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  1. #1
    nocal18669 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2012

    College football player with questions

    Hello all,
    I'm a 20 year old college QB, 6'5" 180lbs who has been trying to gain weight the last two seasons. I work out regularly and eat a good diet and take a powder supplement. To no avail. I have been told to try a one time Deca -Winstrol stack 8 week cycle this summer. I am completely inexperienced when it comes to this stuff. Can anyone give me some advice

  2. #2
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    You are not eating enough. Deca and winny won't do anything for you except maybe hurt yourself and possibly grow some tit's.

  3. #3
    TFf is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    What do they feed you on the training table? Would it be possible to talk to your coaches or who ever in the athletic dept and see about more meals to better your development? I was never a collegent athlete but if I was I think I would not want to risk any thing for a few pounds on the juice... Continue to hit the gym on what ever plan your school has you on as I'm sure their strength coaches are far more informed than I. And check out how many colories (quality/quantity) you are Intaking and go from there. You are in the off season now so it would be a good time to up your intake. Good luck
    Last edited by TFf; 03-31-2012 at 10:50 PM. Reason: Sp

  4. #4
    BigGuy90's Avatar
    BigGuy90 is offline Associate Member
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    FL, Gym
    Are you sure your eating enough? like 6-7 times a day? and eating the right meals with the correct portion at that? Also a deca and winny cycle is a horrible one because it doesn't have testosterone as a base. You always need test as a base for any cycle. Is it worth getting drug tested by the NCAA as well? I've had to worry about NCAA testing and it's pretty stressful

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