So I've been doing a little research about these substances and an having a hard time figuring out why I see way more people choosing clen over Albuterol .

The biggest differences I've read about are:
-clen has a substantially longer half life
-Albuterol is more anabolic
-Albuterol side effects are generally more mild than those of clen
-people tend to see moderate strength gains with Albuterol

Now I've seen a few conflicting testimonials as all substances have (some saying clen works better, others preferring ECA stacks to both)

My question is how do you guys think they stack up, and what have your experiences with Albuterol been like? Is there a reason clen seems to be so much more popular?

I haven't used clen or Albuterol, but it seems to me that Albuterol outperforms clen in almost every category (and the shorter half life could even be considered a plus in terms of insomnia or long term health risks like heart complications that some have suggested large/extended doses of clen can cause).

Your thoughts?

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