I am just about to start my second cycle on Test & Deca combination. I used Deca and Dbol only in my first cycle and had very nice (but subtle) results.

I am currently on a low carb diet and running 5k a day including squash and football. I am doing approximately 4-5 hours of exercise per week including some high intensity training.

My question is if I continue this amount of exercise and continue to strip bf, will I still see the results of the cycle or will I need follow a 'bulk' regime the same as you would if putting on weight through normal training and diet?

I am enjoying my lean look, and I would like to continue to strip bf as I am doing, but I would like this cycle to improve my size by a 2-4 kg. I realise that increased muscle will strip bf also but in terms of my current diet and exercise regime, can I continue it and see results?

Age 33
Weight 83.5kg
Height 1.85m