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  1. #1
    The Iron Game Guest

    How many use alcohol swabs

    Something that would interest me.

    How many of you guys clean injection site before injecting?

    Honesty is the best policy

  2. #2
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Before every shot I swab the top of my vial as well as the spot where I'm shooting. I also swab the injection spot after the pin comes out. I do this everytime...better to be safe than sorry.

  3. #3
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    Go through at least three each injection. I love em

  4. #4
    nymattyk's Avatar
    nymattyk is offline Member
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    im with pete on that one although i dont always wipe the top of the bottle i always wipe the injection site before and after the pin goes in

  5. #5
    Rastus is offline Associate Member
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    Every time, before and after injection. I just started swabbing the top of the vial after reading it on this forum. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before.

  6. #6
    Mr. Nobody is offline Associate Member
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    I use cotton balls with 92% alcohol, not the 70% type, just to be safe....

    Then after I wipe my ass with 1 sheet of toilet paper I proceed to open the top of my ampoule, clear my throat, stick the needle in and draw back. Next I stick the alcohol swap in my nose and the needle in my thigh. I always start coughing at that point, but can't turn my head cause the bubbles look so pretty. I rotate my needle while I am forcing the plunger down to disperse the juice more evenly

    I have lumps the size of grape fruits, must be the Brovel....
    Last edited by Mr. Nobody; 11-30-2001 at 01:19 PM.

  7. #7
    GenuinePL's Avatar
    GenuinePL is offline Senior Member
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    HeHe, that's a good one

  8. #8
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.

    Re: How many use alcohol swabs

    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    Something that would interest me.

    How many of you guys clean injection site before injecting?

    Honesty is the best policy
    Injections 101 tells all.

    I always clean everything prior to injecting.

    The vial, the injection site, and I tape the site with a alcohol soaked cotton ball.

    Zero (0) problems thus far, just the way I like it.

  9. #9
    marx is offline Member
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    Evertime, just like big Al said, i go through three every time...

  10. #10
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    I've done 3 cycles before this one and never cleaned once. Now I just clean the tops of the bottles before drawing the juice...

  11. #11
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    ALWAYS!!! 1 for the spot before, 1 after and one for the top of bottle. 3 total.

  12. #12
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool Always!

    Alcohol swabs are part of the ritual, aren't they?

    BTW, I use B-D alcohol swabs (available at any drug store, only about $1.89 per box). They seem to be a better quality than the cheaper brands.

    Then I light a candle, turn out all the lights, put on a Ravi Shankar CD, get into lotus position, then get out of the damn lotus position because it tightens my quads too much . . .

    (Yeah, I know . . . Right now, everyone under 30 is going, "Who the fuck is Ravi Shankar?" See, now you have a chance to look something up on a search engine!)

  13. #13
    The Iron Game Guest
    Was reading an interesting post on elite a while back that claimed doctors only use swabs before injections to keep patients minds at need. Anyway forget about that post, I have been without swabs for over 8 months and had no problems. In fact in this time I have read more posts by people who do use swabs and have gotten an infection than those who dont. No comparison can be made, all I can do is talk from experience and in those 8+ months of being on and off cycle and 2-3 slin injections a day, 3-4cc's a day of winny, prop, fina, primo etc (shooting anywhere between 2-6 times a day including insulin ). I havent had a problem. I have also heard the why not, its so cheap and one day shit will happen but how many pro's do you really think use them? I know 2 that dont.

  14. #14
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Bro i got a perfect way of making sure it's clean every time. Buy the 70% alcohol, and just swab it twice...That means yo have cleaned with 140% alcohol. MORE than enough.

  15. #15
    The Iron Game Guest
    and no im not recommending people not use swabs & TNT who the heck is Ravi Shankar

  16. #16
    marx is offline Member
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    That's an interesting point IG. I'm diabetic and have been taking 6+ shots per day for the past roughly 10 years. I was advised by my endo and many doctors that swabbing the vials or injection area is not needed. I have not done it in at least 5 years and have never had an infection or abcess. I quess the only reason i do when shooting juice is because I was just following directions on the sites...

  17. #17
    CycloneHWT is offline New Member
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    i use a stridex pad before and after, i know its more expensive, but they are my room mates, so what he dont know wont hurt him, lol


  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    Use alcohol swab to clean the top of the vial before I draw AND to clean site - then I cover injection with the swab and massage with it as well - EVERY time

  19. #19
    atwa is offline Associate Member
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    always have and always will.

  20. #20
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    I love the smell of alcohol in the morning!!!

    Seriously, I go through at least one bottle of alc per cycle. It's cheap, effective, safe, and leaves me with that "fresh" feeling every time before and after my injection. I use so much that I smell like a damn Dr's office after my injection. My butt is so pure and sterile, ..... Well, I think you get the picture. Wipe the vials down completely, not just the top, but the sides and bottom too. Could have been sitting in something that is bad and your fingers will transfer it to the stopper.

    Alcohol.... USE IT!!!!!

  21. #21
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Ill be honest I never have used alcohol swabs or anything. I used to use the same barrel and just switch the pin i also have used needles over again because I ran out and needed to inject more than three ccs at one time.

  22. #22
    sniper oc is offline Junior Member
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    I never use swabs.

  23. #23
    basskiller's Avatar
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    Always !

  24. #24
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    I do! I do! I swab twice before every injection. Can I have a lolly?

  25. #25
    Longhorn's Avatar
    Longhorn is offline Associate Member
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    Everytime..swab the vial, swab the injection spot before the pin goes in, swab after the pin comes out. alcohol is cheap and it only takes a few seconds.

  26. #26
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Hmmmmm . . .

    Ya know, as I think about it, any time I've gotten an injection at the doctor's office, they always swab the injection site before shooting, but not after they take the needle out - they just put on a band-aid.

    And, come to think of it, I've never actually noticed whether they swab the inner arm when they do lab work (after they tighten the rubber tourniquet) on the upper arm. (I'm heading for the lab next week so I'll be sure to take notice.) Even then, once the needle is removed, they simply apply a piece of cotton and say, "Hold this on there for a minute."

    I do notice that when I swab an injection site after pulling the needle out, it tends to bleed slightly more (just as putting alcohol or iodine on a cut will encourage more bleeding).

    But I still do it at both ends of the injection as well as to the rubber stopper before filling. It just feels so . . . delightfully clinical! (No, I haven't gone as far as putting on a scrub shirt and donning surgical gloves and a mask. It might be a hoot to do that when I shoot up friends, but I wouldn't be able to stop laughing.

    In the end run, it may be like putting food in the fridge without covering or wrapping it. I know I wouldn't get food poisoning if I didn't, but I do it anyway.

  27. #27
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    always the site and the top of the bottle.

  28. #28
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    another vote for yes

  29. #29
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    i do!

  30. #30
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    Many many year's ago when I was new I probably did, now I could'nt be bothered and have never had a problem.
    Although recently I served in the middle east with the UN and because of the dirty conditions I swabbed then.

    I'm guilty of once letting my syringe fall out of my ass while injecting in bath room in work !. I had no more pins with me and still ove 2 cc in the barrel. I picked the works up and stuck it in again !, crazy or what !.

    Someone said in an earlier reply that they started coughing ?, sometimes that can happen with testo's !. On the packet insert with Testoviron Depot is recommend injecting a little slower if your experiencing this side effect.


  31. #31
    Kullman's Avatar
    Kullman is offline Member
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    I always have and see no point not to. It's just became a habit when injecting I always grab the swabs before and after.


  32. #32
    BDD's Avatar
    BDD is offline Banned
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    well basically i take a shower in alcohol. no just kidding. but i do take a shower before injecting my self then i swab my ass and the vial

  33. #33
    Johnny_Utah79's Avatar
    Johnny_Utah79 is offline Junior Member
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    Use them before and after just to be safe

  34. #34
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool And today I went to the lab!

    Originally posted by TNT
    And, come to think of it, I've never actually noticed whether they swab the inner arm when they do lab work (after they tighten the rubber tourniquet) on the upper arm. (I'm heading for the lab next week so I'll be sure to take notice.) Even then, once the needle is removed, they simply apply a piece of cotton and say, "Hold this on there for a minute."
    . . . and that's about what they did. The phlebotomist did swab the inner elbow with alcohol before sticking the needle in, but after pulling it out she simply applied a small, dry cotton ball and said, "Hold this."

    Point of trivia: I happened to ask what gauge needle they use to take blood. She used a 21 g. 1" needle - I know that sounds large, but remember that the blood is being drawn into a vacumn tube. Also, because the tech is going directly into a vein (intrevenous as opposed to intramuscular), she only stuck part of the needle in - there was much exposed. I assume the needle length helps the tech get the correct angle into the vein.

    Gee, ya learn such fun things when ya visit the lab!

  35. #35
    Jarhed is offline Associate Member
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    21G needles give me the heebie geebies! *shudder*

  36. #36
    TNT's Avatar
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    Cool Tell me about it!

    Originally posted by Jarhed
    21G needles give me the heebie geebies! *shudder*
    Normally, I would agree, especially since it was going into the arm (as opposed to the butt), not to mention into a vein.

    But that's what the lab has used all along, and I never minded getting stuck for labwork when I didn't know the gauge.

    Besides, as they say, blood is thicker than water . . .

  37. #37
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    That's pretty crazy, all my budz used 21g and so did I, I thought those fuckers looked pretty big. I'll be switching to 25g or 24g now though.

  38. #38
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mr. Nobody
    [B]I use cotton balls with 92% alcohol, not the 70% type, just to be safe....

    Same here...

  39. #39
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mr. Nobody
    [B]I use cotton balls with 92% alcohol, not the 70% type, just to be safe....

    is there a reason not to use the 50 or 70% versions? i happen to have some 50% around and i dont want to use it if there is a danger of me screwing up by doing that.

  40. #40
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    use them every time...and won't change...hate the idea of infection.

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