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  1. #1
    downunder74 is offline Junior Member
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    Sydney Australia

    Cool Help with cycle... Sus 250 & Winstrol V HGH Jintropin v Nintropin

    Hi Guys,

    A little about me, Ive been training on/off for past 10 years and have had approx 6 different cycles and experienced little side effects. (other than sensitive nipples) I have used sus 250, deca , winstrol , stanazol, Test proprionate, Test Anthanate, clen gel form.

    I'm currently 38, weigh approx 75kg, 174cm tall, with approx 15% body fat (if I did my home test correctly, measured hips, waist and wrist and then did some math calculations).

    I currently do weights 4 days and cardio twice. one day rest. When I do full body workouts, I do weights 3 days, 2 days cardio, two days rest.

    I have never really got my desired goals. Mainly due to getting my diet right. I know what foods to eat, just getting the portion sizes right. Cause Ive found that any un used protein turns to fat. I will posting a seperate post for assistance with this. I want to make sure I make the most out of my cycle as possible and keep the gains.

    My goal would be to reach 80-85kg of lean muscle.

    I was thinking of doing a 12 week cycle of Sus 250 and Winstrol. 1iu sus p/week and 2iu winstrol first two weeks, then possibly 4iu winstrol remaining 10 weeks.

    or Should I spend the extra $ and go on HGH for 3 months? ANd if so which one? Ive been told you need to be on HGH for 6 months? Is this correct?

    I did try Jintropin for 5 weeks and I put on 8kg, it made me eat like a pig after injecting it, but there wasn't much definition. It also added weight around my waist. SO I don't think it was the real thing. Or maybe I just wasn't on it long enough. Could only afford the one box lol...

    I'm really a novis when it comes to this stuff and maybe my post highlights that. Unfortunately, I go off info from different sources ive come across without researching enough first. This time I want to try and get the right info, that will help me pack on the muscle, keep much of it as possible, so if anyone can help give me the right cycle to do that, then I will take it.

    I have a new source now that appears to be more genuine then one's in the past and he has the results i'd like to get.

    This time I want to get it right.

    Any help would be appreciated

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Sep 2001
    diet is going to the biggest thing. I wouldnt do the gh.
    sust and winny arent dosed in iu's so im not sure what you are thinking of taking
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    downunder74 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney Australia
    Ok, thanks for that. What I meant to write was ml's. 1ml sus p/week, 1ml whinny twice a week for two weeks then up it to 3 or 4 ml. How does that sound?

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