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  1. #1
    johnyz333 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question about Clen...

    Hi all,

    I'm looking at taking some clen around 6am in the morning before I go for a walk. I lift in the afternoon and do some high intensity cardio at night. I'm in pretty good shape and quite healthy, but I'm concerned that the clen will be too much for my heart to handle whilst doing the high intensity cardio. I know I'm prob being paranoid but don't want to risk it.

    So my question is, if I'm taking it at 6am and then doing my high intensity cardio 12 hrs later, will the clen still be active in my system and subsequently make my heart pump harder during the workout? Or would its effect be alot lighter given the time in between?

  2. #2
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    i take clen in the morning, and do cardio in the evening (about 8 hours later). by the time i do cardio, i don't feel clen's effects anymore, so you should be fine. a couple of times i actually did cardio WHILE on clen (160mcg) just for the hell of it and my heart rate was fine

  3. #3
    johnyz333 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

  4. #4
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Carving Stone with Steel
    I would watch the cardio while running it.. when I am on clen it is almost impossible for me to do cardio because of the increase in bpm of my heart. My normal bpm is around 140bpm @80% of my Max. When I tried ran clen and did cardio it was at 180bpm at 70% of my Max..very dangerous territory to be in.

    How are u dosing the clen and how long do u plan to take it.

  5. #5
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Clen has a half life of 35 hours. So it will. E in your system for longer than 8 hours. I normally do pretty intense or long duration cardio and I don't feel and palpitations or get much more tachy than I normally would. Some times I have to
    My work out time varies so some times I do it early morning and sometime I work out around 5 pm. I take Clen upon waking. I do notice my resting pulse rate rises about 10bpm while I'm on Clen and doesn't get much higher when im jammin out in a run or on a piece of cardio equipment. I definately feel hotter and sweat more. And my hands get a little shaky when doing intricate tasks with my hands...
    Can you elaborate on high intensity cardio? If you are worried maybe try to half your intensity at first and slowly Peak to your normal cardio while on Clen. I think if you were normally seditary and one day took Clen and did a crazy cardio workout then your heart would be jeopardized but if you normally get your pulse up to say 80% of your max rate or higher you would be ok. Do some more research and or get some more opinions also.

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