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Thread: PH Questions

  1. #1
    AnabolicLearner is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    PH Questions

    So I have been looking into PH as an an introduction to anabolic compounds. I am not really interested in injections right now. I've done some research and was initially going to go with the halo based PH. I am aware of the two issues most have with it, methylated and gains.

    I don't drink , I don't take any medications, and I don't do any recreational stuff. I've been eating incredibly clean ever since I've gotten into weightlifting/health/fitness. Is a cycle of a pro hormone going to do any serious/unrecoverable damage to my liver? I have milk thistle for before/during/after.

    Secondly most people say the gains are very little, but I would guess thats subjective. Even if I gained 3/4 lbs of lean mass in a month. I'd be pretty happy with that, considering most people in their first year will put on 10lbs if they ate well and lifted hard.

    The last plus to this is that I don't have to worry about the compound aromatasing, which means, no serious risk of gyno or other undesirable aromatasing effects.

    Anyway, its a bit irrelevant since I've been looking into something else: 3Beta-Hydroxyandrost-5-Ene-17-One

    The thing about this hormone is that is claims to convert to straight testosterone . Which to me, sounds like exactly what one would look for. Most people here recommend if you're going to run anything, have it be straight test. For all the obvious reasons, its natural to your body, etc.

    Is this really possible a prohormone that coverts to straight testosterone? Whats the catch here? I'm guessing conversion rate is low. But it still must be enough to make some decent and retainable gains. Has anyone heard of this before, any experience with this? Is such a PH possible? Also, it seems PCT becomes a huge factor now, because now you're playing games with aromatase including such factors as hairloss, severe acne, gyno, etc.

    Just looking for info here. Appreciate any input, good/bad, for/against. Just looking for information/experience. Thanks.

  2. #2
    AnabolicLearner is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I would love to post a link which gives more info about halotest/trent vs this compound, but its on a site that has a direct link to purchase the stuff, its not a store/site. But its one of those "seller blogs" that end up redirecting you there somehow...

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