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  1. #1
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Question Anavar only cycle for a vet suggestions needed

    Whats up everybody! Long time no post I hope someone I know is around.
    Alright so I'm going to be doing an ANAVAR ONLY cycle.
    I know that 99% of people are going to frown on this and I understand why,
    but for me it's my only option. I've done every compound I've ever heard of and now it's time to keep it simple.

    So for those of you willing to contribute to what I'm trying to accomplish, thank you.
    I want to run Anavar by itself at the most effective dose, for the most effective length of time, with the best results. (obviously)
    I'm not looking for a Test Deca D-bol kind of result. I've seen that, done that, and it's just not good for me at this point.

    What dose as a stand alone?

    I'm thinking anywhere from 50 to 100.

    How long?

    I know it's going to suppress me so how long do I want to stay on for?
    I'm not sure if 3 weeks at a high dose with a few weeks off to bounce back and then back on would be ideal,
    or if I should do 12 weeks and then take 4 off? With such a short half life could I take it during the week and take weekends off?
    I know this sounds pretty far fetched, but I realize there are some ways of keeping your body guessing and keeping your
    hormones going. Something outside the box maybe. In the past I'd of just taken 200mg a day for a year! Ideas? Even better... experience??


    I read an article and someone mentions using Mesterolone to keep you dense and as an anti estrogen.
    Yes I realize Anavar doesn't aromatize, but if my HPTA takes a hit and my natural test drops out I think it could help.
    What would be the upside to taking it be? Downside?
    Do I need to take Nolvadex ? PCT?

    I have a good knowledge base but I need someone that understands how a short acting compound like this works by itself because
    I've never done it. Please don't suggest the use of ANY other anabolics, I know what I'm taking and why I just don't know the best
    way to go about it. I really appreciate any insight you guys can give me. THANKS!

  2. #2
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Someone must have done this before. Say you were going to keep using Anavar off and on for years, how would you take it for best results?

  3. #3
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Use only high quality and go for 40mg 8 weeks.

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Var is mild but at higher doses it does mess with your lipid profile. 40-50mg for 8 weeks coupled with a perfect diet and cardio will elicit good results.

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
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    This is hard to say, because I believe var to be a waste at anything less then 60mg. I have ran it in a cycle at 80. However, the more you take the more your hpta will be shut down. To what degree we do not know everyone is different. I would just run a pct after.
    what are your stats?

  6. #6
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Yeah my cholesterol came back a little rough after my last cycle on Var. Not a big deal though I can control that. 8 weeks might be a reasonable amount of time to go on, but how long off? PCT? I can't see needing a Nolva, Clomid, and HCG for something like this but lets get some more input.

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
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    60-80mg/ED is perfect dose, imo. Anything over 100mg/ED and I just saw diminishing returns.

    You can't just run it straight all year round. I mean you could, but that'd be pretty dumb.

    You'll have to cycle on and off, and give yourself enough time to recover.

    Best way to do that would be to get regular BW.

    IMO, You won't need an AI or HCG . And you can probably recover just fine with Nolva for PCT.

    If your libido takes a hit during cycle (mine didn't when I tried Var only), you could add some Proviron , or even low dose test (prop would be a good option).

    So, maybe something like 8-10 weeks on. Do your PCT of nolva for at least 3-4 weeks. Wait a few more weeks, and get Blood work. Also be sure to get BW before your var cycle to get a baseline.

  8. #8
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    6'3 235 lbs about 14% recovering from a near death motorcycle accident a few years back.

    You think 100mg ed is too much? I forget the halflife of anavar but I thought splitting it 50 am and 50 pm would be good.
    Unfortunately I don't have insurance so blood work isn't possible. I'm going to have to count on my boys to tell me whats going on!
    Using test isn't an option. What do you think Proviron would do? Would it cause any aggression?
    Do you think I should take Nolva during my cycle at all or just PCT?

  9. #9
    D7M's Avatar
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    Hell, if you have the money to run var like that, than try 100mg/ED. But like I said, anything over 100mg/ED didn't yield any better results for me.

    Var has a 8hr half life, so yes, split it AM/PM.

    You can get blood work without insurance...where are you from? Ukraine?

    No, Proviron won't increase aggression, it just may help with libido issues (if there are any).

    You won't need nolva on cycle, only for PCT.

  10. #10
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Yeah Var is expensive but if it's the only thing I'm taking, shit, it'd better work! I think I'll try 100.

    I'm not IN the Ukraine per say... haha... so how do you get bloodwork done with cash? What am I asking for?

    How much Proviron would you take? Say you were capping it with your var.

    So 100mg/ED 8 weeks on 4 off with Nolva. Sounds simple enough.

  11. #11
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    Last edited by 100%NATURAL-theGH; 03-07-2012 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Double Post

  12. #12
    Blergs's Avatar
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    I know you don't want to hear it BUT USE TEST!
    even just HRT amount of test, you have no excuse not to use atleast that...
    wk1-8 50-70mg var ed
    wk1-12 250mg teste ew
    wk13--17 pct

  13. #13
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    That would just cause more suppression though. 8 weeks isn't very long I doubt I'll even shut down. Not 100% that's for sure.

    O and if you were going to say someone should be using test for 8 weeks Test P would be a much better choice, but like I said, I can't, Anavar only, but thanks.

  14. #14
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
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    Will you plz tell why you can't take test with it ?

  15. #15
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    If suppression is a concern I don't really see why one would not want to use HCG to achieve the same results as we do while on a cycle with test as a base, or any other compound that inevitably leads to atrophy for that matter. With that being said, I do believe that a standard PCT protocol following an Anavar cycle should serve you well in terms of restoring natural production. The HCG would prevent atrophy, consequently allowing you to avoid a loss of testosterone and thus prevent the loss of lean muscle mass as a result.

    Out of curiosity, why are other compounds completely out of the question?

  16. #16
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    If suppression is a concern I don't really see why one would not want to use HCG to achieve the same results as we do while on a cycle with test as a base, or any other compound that inevitably leads to atrophy for that matter. With that being said, I do believe that a standard PCT protocol following an Anavar cycle should serve you well in terms of restoring natural production. The HCG would prevent atrophy, consequently allowing you to avoid a loss of testosterone and thus prevent the loss of lean muscle mass as a result.

    Out of curiosity, why are other compounds completely out of the question?
    That makes sense. Might as well keep the boys online as much as possible. How much how often ya think?

  17. #17
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by 100%NATURAL-theGH View Post
    That makes sense. Might as well keep the boys online as much as possible. How much how often ya think?
    im not saying its a bad idea to use hcg but to me it seems like overkill...anavar is supressive more than it will cause shut down in my experiances with anavar only even at high doses like 80-100mg a day it never affected my labido or shrink my testes...and he's only talking 8 weeks ....i know we are all different but there are risks to using hcg frequently that i dont want to get into here but why risk using it to frequently for something a mild as that for when you will really need it when you start stacking injectables and what not...

  18. #18
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    im not saying its a bad idea to use hcg but to me it seems like overkill...anavar is supressive more than it will cause shut down in my experiances with anavar only even at high doses like 80-100mg a day it never affected my labido or shrink my testes...and he's only talking 8 weeks ....i know we are all different but there are risks to using hcg frequently that i dont want to get into here but why risk using it to frequently for something a mild as that for when you will really need it when you start stacking injectables and what not...
    I'm sticking with Anavar because I need to keep things simple.
    HCG involves a whole list of new possible issues and complications so I'm gonna leave it out.
    8 weeks on/4 weeks of with Nolva. REPEAT. I want something I can do back to back.
    I know for everybody that's making this their life no cost is too much, but not me.
    I did injectables for ten years and now I have a base, I just need the polish,
    that's all I'm looking for. Thanks.

  19. #19
    Brohim's Avatar
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    IMO if you are low bf then var will work ok. If not then it won't do much maybe strength increase.

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    My bf is relatively high. The problem is I'm loosing whatever muscle mass I do have really quickly while cutting.
    I'm hoping it will preserve muscle mass more than anything.
    I was run over by a car doing 85mph a few years back and I broke my jaw, neck, back, shattered both femurs, and lost 4 inches of my tibia.
    Long story short the shit nearly killed me and I lost everything I had before and I just need a little help getting it back.
    I'm working on getting back in shape really and I just can't use anything that causes any aggression.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Anavar only cycle for a vet suggestions needed-dsc01132.jpg  
    Last edited by 100%NATURAL-theGH; 03-08-2012 at 06:09 PM.

  21. #21
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    I'm not big, I just want enough to get a beach body back. All my injuries make training and recovering kinda difficult at times.
    I really appreciate anyone who's giving this a serious look and trying to help me. I don't believe it's in vain.

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