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  1. #1
    niceguy6922 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    My first cycle tell me what you guys think

    im 32 5'10 175 13%bf about... i been working out since i was 18 but never took anything besides protein and creatine i recently just bought 2 bottles of test cyp and was thinking of doing it like this

    mon 250 thurs or fri 250 not sure if i should shoot thurs or fri ??? so taking 500mg of cyp a week im figuring it will last 10-12 weeks ....
    also getting arimedex just in case i need it was wondering if i should just take it during cycle anyway???
    after cycle is done was gonna run novadex or clomid just not sure with 500mgs a week what my pct should look like please if anyone can help me with that would appreciate it???

    im looking to get to 190 so im 175 i dont think that so far off i hear ur firt cycle is most gains so can gain more maybe ... i have a diet plan that im gonna follow with high protein intake but if u guys can give me suggestions ona great diet from what im taking and what im going for would appreciate that also????? let me know what u guys think i was gonna start this monday thank you

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You need to run cyp 10 to 12 should also run a ai like Adex during your cycle.Pct starts 2 weeks after last pin.Both clomid and nova for 4 weeks check pct section for doses.Also post your diet in diet section for max results.Dont be one of those guys who are half done with their cycle and dont see any gains.Only to find out their diet sucks.

  3. #3
    Str8Jakked's Avatar
    Str8Jakked is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, you can run your Test at 250mg for 10 Weeks and pinning Monday and Thursday is fine.

    A long Estered Test takes a couple of weeks to clear so starting your PCT 2 Weeks after your last pin is o.k.

    You can run both Nolva at 40 40 20 20 and Clomid at 50 50 25 25 for PCT is fine.

    You can even just run the Clomid at 50mg per day for 4 weeks if necessary.

    Anabolics only create the environment for you to grow, visit the Diet section because I am not typing you out a diet.

  4. #4
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
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    Feb 2012
    look into some hcg while on your cycle 250 iu 2x a week from week 4-13 stop a week prior to your pct. this will help your boys stay strong

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