hey guys, have been searching but am finding varying results and not a whole lot when it comes to pill dosing. anyway, i have 20mcg capsules and am starting my clen tomorrow, am currently running a test-e cycle (these will be okay together right?) and am on week four of such. sitting at 180~ right now and about 14.2% bf, would like to drop to 12% or maybe even 11% if possible and still have time to grow some muscle which i'll be able to see before my cycle ends. with that said, how's my dosing look?

day 1 - 40mcg
day 2 - 40mcg
day 3 - 60mcg
day 4 - 60mcg
day 5 - 80mcg
day 6 - 80mcg
day 7 - 100mcg
day 8 - 100mcg
day 9 - 80mcg
day 10 - 80mcg
day 11 - 60mcg
day 12 - 60mcg
day 13 - 40mcg
day 14 - 40mcg

also, any supps i should take while on clen? currently am using flax seed oil, fish oils, hawthorn berry, celery seed extract, and a multi, thanks!