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Thread: Anvar Only?

  1. #1
    LLFireball is offline New Member
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    Anvar Only?

    Hi again

    24 years old (25 very shortly), 6 ft, 205# Bf% isn't there yet but its going down.

    I wanted to ask about the var only cycle. Alot of dudes think that you need to run test for EVERY cycle but I'm not convinced. It's all about the strength for me. Also, I like the sound of var vs. test with it's estrogin related side effects. It's all about strength for me because I am not bodybuilding. I wanna put weight on the bar and on my dip belt.

    However, there's this thing about getting shut down and having natural test? However, alot of guys say that they had no probelm?

    I want to run a var only cycle for 6 weeks at 40mg ED. I would go 8 weeks but $. Then there is the Hcg durring cycle and clomid or nolva pct? I imagin that people will say this is a bad cycle. I just want the strength boost and the fat burn. Also, I wanna push my deadlift to 500# for reps.
    Last edited by LLFireball; 04-28-2012 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Focused88 is offline Associate Member
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    If its all about the strength for you then var won't help you as much as test would IMO.
    Maybe someone is scared of injections?
    Im assuming this is your first cycle. First cycle should always be test only.
    Yes there is this thing where u get shut down....however there is this thing called pct.
    Do some more research man.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    sneakyhats is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LLFireball View Post
    Hi again

    24 years old (25 very shortly), 6 ft, 205# Bf% isn't there yet but its going down.

    I wanted to ask about the var only cycle. Alot of dudes think that you need to run test for EVERY cycle but I'm not convinced. It's all about the strength for me. Also, I like the sound of var vs. test with it's estrogin related side effects. It's all about strength for me because I am not bodybuilding. I wanna put weight on the bar and on my dip belt.

    However, there's this thing about getting shut down and having natural test? However, alot of guys say that they had no probelm?

    I want to run a var only cycle for 6 weeks at 40mg ED. I would go 8 weeks but $. Then there is the Hcg durring cycle and clomid or nolva pct? I imagin that people will say this is a bad cycle. I just want the strength boost and the fat burn. Also, I wanna push my deadlift to 500# for reps.
    It is suggested to use test, but var only will in fact help you a lot too. Stack clen with it, keep some PCT in hand just in case. If your not so into test, keep it on the side just in case. Be sure to use natural test boosters i.e ZMA or best tribulus.

    Anavar is pretty good and won't shut you down that bad IMO though everyone is different. This info is coming from a very very close friend of mine who told me exactly how he felt when using anavar.
    Its really good, his strength went through the roof and easy to maintain.

    But if you want to do it the safe way try and keep some test. And don't listen to focused88 lol but he does make some true points.

    Dont use 40MG ED go up to at least 80MG for better results.

  4. #4
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    There is no need to run more than 100 mg testosterone /week. This dose will comfortably substitute your endogenous testosterone production. Testosterone is a cheap, effective, but crappy stuff with a lot of unpleasant side effects; that is the reason, why anabolic steroids were developed! You can also run Anavar alone, of course. Most of the guys on this forum will discourage you from this idea, because they are mentally uncomplicated persons, for whom several weeks without sufficient sex drive is the worst life's tragedy. But Anavar run alone is a very good cycle, if you want to avoid all the unpleasant side effects connected with testosterone (acne, hair loss). However, you must reckon with that it will temporarily ruin your cholesterol. Liver values will be probably elevated as well, but not much. Therefore, if you wanted to run Anavar-only cycles repeatedly in the future, I would recommend some ancillaries like Omega-3 acids, Essentiale Forte or milk thistle.

    I have run 4 cycles with Anavar so far and I can tell you that the dosage should be around 50 mg/day at least. There is no reason to run 80 mg/day if you are a novice. 40 mg/day could also be effective, but you shouldn't expect any miracles. It takes several years to observe some significant changes in body appearance from Anavar-only cycles, but the effect is then better than on injectable steroids that produce puffy looks.

    Furthermore, I wonder, what's your source of Anavar? If you buy Anavar powder directly from Chinese sources, it is ridiculously cheap and even a homeless could afford a decent cycle on it.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 04-28-2012 at 04:14 AM.

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Yes, you can run a var only cycle but test is the better option. If you want to do a good solid cycle w/good results (assuming your diet and training are on) i recommend something like this:

    Test E
    500mgs twice a week for 12 weeks.


    And don't answer that guys question as to where you get your gear. It's against the rules.

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