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  1. #1
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    quad pain 3 days after injection (infected?)

    Hey guys, so this is my first cycle and on thursday I decided to pin quad for the first time with 2ml test e. The injection went smoothly, didn't hurt at all and I took a pretty long time to do it. When I pulled the needle out there was a drop of blood in there but everything else was is sunday and my quad is definitely swollen and a tiny bit red compared to the rest of my body and definitely feels a little warmer. It also hurts quite a bit when I walk which has caused me to limp. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    Just keep and eye on it. Remember its virgin muscle that you just impaled with a razor sharp needle. If it gets worse or a large lump appears, try to get an antibiotic. But wait after second injection and see if it does the same. Warm the loaded syrynge under warm running water for about a minute and then inject slow, remembering to now move the needle at all.

  3. #3
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    Well it is swollen I don't know if it would be considered a lump though...I guess maybe I should give it another day before I decide to go to a doctor. My delts never did this though and that was my first time injecting there too. They definitely got sore and kinda hard but didn't swell up.

  4. #4
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Those are signs of a possible infection. If it gets any worse you might want to seriously consider seeing the Doc.

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Is there a fever? Or heat around the swelling?

  6. #6
    werms is offline Associate Member
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    UGL or Pharm grade? What size pin?

  7. #7
    auswest is offline Banned
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    First cycle? 2ml test e is it dosed at 250mg/ml? How much you doing weekly ? If 500mg split it up into 2 equal doses, my first quad shot left me saw for a few days, no swelling though. How have your other injections gone? Same gear?

  8. #8
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    All other injections are going good...I was just frontloading the first week. Its is pharma grade and I am using a .22gauge 1" needle. There is heat around the injection sight and compared to my other leg it is definitely bigger and harder. In regards to a fever I took my temperature and it is normal but I feel like I have aches and pains everywhere which could be psychosomatic or something to do with this. I guess if by tomorrow it is still the same I will go to the doc and tell him I was doing B12 injections.
    Last edited by lifthardgethard; 02-26-2012 at 11:29 PM.

  9. #9
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    If you dont want to go to the doctor, just use fish anitbiotics. You can get them over the counter from most places or a feed supply store or vet store. Its the same stuff you just need to adjust the dosage. I have several clients that are vets.

  10. #10
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    I used a ugl last cycle and and when I pinned 350mg Sustanon in my quad is swelled up damn near double the size and I had the worst pain and limp from it for 2 weeks.

    I was worried it may be infected but soon came to find out the BA was double what it should be thus making the pip excruciating.

  11. #11
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    Its funny that it didn't do that in my delts though. Tomorrow I'm gonna hit quads so hopefully it doesn't go the same way. And what I have is pharma grade apparently so it should be pretty good stuff. Its a very reliable source, one of my best buddies grabs the same stuff.

  12. #12
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    Woke up this morning...leg hurts a little less but still a bit of pain and swollen...should I go to the doc?

  13. #13
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    Just want to start off my saying thank you to everyone for their advice and responses. Decided to go to doc, he looked at it and said that if it was an infection it would probably be a lot worse than what it was even though it is red and swollen. I told him it was B12 and he asked what else I may have mixed it with haha I obviously said nothing lol don't know if he bought it...he said its a weird place to inject I guess the swelling and redness was maybe just a reaction to injecting there the first time?

  14. #14
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    if its getting better its probably fine, quads can hurt for a few days. esp when ur just starting out pinning them. i used to hurt for about a week when i first started pinning them. unless its red and hot i dont think theres anything to worry about. sometimes a lump will form and its just oil under the skin, probably from not shooting deep enough. just watch out for signs of heat and redness. and if redness spreads then u have an infection.

    for furture notice. now that u went. didnt see that u went to doct.

  15. #15
    lifthardgethard is offline Junior Member
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    Its definitely red and warm and a bit swollen but the pain is less and I don't think its spreading so hopefully its going down but what could cause it to do this if it is not infected?

  16. #16
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    it could be anything bro but i wouldent get too worked up about already went to the doc so just chulk it up to being virgin muscle bro and the fact that you pinned 2ml might have done it really but who knows...i know i still get some swelling if i use concentrated gear like test400...i always figured it was the compound itself that was causing the swelling but i really dont have anything but experiance to back that up...

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