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  1. #1
    Mordecaipsi is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Please rate my CYCLE

    Hi, ive been doing a lot of research and reading a lot of other people's cycles and results. I have never done a cycle and this will be my first.

    Just to give you an idea of my body, here are my stats:


    Recent max's:
    Flat bench: 265, but now more like 240 (dislocated my bench for whiiiile)
    Squat: 300

    The cycle i have compiled from my research is as follows:

    -Test 400mg week 1-10 (not sure which though, split on Sus and Enanthate )

    -Eq 300mg week 1-10

    -clomid/Nolvadex on hand.

    What my main question is between Sus, and Enth. I have heard many instances with flu like symptoms, which i would not like at all with Sus.
    Is there any reason to choose one over the other? Also what do u think about my dosage?

    I am looking for at least a 20lb increase of good muscle. And i want to crack the 300lb bench press mark.

    Thanks for you input, critique at will.
    Last edited by Mordecaipsi; 04-13-2003 at 04:56 PM.

  2. #2
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Re: Please rate my CYCLE

    Originally posted by Mordecaipsi

    Thanks for you input, critique at will.
    Okay, here's my critique; it's honest, it's backed up by science and likely every member of this board, and it's probably not want you want to hear: You are too young! It almost loses its validity in its redundancy, and it is for that reason that I fear you won't listen. If I told you sus made your actual dick shrink, or eq made your teeth crooked, you'd probe and ask "why?", or "could you elaborate" other words, you'd want to know more. But "you're too young" is, in my experience, met with an unrequited obstinant, silent dismissal on the part of *most* younger asipiring juice heads. But please, ask us why...ask why we're so adamant in telling teens that they're too young and we'll tell you why you should take us just as seriously when we say "too young" as when we say "up the milligrams and extend by the cycle by three weeks".

  3. #3
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    ok like big green said u are too young but whatever we say, if u have ur mind set we cant stop so so might aswell help u do it safely ..ur cycle is very simple and should work nicely what ru reallylookin for aout of this ??and dont pich sust too many esters in there ,do enethate.

  4. #4
    Mordecaipsi is offline New Member
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    Re: Re: Please rate my CYCLE

    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Okay, here's my critique; it's honest, it's backed up by science and likely every member of this board, and it's probably not want you want to hear: You are too young! It almost loses its validity in its redundancy, and it is for that reason that I fear you won't listen. If I told you sus made your actual dick shrink, or eq made your teeth crooked, you'd probe and ask "why?", or "could you elaborate" other words, you'd want to know more. But "you're too young" is, in my experience, met with an unrequited obstinant, silent dismissal on the part of *most* younger asipiring juice heads. But please, ask us why...ask why we're so adamant in telling teens that they're too young and we'll tell you why you should take us just as seriously when we say "too young" as when we say "up the milligrams and extend by the cycle by three weeks".
    I understand what you are saying, and i have read a lot of your posts and i respect you very much. I truly am considering waiting, but i have almost a daily internal struggle about this which i think i will have to resolve myself.

    I dont knwo how long i will be able to get the gear, so im just aquiring it for now so i will have that taken care of. The question i guess is not if i will, but when i will. Either way, i want to make sure i have the rigth stuff/amount. For that sake, will u comment on this?
    Last edited by Mordecaipsi; 04-13-2003 at 04:58 PM.

  5. #5
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bump the eq to 400 mg a week. Use enanthate . Good luck.

  6. #6
    Mordecaipsi is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by arthurb999
    Bump the eq to 400 mg a week. Use enanthate. Good luck.

  7. #7
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Re: Re: Re: Please rate my CYCLE

    Originally posted by Mordecaipsi

    The question i guess is not if i will, but when i will. Either way, i want to make sure i have the rigth stuff/amount. For that sake, will u comment on this?
    I can understand that "impatience", and I'm not calling it impatient in a way that casts a negative connotation upon the word, I guess we have to accept it as a fallability of sorts that is unavoidable in this game. If it's not "when will I use?" it's "when will I use slin?" or dnp ...and on, and on. I'll comment generally on the cycle, since if you are to do it, I'd rather see you do it right, but again, I'd urge you to search the archives, read some of MadMax's poems, and, most importantly, (i'll even dig this up for you) there's a post/confessional about a guy that ROYALLY screwed up many aspects of his hormonal system and overall health by starting too is in every sense of the word required reading for you.

    So, I'd go with enan over sus (less frequent injections, single ester). I don't know that I can confidently comment on the eq..i like the fact that you're using a lower dose given your age and size, but it generally should be run a bit longer....again, I'm REALLY not sure how your age comes into play on this one. Clomid and nolva on hand is good, but I'd also have liquidex or something comparable to run your age it is most certainly better safe than sorry. Again, I'd prefer you read those threads and spend at least the next two years researching, but I'm a realist...though do me that one favor and read the thread mentioned above as soon as I locate it.


  8. #8
    Mordecaipsi is offline New Member
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    Id like to read that for sure.

    I know that there is deffinitly a chance for negatice side effects at my age. But it is hard to hold back when my buddys r doing it and have done it since they were 18 and now theyre 20, and have no ill effects(keeping in mind they only did 2 cycles, a mild decca/test cycle and a primo cycle), while im busting my ass with a steady rate of results, whereas my frined's results are rediculous.

    Just very hard to look at teh popssible chance of negative side effects when my friends(who also have educated themselves on such forums as this and administered gear properly to themselve) are improving so much more than I.

  9. #9
    Arnold_Is_God's Avatar
    Arnold_Is_God is offline Junior Member
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    Mordecaipsi i feel you when you say it is a daily struggle to juice or not to juice. I'm almost 20 like you, and the allure of roids are so big at least for me, but people can say your too young, but in the end its only up to you. As for other people opinions, do what you feel is right and you'll always be straight.

  10. #10
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Mordecaipsi
    Id like to read that for sure.

    Imy buddys r doing it and have done it since they were 18 and now theyre 20, and have no ill effects(keeping in mind they only did 2 cycles, a mild decca/test cycle and a primo cycle),
    Yeah, but talk to them when they're 35 or 40 and still see if they're free from "ill-effects"...they may in fact be, but there's also a good chance they won't be. I'm still trying to dig up that thread (I want to say it was posted by Mike??) that chronicles an individual's battle years down the road after early aas usage. Does anyone know specifically where it is? The thing should probably be stickied.

  11. #11
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by BigGreen

    Yeah, but talk to them when they're 35 or 40 and still see if they're free from "ill-effects"...they may in fact be, but there's also a good chance they won't be.
    Agreed, if you've done all your research then you should know your to young. Who care what your friends are doing, be your own man. If you can't make gains at 19, juice isn't going to help. You need to get your diet right. Your test and hgh is sky high right now. If your not eating right, juice isn't going to make you eat right. How can you say your friend have educated themselves if they started juicing at 18, I would say they might have read a lot, but didn't make an eduacted decision.


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