Hey guys. I am on my second cycle and have developed a small lump under my right nipple that started about 3 or 4 days ago and is around the size of a pea. I have no other gyno symptoms. Nips aren't itchy and do not hurt. I started taking liquid tamox (yes the kind we give our "Rats" for research) at 40mg/day 3 days ago and I am not sure if it is working to stop the progression of the gyno. I know that SERMS only block the receptor from receiving estrogen and do not stop the estrogen. My question is am I just being impatient and the tamox just takes a few days to work or do I need to start using letro instead of the nolva? I don't want to shut down my sex drive or my gains, but I don't want B***h tits either. I have read C Bino's thread about gyno reversal but it seems like overkill with my current situation

My first cycle was test E 400mg/wk and deca 200 wk and I used no SERMS or AI during cycle and had no gyno symptoms at all. I have read that Masteron works as a mild blocker so I am really suprised im running into gyno issues.

Here are my stats and my cycle
28yrs old
13% bodyfat

started cycle 30 days ago
1-12 wk 150mg EOD Test Prop
1-6 wk 100 EOD Masteron