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Thread: My 1st Cycle

  1. #1
    NateSharp is offline New Member
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    My 1st Cycle

    I'm 18 years old, 5'9, 185 and preparing for my 1st cycle. I've been 5'9 since I was 12 and had a beard at 14 so I'm pretty sure I have stopped growing. I'm going on to play football at Buff State next year. Looking to be a DB but I want to get bigger. I've been a natural athlete my whole life, playing every sport from golf to soccer to hockey but football is my love and passion. My junior year I tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery so my lower body is deff my weak point. My current stats are as follows:

    Bench: 300
    Deadlift (Barbell): 430
    Squat: 350
    40 Time: 4.5
    100 Meter Time: 11.4

    This will be my 1st time using steroids . I'm going to run Dianabol and Test E. My cycle will be as follows:

    Week D-Bol Test E

    1 15mg 250mg
    2 30mg 250mg
    3 30mg 500mg
    4 15mg 500mg
    5 500mg
    6 500mg
    7 500mg
    8 500mg
    9 500mg
    10 500mg
    11 250mg
    12 250mg

    PCT: Clomid & Nolva???


    I really need some advice on PCT because I am not very knowledgeable in that department.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Your stats are already fairly impressive, just keep doing what you're doing. What is your body fat %? ....

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I love it when 18 year olds make comments like being natural their whole life. Whole 18 years.... Of course the first 15+ dont usually count for much so most 18 years olds who are into lifting and have a decent routine typically have 1-2 years of lifting max and even if they started at 13 or 14 you now it was not exactly proper routine, form and diet.

    No offense OP, it's just most of us have been there and I remember saying, thinking the same as you as if it was yesterday and look back at myself and LOL knowing how far off I was.

    I agree with Bear, you still have a LOT of natural potential if you stay natural. I did and at 5' 8" 160 lbs I was benching 325+ Dead 500 and squat??? I also was able to do 30+ Legal chins, school record at that time. I still stayed natural past my 30s. I was able to increase in weight and lifting but if I would have had 1/2 the knowledge of diet I do now I would have gone a LOT further.

    I had friends in high school who used aas. I ALMOST did and I have never regretted not using them but everyone I now who did does regret it for various reasons. I'm also by far in better shape than any of them are now. In the long run you will be much happier if you take the given advice of learning what and when to eat and train.

    Good luck and I hope you make the wise/mature decision.

  4. #4
    NateSharp is offline New Member
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    BF% is probably somwhere between 10 and 15

  5. #5
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateSharp
    BF% is probably somwhere between 10 and 15
    Your way too young leave the dark side till your over 24 !!

  6. #6
    Super-Chump's Avatar
    Super-Chump is offline Associate Member
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    Dude you are ridiculously strong for your age. You are already on the right path to success, don't think that a drug will be all or end all of you getting where you want to be. You are just too young at this stage to consider AAS

  7. #7
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Yes PLEASE listen 2 us if your lifting that much your natural levels are probably off the charts. Go get your levels checked for 49$ at and then post your results. Stay with what your doing your obviously doing something right. Plus your gonna get drugged tested at college do u really wanna risk That when your already strong as **** and still growing? Once u hop on this train Ur on for life. And when u cycle your gonna have to stop b4 football season and like all the vets know your gonna feel like shit and depressed do u really think you'll be able to give it your all on the field when your going through those symptoms. Be smart man Ur obviously committed to training and doing a hell of a job. You could possibly f0ck your endocrine system up and risk never having children. U don't want that. Now when u get older and make it I'n NFL I'm sure the trainers will have u on Hgh like all the other players but till then stay natural

  8. #8
    NateSharp is offline New Member
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    Yea **** it .. Im not doing it.. Maybe a few years down the road .. Thanks guys

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