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Thread: Joint pain

  1. #1
    Niterage1083 is offline New Member
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    Joint pain

    I have been working out for decades now. Even been through countless physical activities in the military. Now at the age of 38, I am starting to feel joint pain in my elbows especially when I do skullcrushers. I am currently on Test400 and Deca . I thought that Deca was supposed to help your joints. Any advise here?

  2. #2
    ddp2727's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niterage1083
    I have been working out for decades now. Even been through countless physical activities in the military. Now at the age of 38, I am starting to feel joint pain in my elbows especially when I do skullcrushers. I am currently on Test400 and Deca. I thought that Deca was supposed to help your joints. Any advise here?
    What type of pain is it sharp, dull, hot, grinding, ect. Also is it the whole elbow or a certain area?

  3. #3
    Niterage1083 is offline New Member
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    It is a sharp pain. It seems to be at the tip of my elbows.

  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome to the 40s although you got there a couple of years early. I use to LOL at joint pain until I hit 41. I live on Anit Inflammatory now.
    It's a real deal and most everyone gets it depending on how active you are/were. It seems the more you abused your body younger the quicker you get it.

    I just had shoulder surgery and one of the things they fixed is what they call 50yr old shoulder. You get it between 48 - 52. It's sort of like locked shoulder or a calcium buildup (barnacles) and they have to break it off. Nice...

    Sounds like Tennis elbow or you may have bumped a nerve. I hit a nerve in the elbow one time on the arm rest of my car that hurt for well over a year when I moved just right/wrong or rested it on a hard surface. Try massaging it a lot, ice and using a wrap when lifting.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-25-2012 at 07:57 AM.

  5. #5
    Warrior1700's Avatar
    Warrior1700 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Welcome to the 40s although you got there a couple of years early. I use to LOL at joint pain until I hit 41. I live on Anit Inflammatory now.
    It's a real deal and most everyone gets it depending on how active you are/were. It seems the more you abused your body younger the quicker you get it.

    I just had shoulder surgery and one of the things they fixed is what they call 50yr old shoulder. You get it between 48 - 52. It's sort of like locked shoulder or a calcium buildup (barnacles) and they have to break it off. Nice...
    Ouch dude...hope they didn't break it off in you Ars...ROFLMAO

  6. #6
    Warrior1700's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niterage1083 View Post
    It is a sharp pain. It seems to be at the tip of my elbows.
    Is there any swelling at the tip of the elbow of fluid like feeling? Here is what I found out that I have. I bashed my elbow on the ground few years ago and this flares up if I bang it a lot. Had sharp pain whenever I did Tris, specially skulls.

    Doc said not to lean on elbows on hard surfaces and STOP banging it on walls and such. Lol

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Also check your AI dose. My joints hurt when E2 gets too low.

    Just trying to cover everything.

  8. #8
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I find that skull crushers are pretty tough on the joints, personally. While deca certainly can help with joint issues, it should never be relied upon completely to avoid joint and tendon stress. I would recommend simply avoiding any exercises that render pain like this. After all, it isn't like there aren't enough different tricep exercises to choose from

  9. #9
    kolaking's Avatar
    kolaking is offline Associate Member
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    Depends on what part of the elbow is giving you hastles. As far as Deca goes, I have found out first hand this week that IT WILL help out cartilage issues. I have chronic costochondritis, (inflamation of the cartilage that attatches the muscles to your ribs), and have had the 5th rib on my right side killing me daily for the last month. I threw some Deca into a cycle I just started to see if it really did help with cartilage issues, I did 350mg late Sat. night, Mon. the pain was totally gone and I have not felt it since. As far as ligament or tendon issues I cannot personally say. It sounds like that is what your dealing with, tennis elbow or golfers elbow or both. I had both in my right elbow about 7 years ago and it took 8 months for it to subside. I agree with Brian and would stay away from movements that really put your elbow in a bind, your almost 40 and have probably pushed them pretty hard. Good luck with healing!

  10. #10
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kolaking View Post
    Depends on what part of the elbow is giving you hastles. As far as Deca goes, I have found out first hand this week that IT WILL help out cartilage issues. I have chronic costochondritis, (inflamation of the cartilage that attatches the muscles to your ribs), and have had the 5th rib on my right side killing me daily for the last month. I threw some Deca into a cycle I just started to see if it really did help with cartilage issues, I did 350mg late Sat. night, Mon. the pain was totally gone and I have not felt it since. As far as ligament or tendon issues I cannot personally say. It sounds like that is what your dealing with, tennis elbow or golfers elbow or both. I had both in my right elbow about 7 years ago and it took 8 months for it to subside. I agree with Brian and would stay away from movements that really put your elbow in a bind, your almost 40 and have probably pushed them pretty hard. Good luck with healing!
    I've had great success using deca to combat tendon injuries as well.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    as you age, there are two schools of thought:

    1) adapt your routine to something that doesn't cause your body pain
    2) consume supplements that will minimize the pain, such as MSM and oral HA.

    Good luck!

  12. #12
    Niterage1083 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info and personal experiences. At least I'm not alone. It's hard to adapt to a routine that doesn't cause pain hn I've been doing the same basic exercises for years with the occasional change.

  13. #13
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niterage1083 View Post
    Thanks for the info and personal experiences. At least I'm not alone. It's hard to adapt to a routine that doesn't cause pain hn I've been doing the same basic exercises for years with the occasional change.
    adaptation is a part of life. for example, no longer can i do squats (recent knee surgery proves that), so now i just do leg presses.

    there are many diffferent routines that can work the same muscle group, but since slightly different, then less pain.

    be creative

  14. #14
    Niterage1083 is offline New Member
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    You throw down a good point.

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