacteriostatic water per 5mg GHRP vial equates to a 100mcg dose approximately every 5 marks on a U100 insulin syringe.

    Dosing: The saturation dose of GHRP-6 has been determined to be around 100mcg

    5mg GHRP = 5,000mcg

    5,000mcg/100mcg = 50 100mcg GHRP doses per 5mg

    GHRP-6 may be the most cost effective secretalogue available today.

  6. #6
    thephil's Avatar
    thephil is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2011
    That still doesn say why its not a good idea to alternate between peptides and aas? Especialy wen alot of people experiance a crash in hunger wen first coming off cycle

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