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  1. #1
    squatdeep is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    new guy looking to start cycle

    Hey guys, im am new posting to this site but am a long time viewer. I have been working out consistantly for 4, going on 5 years and am 22 years of age. My current routine is as follows

    Bench Press 275lbs (7 sets to get a total of 30 reps)
    Incline Bench 225lbs (same as above)
    Close Grip Bench 225lbs (same as above)

    Deadlifts 465lbs 3 reps 8 sets
    Barbell Row 275lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    T-Bar Rows 225lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Pullups 10 reps 3 sets
    Dumbbell Shrugs 120lbs 12 reps 3 sets

    Sunday Light Cardio (Inline Walk for 45 min)

    Military Press 225 lbs (7 sets to get a total 30 reps)
    Arnold Press 75 lbs (same as above)
    Barbell Curls 65 lbs (same as above)

    Squats 365 lbs 3 reps 8 sets
    Leg Press 610lbs 15 reps 3 sets
    Leg Extensions 150 lbs 15 reps 3 sets
    Leg Curls 165 lbs 12 reps 3 sets
    Stiff legged deadlifts 225lbs 12 reps 3 sets
    Seated calf raises 180 lbs 15 reps 3 sets

    Wednesday and thursday off

    Bench Press 335lbs 3 reps 8 sets
    Incline Bench 205 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Incline Dumbbell Bench 90lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Close Grip Bench 225 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Tricep pushdowns 140lbs 10 reps 3 sets

    Deadlifts 465 (15 singles in 10 minutes)
    Barbell Rows 275 lbs (7 sets to get 30 reps)
    Pullups (same as above)

    Sunday Light Cardio (Incline walk for 45 minutes)

    Behind Neck Press 205 lbs 3 reps 8 sets
    Dumbbell Press 90 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Lat Raise 45 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Delt Fly 120 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Barbell Curl 85 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Preacher Curl 65 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
    Concentration Curls 45 lbs 10 reps 3 sets

    Squats 275 lbs 10 reos 4 sets
    Leg Extension 180 lbs (7 sets to get 40 reps )
    Stiff Legged Deadlifts 225 lbs (7 sets to get 35 reps)
    Standing Calf Raises 400 lbs 15 reps 3 sets

    Wednesday and Thursday off

    So i currntly weight 245 lbs at 14% bf am 22 yrs of age and joined this site with the intensions of beginning my first cycle.
    From my research on this site I understand that a test only first cycle will be highly beneficial with appropriate pct and diet change

    My questions are would this routine that ive been doing for about 5 months be appropriate for my first cycle
    And for test would T400 (or T4) be fine (as its easier for me to get this at the moment)
    if so how much should I need and would an 8 week cycle be sufficient (havent seen a whole lot of info on T4 here) and what pct would be best for this cycle

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    also my big 3 lifts have increased while on this routine

    Bench is now 425 up from 405
    Squat is now 485 up from 475
    and dealift is up to 565 up from 495

    thanks guys

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    At 22 you can do more harm than good using aas.At your age all you need is a good diet.

  3. #3
    squatdeep is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    thanks for the reply, could you elaborate on more harm then good.
    Not to dis agree, as im not as experienced in aas as you , its just i know several people, some the same age as me or younger, who have done a cycle, in some cases several and have gotten great results and kept a lot of their gains and have said that i could highly benefit from a cycle.

    As for my diet, it has been in check for about 2 years, after i realized i was not achieving what i wanted with the way i was eating, and have changed drastically since the diet change in both appearence and gym performance.

  4. #4
    wesholcomb80's Avatar
    wesholcomb80 is offline Associate Member
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    You can harm your endo system at your age being that it's not fully developed yet. We say 25 because that's usually when your system is fully developed. No one wants to end up with ED especially while your so young.

  5. #5
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    I have no experience with aas but the above information is never disputed brother. Your laying a strong foundation and I think if you'll listen and be patient then hopefully you'll have a lot better experience later on if you choose. I have no problem getting my junk up but I'm told by old people that it's no fun to be horny and can't do shit but wish so...... Lol

  6. #6
    squatdeep is offline New Member
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    im certain ive finished developing, as im 4 inches taller then all my family member and bar far the largest, and heaviest. Also i am almost bald, as much as my father, and hair loss has stopped over the last 6 months.

    is there any possibiltiy of running a cycle without any endo effects at my age

  7. #7
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012
    No. Don't let peer pressure and impatience screw your life up

  8. #8
    bigcake is offline New Member
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    Idk man I'm like you I'm 22 and I know a lot of people that did them young but I look at it like this some
    People smoke and die early and some
    People smoke their whole life and never get
    Cancer so who knows I guess it just depends
    On your body I've done them
    Before and I'm
    Fine now but who's to say that won't change
    Later down the road from usin them to early

  9. #9
    squatdeep is offline New Member
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    its not peer pressure, im interested in running a cycle, and asked people i know who have ran cycles, and they said that i would benefit from it, im not going to run a cycle because of what they said, im just stating that they said that they think i could benefit from one

  10. #10
    wesholcomb80's Avatar
    wesholcomb80 is offline Associate Member
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    I have no idea if your developed yet or not, but just because my buddy's think it would be good wouldn't be good enough for me. That's one thing in the body that I wouldn't want to screw up!

  11. #11
    Lil man is offline Associate Member
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    To be honest I would worry more of the psychological effects. I have some experience with people with psychological problems and it's horrible. I don't know all the science but I'm positive that your hormones are responsible for your moods. Not to mention if your junk did quit the psychological impact that would have all by itself. How do you explain at any age under 40 your pecker not working

  12. #12
    squatdeep is offline New Member
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    regardless of weather i should or should not take them, the point of the post was to get information on running t4 as a first cycle, with my current routine and what pct should be taken with this.
    I said my purpose if joining the site was that i have intentions on running my first cycle, that does not mean i will, im just trying to gather as much information as possible, and thats for the advice guys

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You dont want to mess with any of that stuff.Running a cycle you may not feel the effects till years later.But they will come.And it isnt like the simple minded comparison to smoking.That just shows me how lil that guy knows.

  14. #14
    Andigity is offline New Member
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    You don't want to cycle yet. AAS is no joke. Wait until you are 25 and by then you should have an awesome base. Also you obviously need to do a lot more research. Start researching now and by the time you are 25 you should be an expert on all AAS. All the side effects you probably learned in school are reversible honestly. Like the balls shrinking acne etc. What they don't tell you is that if you do do steroids under 25 years old you may never have another boner without medicinal aid again. Oh and you may not be able to have kids because you'll end up on TRT. So yeah its probably best if you wait

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