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  1. #1
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Test enanthate 250.

    Just start a test 250 cycle. What would be the best way going at this, i'm on my second pin. Left knot and in a lot of pain from first, second pin went great. What will results be like and how will this effect my body. I'm 19 weight 170 pounds. Am I to young to see anything positive out of this?

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Just start a test 250 cycle. What would be the best way going at this, i'm on my second pin. Left knot and in a lot of pain from first, second pin went great. What will results be like and how will this effect my body. I'm 19 weight 170 pounds. Am I to young to see anything positive out of this?
    You should stop and do PCT. You're too young to be messing with steroids .

  3. #3
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Would I need a prescription for a pct Nolvadex or are you able to order off the internet. Would it hurt to finish the cycle i started then to a pct?
    Last edited by Aaron_369; 03-09-2012 at 09:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Would I need a prescription for a pct Nolvadex or are you able to order off the internet. Would it hurt to finish the cycle i started then to a pct?
    Okay aside from not giving a shit if you destroy your developing endocrine system, you obviously didn't put much time in to planning out this steroid cycle. Since you don't have any Nolva on hand and you've only pinned yourself once, you'll probably be okay if you just stop right now.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Just start a test 250 cycle. What would be the best way going at this, i'm on my second pin. Left knot and in a lot of pain from first, second pin went great. What will results be like and how will this effect my body. I'm 19 weight 170 pounds. Am I to young to see anything positive out of this?
    its quite funny when you say you've started, then say you dont know how...
    funny, and scary.

  6. #6
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    And it's also funny how I ask for advice and what I should do and you guy's be a douche about it like your somebody. There's a reason why I am asking. If I knew everything I needed to know there would not be a post from me about this.

  7. #7
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    follow HK's advice, post #4. stop right now, and do nothing else. your body should be able to recover after just 1-2 pins, without leaving any long term damage.

    sorry if i wasnt helpful enough.

  8. #8
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Every little bit helps. When someone asks for help there's a reason for that because they don't know it all. I've done a lot of ready and what not. Just did not know that a pct was that import before or during a cycle. I didn't think I six week cycle would effect me to bad. Just give me an extra boost. I've been working out hard for years been through many supplements and have done quit a few diff test patches. Just thought I would try and see how this would do for me. after the two pins i've already done would it have shut down my bodies natural production of test already.

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Every little bit helps. When someone asks for help there's a reason for that because they don't know it all. I've done a lot of ready and what not. Just did not know that a pct was that import before or during a cycle. I didn't think I six week cycle would effect me to bad. Just give me an extra boost. I've been working out hard for years been through many supplements and have done quit a few diff test patches. Just thought I would try and see how this would do for me. after the two pins i've already done would it have shut down my bodies natural production of test already.
    I don't know what dosage you had, nor do I know how far shut down your body is after what you had, but you don't have a PCT lined up and you haven't shut down your body for long, so I think you'll probably recover fine within a month if you stop right now.

    You might need a small PCT still, but either way you need to stop your gear now. And a 6 week test E cycle is pointless.

  10. #10
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    What you fail to understand aaron 369 is that asiandude was helping you out by pointing out how foolish it was to get a cycle, start the cycle, then ask questions pertaining to the cycle. Its all constructive criticism from his end all reality you are waaaay to young to mess with anything this serious. Stop your cycle now, just a couple pins aren't gonna hurt you any and if your concerned go and grab some d aspartic acid...stuff works great at restoring and boosting test levels, is all natural, and is at least recommended you be 18 to run. Its available from just about anywhere you can think of. Use that stuff, develop a serious diet and exercise routine to stick to seriously for the next few years and if you still wanna run some anabolics, give it a go...just do A LOT of research before jumping the gun on the subject...good luck bro

  11. #11
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    250 Twice a week. 1cc Monday and 1cc Thursday. I have a 20 ml bottle. Much more then six weeks just was going to see how that would do me. I've pushed my body as far as I think it will go naturally. I'm 5'6 170 pounds. I have very very low body fat percentage. I eat like there is no tomorrow. Roughly 7500 to 8000 calories a day on top of shakes. Would you have any advice and something not so harmful that would give me big gains other then a test?

  12. #12
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Every little bit helps. When someone asks for help there's a reason for that because they don't know it all. I've done a lot of ready and what not. Just did not know that a pct was that import before or during a cycle. I didn't think I six week cycle would effect me to bad. Just give me an extra boost. I've been working out hard for years been through many supplements and have done quit a few diff test patches. Just thought I would try and see how this would do for me. after the two pins i've already done would it have shut down my bodies natural production of test already.
    Well to begin, to give you all the knowledge you can get from your thread, a pct is even more important than the cycle itself. If you dont plan accordingly on how to manage to keep your gains with your natural test, your not gonna keep too much. Then you ride that ridiculous rollercoaster of hormones that will put you through a whole hell of a lot if not managed correctly. A six week cycle of test enth is pointless. Its an ester you wanna run for at least 12 weeks to maximize your muscle gain, otherwise in 6 weeks your gonna get a taste of fresh muscle, then be ripped off when you stop prematurely...and no, just a couple pins will not shut you down completely, even if you did a whole gram, its just not gonna be in your system for long enough, at a high enough level, to completely shut you down, but it may slow your production down drastically, so a natural booster would be your best bet as of now. D aspartic acid or fadogia come to mind for really great all natural boosters that work.

  13. #13
    boxin23's Avatar
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    Aaron i would love to see your diet down to the macro. 8000 cals of good food is a lot to put down for a guy who is way bigger than you.

    You are fine with stopping after one pin and not doing a pct. You will recover fine but do no more of the test.

    Just curious on the diet.

  14. #14
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Between weight gainers and food that is what I am roughly in taking. Three thousand of the calories go to weight gainers. Morning eight eggs two cups of oat meal. Hour later weight gainer on top of a of three tablespoons of peanut butter. Lunch would be can of random vegetable two salmon filet two chicken breast can of black beans. Hour later follow by another weight gainer and 3 tablespoon of peanut butter. Dinner would large Salad, can of random vegetable 2 to 3 chicken breast or any type of red meat it varies and pasta. Hour later followed with weight gainer and 3 table spoon of peanut butter. Along with roughly a gallon of 2% milk per day.

  15. #15
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    your diet needs a good work over. you have a lot of dairy in your diet with all that milk and your depending on too many shakes imo. You should lay out your diet on that forum for a good look. Sounds like your eating a lot though.

  16. #16
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    My calorie and protein intake is quit large. I'm constantly starving for some reason and my body burns so fast. I feel like all the food I eat my gains should be much larger. My metabolism is to fast i either burn it or shit it all out. Feels like a wast of nutrition at the end of the day

  17. #17
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    May need to check your thyroid. Make sure you are not hyper

  18. #18
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Thyroid problems do run in the family. Mom had half of hers taken out. Should this be something I should do asap to make sure its not effecting me?

  19. #19
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    I hope you are referring to a blood test. Yes, blood test for thyroid hormones first, not surgery!?!

  20. #20
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    Deff not surgery. Haha. I mean tests.

  21. #21
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    If indeed you are hyperthyroid, you should be given oral medication first. Not surgery. 2 commonly used drugs are carbimazole or propiothiouracil. If you really hyperthyroid and get started on treatment, your weight will start ballooning skywards! You will have to cut back significantly on your diet.

    Lets us know your results after the test

  22. #22
    600@50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron_369 View Post
    Every little bit helps. When someone asks for help there's a reason for that because they don't know it all. I've done a lot of ready and what not. Just did not know that a pct was that import before or during a cycle. I didn't think I six week cycle would effect me to bad. Just give me an extra boost. I've been working out hard for years been through many supplements and have done quit a few diff test patches. Just thought I would try and see how this would do for me. after the two pins i've already done would it have shut down my bodies natural production of test already.
    Aaron...When you say here that you have done quite a few test patches, how many and for how long? Are you talking about testosterone patches?

  23. #23
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    ^^^^^^your going to hurt yourself... stop now .if you only did 1 pin you will not even need a pct.
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You should stop and do PCT. You're too young to be messing with steroids.

  24. #24
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    Yes testosterone patches. They are the Watson Pharmaceuticals Testosterone patches. I was doing them for about two months.

  25. #25
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    You need to get bw to see what's going on. Go see a doctor. Post your results and you'll get some help. You may need PCT.

  26. #26
    Aaron_369's Avatar
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    It was not much test. The patches were 30mg 24 hour time release. I'm going to get blood work done.

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