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Thread: 1200mg of test

  1. #1
    Steve.O is offline Junior Member
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    1200mg of test

    Wel iv got fair few cycles under my belt. Im just pondering on my next cycle. Its been a while since ive just used testosterone on its. My favourite cycle was dbol test an tren . Iv got a love hate relationship with tren as it gives me gyno but size and strengh is second to none. Anyways the point of this is for the guys who have been in my situation and gone back to running jus test as a cycle. Highest doses iv done is 50mg dbol,350mg tren 800mg test 600deca 100mg anadrol . Not all at once ofcouse lol.

    So for my next cycle i was thinking test at 1200mg on its own. I fancy giving a high dosage of jus test how do you think this wil compare to my previous cycles. Anyone with experience in this field put there opinion out there please. I did work my way up to 800mg with just test. I guess im just wondering what test at 1200mg can do compared to stackd cycles. I know all different roids have different effects and give the body a different look. Im just on about as far as mass building when everythings in check. Cheers steve.o

  2. #2
    bwilly is offline New Member
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    when running just test enanthate i have ran close to that. i was doing a 3/4 cc a day of test e 250 and i felt great.. good clean strength gains not alot of water but def alot of strength and overall good feeling.. but that is just what i have done i dont know how it would effect someone else as everyone is different. will it compare to a stacked cycle. well.. i pin in the am about an hour before i go tot he gym and i know i have a good pump that i usually only get from orals or tren .. i liked it.. and my bp didnt really elevate like when i run heavy on test and orals..

  3. #3
    Steve.O is offline Junior Member
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    Cheers for reply! Anyone else run a decent dose of test?

  4. #4
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    I run 1500 when on cycle but i don't recommend not stacking it with something your just not gonna get results u expect and at those levels if your prone to gyno... Well get ready

  5. #5
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Do it up.

    I see no reason why not.

    I mean this lifestyle is about experimenting, is it not? Different diets, different training, different stacks.

    So give it a go.

    I know peeps who love only test and feel like gods on a gram or more.

    Some... dont.

    Just be sure to run some sort of Ai through out.

  6. #6
    Philly82's Avatar
    Philly82 is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds reasonable. Probably want to run Arimidex while on cycle. Found 1400mg very tolerable myself.

  7. #7
    mywaytoBB is offline New Member
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    Is arimadex or aromasin the best thing to use on a cycle like this?

  8. #8
    Steve.O is offline Junior Member
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    Cheers fellas ye a suppose am guna have to give it a go ya never kno could be best cycle ive ever done. Gyno was from tren proestrogen related. Ive done 2 tren cycles and got gyno both times. I dont get it from any other compound, not even deca . My body can do 5-6 weeks tren then gyno strikes. A great compound tho as far as results in hypertrophy. Side effects are worth the gains but can be irrating at times cheers for advice tho.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.O View Post
    Cheers for reply! Anyone else run a decent dose of test?
    Ive done 1g TEST only cycles numerous times with great results. Most guys dont even need that much.

  10. #10
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    I've ran 200mg test prop and 75mg tren ace ED 7 days a week for 8 weeks. 1mg arimidex ED. No gyno problems. Great results. I was happy. My experience as you requested. Good luck and keep us posted.

  11. #11
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If your used to that much then 750mg per week would be a waste,I'm currently on that and its like a well balanced tease...but overall good feel

  12. #12
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.O View Post
    Cheers for reply! Anyone else run a decent dose of test?
    I'm on 150mg prop ed and the odd jab of suspension depending on what I'm doing and no major problems, had to bump adex from .25mg ed to .34mg ed but apart from that its been pretty smooth and the strenght is unreal, and this was basically a cutting cycle but still added lbm and strenght while dropping b/f with the aid of t3 and clen

    you seem to know what your doing so my advise is to do it, worst comes to worst you drop the dosage back to something your more comfortable with

  13. #13
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13
    I've ran 200mg test prop and 75mg tren ace ED 7 days a week for 8 weeks. 1mg arimidex ED. No gyno problems. Great results. I was happy. My experience as you requested. Good luck and keep us posted.
    Sorry to hijack but was adex the only AI you took on that cycle?

  14. #14
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    Sorry to hijack but was adex the only AI you took on that cycle?
    i assume it was there is no need for 2 a.i. your thinking of something for prolactin correct? that isnt an a.i.

    porlactin wont be a problem if you control estrogen

    read this
    Last edited by DanB; 04-20-2012 at 06:42 PM.

  15. #15
    Firestorm#1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.O View Post
    Cheers for reply! Anyone else run a decent dose of test?
    I have ran 1200mg every 8 days for awhile. I went back down to 600 because I could not tell a difference. I have ordered an AI to see if this helps me. Unsure on how much to take.

  16. #16
    Firestorm#1 is offline Junior Member
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    Do you take an AI with that amount?

  17. #17
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Firestorm u wudnt notice a difference I'n 1 week. I wud have ai on hand but like I've stated many tines Nolva works great for me I've never had to use aromasin or anything like that. You have to remember u need estrogen to build muscle using aromasin completely wipes out your estrogen and takes approx. 2 weeks to have tour estrogen rise back to normal. So i wid never take unless complete emergency

  18. #18
    BoostedZ33 is offline New Member
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    My last cycle i ran was 1200 test e a week and tren a 100mg eod. I felt the same on 1200mg vs. 600mg. but like mentioned before every one is different. see how your body feels on it. Do you cycle off for a long period of time or do you start a new cycle after 6 weeks off ?

  19. #19
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    I cycle longer then your suppose to I'll jus say that

  20. #20
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB

    i assume it was there is no need for 2 a.i. your thinking of something for prolactin correct? that isnt an a.i.

    porlactin wont be a problem if you control estrogen

    read this
    Thanks Dan,I was thinking of something that would control prolactin and progesterone, interesting read!

  21. #21
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    I've ran 1000 mg before and didn't notice anything but more sides.. 750 is the sweet spot for me.

  22. #22
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    test only cycles can be great, im a strong believer that you dont need to stack anything untill u do more then 1.5g of test a week.

    u need to learn what sides vs results is your sweet spot

    u could be a non responder.

    the dose and quality of your gear.

  23. #23
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    test only cycles can be great, im a strong believer that you dont need to stack anything untill u do more then 1.5g of test a week.

    u need to learn what sides vs results is your sweet spot

    u could be a non responder.

    the dose and quality of your gear.
    I like this strategy ^^ im on my first cycle and im running test alone at 420 mg EW, i will not be stacking any other stuff with it until i get up to at least 1 gram EW in cycles apart from maybe some masteron

    keep it simple

    if it aint broke..........

  24. #24
    Firestorm#1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigswoll View Post
    Firestorm u wudnt notice a difference I'n 1 week. I wud have ai on hand but like I've stated many tines Nolva works great for me I've never had to use aromasin or anything like that. You have to remember u need estrogen to build muscle using aromasin completely wipes out your estrogen and takes approx. 2 weeks to have tour estrogen rise back to normal. So i wid never take unless complete emergency
    I ran 1200mg for 6 weeks and did not notice a difference in how I felt.

  25. #25
    jjones0605 is offline New Member
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    i figure i would chime in men,im running test-300and eq-300=750 of each a on week 18.i started with test-300andprimo-300,same dosage as now then test-300 with deca -300,been switching gear as i prolong my cycle to find my best compounds will see what this brings ,i run test all yr.around !,33 yrs old 5"9 207,growth,stregnth ,no weaknesses hear guys ,research ,research !!!!opionions are like ass holes ,everyone has 1,what works for you???

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