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  1. #1
    megavolt is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    Cycle: Clen / T3 / Nolva / Winnie / Tes

    I am starting a new cycle and wanted to get some feedback and any recommendations / comments.


    Enanthate - 25 Mg

    Mon - Friday

    HGH - 5 IUs


    Clen - 40 mcg
    T3 - 50 mcg
    Nolva - 20 mcg
    Winnie - 50 mcg

  2. #2
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    what is this? 25mg of test e per week? 50 mcg(!) of winny a day? not sure if this is a troll or you're actually serious. who the hell uses nolva on cycle with HCG in 5IUs? please elaborate on this, as well as post your stats: age, height, weight, bf%

  3. #3
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2008
    Im guessing you have high bodyfat and think this cycle will help?

    Its not what you need...

    Answer above questions for more help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I'm totally baffled by your cycle. You need to read more.

  5. #5
    megavolt is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    I guess I should have prefaced this with a little more information.

    I am relatively new to this and up until now I have been following the instructions of a friend of mine who is a professional body builder. I thought I would post what has been recommended to me and see what the community response was.

    Here are my stats:

    Age: 35
    Height: 6' 1"
    Weight: 275
    BF%: 25

    As gonzo6183 guessed one of the functions of this cycle was fat loss. The other of course was muscle gains. I had a typo on my test in my previous post, it is 250mg/week not 25. Also, DamageDealer, you commented on the HCG but it is HGH in my cycle.

    Let me know if this information changes anything and what I should change. I should also mention that other than the test and HGH these are all tablet form.

  6. #6
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by megavolt View Post
    I guess I should have prefaced this with a little more information.

    I am relatively new to this and up until now I have been following the instructions of a friend of mine who is a professional body builder. I thought I would post what has been recommended to me and see what the community response was.

    Here are my stats:

    Age: 35
    Height: 6' 1"
    Weight: 275
    BF%: 25

    As gonzo6183 guessed one of the functions of this cycle was fat loss. The other of course was muscle gains. I had a typo on my test in my previous post, it is 250mg/week not 25. Also, DamageDealer, you commented on the HCG but it is HGH in my cycle.

    Let me know if this information changes anything and what I should change. I should also mention that other than the test and HGH these are all tablet form.
    ok, i got it now. i don't see why you should cycle now, because you're 25% bf. that's very high bodyfat. you should be able to lose 10% of fat with just diet and training. also, you should know that HGH should be used for at least 6 months, otherwise it's a waster of money. but you don't need HGH to cut in the first place.

  7. #7
    megavolt is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012
    I have been doing the HGH for 6 months so far and I plan on continuing it. I initially started at 300 lbs and 34% body fat almost a year ago and have it a plateau in both weight loss and strength gains. The are both still moving but slowly. That is why I was looking at this cycle. I did one cycle of Winnie/Clem/T3 about 6 months ago when I started the HGH and it gave me a burst.

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You need a good diet and cardio not juice.Aas isnt a diet aid bro.There are no shortcuts for hard work.

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