Just to bring everything up to speed here, my Dr. injected me with 200mg of Cyp on 1/10/12 in my hip and then the nurse gave me another shot on the 1/20/12 in my butt, very low on my check with a small needle.

(BTW - I'm not trying to get huge, as I've always been a smaller lean guy)
On Jan 10 I weighted in at 158 and around 10% - 12% BF

As of today (with no diet change, eating the same as I have for the past year) I weight 170. It seems I have a large amount of fat in my ab area.

Could a possible bad injection shot cause fat? If so, is there some thing I can take to get rid of it? I'm currently doing 40 minutes of intervals a day to try and shed some weight but have yet to see anything come off.

During all this, I've been getting the run around. My Dr. sent me to the Urologist who poked around and took some blood work. With terrible numbers for results, he sent me to see the Endocrinologist, who said the test shots killed my level. She wants me to see a Reproductive Urologist because of my low LH / FSH numbers.
Well, I have to get a referral from my general practitioner and now he wants me to come back in and talk about why my results are bad.

Are you kidding me? 40 bucks a whack at each doctor is killing me, and all I want to do is lose this dang fat and get my numbers back up so I have try and have kids!

Here are my numbers:
Thyroid Issue
TSH 4.830; range 0.450 - 4.500 (high)

TSH 5.190; range 0.450 - 4.500 (high)
Testosterone , Serum: 332 (low)

Testosterone, Serum: 164
LH: 0.1; range 1.7 - 8.6 (low)
FSH: 0.3; range 1.5 - 12.4 (low)
Prolactin: 4.9; range 4.0 - 15.2 (normal)
Estrogens, Total: 62; range 40 - 115