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  1. #1
    Maack is offline Junior Member
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    Nolva clomid question

    Just got of my 3rd cycle of sust 550/week and deca 500/week. Last cycle i did sus 550/week and deca 300/week my pct was clomid 50/50/25/25 nolva 40/40/20/20. But clomid just covered me in acne that still has left scars. Scared of getting it again. My question is can i replace clomid with anything else and still get my levels down to normal? Got some letro and normal a-hd on hand

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Well... U should have done clomid for 100mg the first week then dropped it down IMO. and not really.. u cna use nolva/tore combo but htey are basically teh same action. clomid/nolva have differing actions which makes them better for a PCT.

    did u run any AI during ur cycle? how about HCG ?

    the acne could just be from the drop of hormone levels by coming off cycle and not necessarily the use of clomid. Did u do the test longer than the deca ? thats a must. Letro/any AI isnt smart in PCT, all it does is block the neg feedback but the SERMs actually modulate the feedback while blocking it so increase production to get back to normal following your cycle.

  3. #3
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Well... U should have done clomid for 100mg the first week then dropped it down IMO. and not really.. u cna use nolva/tore combo but htey are basically teh same action. clomid/nolva have differing actions which makes them better for a PCT.

    did u run any AI during ur cycle? how about HCG ?

    the acne could just be from the drop of hormone levels by coming off cycle and not necessarily the use of clomid. Did u do the test longer than the deca? thats a must. Letro/any AI isnt smart in PCT, all it does is block the neg feedback but the SERMs actually modulate the feedback while blocking it so increase production to get back to normal following your cycle.
    Why clomid 100mg for the first week?
    What will 100 do that 50 don't?

  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    This could also be from discontinuing the use of an AI immediately before beginning PCT, which will cause a rebounding effect on Estrogen, thus contributing to the onset of acne. This is a very common problem we encounter when beginning PCT, and because of this rebound I prefer to taper down my AI when I begin PCT instead of ceasing to take an AI altogether, but as Lemonada8 points out, this does create yet another contradiction.

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    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Well... U should have done clomid for 100mg the first week then dropped it down IMO. and not really.. u cna use nolva/tore combo but htey are basically teh same action. clomid/nolva have differing actions which makes them better for a PCT.

    did u run any AI during ur cycle? how about HCG ?

    the acne could just be from the drop of hormone levels by coming off cycle and not necessarily the use of clomid. Did u do the test longer than the deca? thats a must. Letro/any AI isnt smart in PCT, all it does is block the neg feedback but the SERMs actually modulate the feedback while blocking it so increase production to get back to normal following your cycle.
    100mg of Clomid for the first week or the first day?

  6. #6
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    100mg the first week. it is called a pituitary responsiveness test when docs test for hypogonadism. The 100mg dose for a week (if the pituitary n testes are working) the LH should double. And when ur comin off cycle, your LH is pretty low (minus the HCG done during cycle, but is mainly for maintaing intratesticular testosterone volume and still exogenous) so the natural LH production is very minimal. The 100mg of clomid for a week will jumpstart the production of LH by increasing the amount of LH released in each spike release. The nolva will increase the amount of spikes during the day. ( I mention only LH here because that is what is mainly important, FSH will increase also, but FSH has another feedback mechanism to help control it anyways, so its not nearly as important to reboot during pct)
    I am in the process of writing a pct paper, but these last few weeks of school have gotten pretty hectic so it will be a little bit before i can get it finalized (got the research and such, just need to write it)

  7. #7
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    This could also be from discontinuing the use of an AI immediately before beginning PCT, which will cause a rebounding effect on Estrogen, thus contributing to the onset of acne. This is a very common problem we encounter when beginning PCT, and because of this rebound I prefer to taper down my AI when I begin PCT instead of ceasing to take an AI altogether, but as Lemonada8 points out, this does create yet another contradiction.
    The Nolva will prevent the

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    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    not all over the body no... it will help with the rebound for feedback issues and other major sites, but for the acne issue, nolva wont do much of anything.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    not all over the body no... it will help with the rebound for feedback issues and other major sites, but for the acne issue, nolva wont do much of anything.
    Then, for the same reason, an AI wouldn´t do the job either.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    100mg the first week. it is called a pituitary responsiveness test when docs test for hypogonadism. The 100mg dose for a week (if the pituitary n testes are working) the LH should double. And when ur comin off cycle, your LH is pretty low (minus the HCG done during cycle, but is mainly for maintaing intratesticular testosterone volume and still exogenous) so the natural LH production is very minimal. The 100mg of clomid for a week will jumpstart the production of LH by increasing the amount of LH released in each spike release. The nolva will increase the amount of spikes during the day. ( I mention only LH here because that is what is mainly important, FSH will increase also, but FSH has another feedback mechanism to help control it anyways, so its not nearly as important to reboot during pct)
    I am in the process of writing a pct paper, but these last few weeks of school have gotten pretty hectic so it will be a little bit before i can get it finalized (got the research and such, just need to write it)
    I'm assuming (hoping) you will be posting the paper here?

  11. #11
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Then, for the same reason, an AI wouldn´t do the job either.
    using aromasin is using a good AI because it is a suicide inhibitor. The others are competitive inhibitors. And tapering it down before PCT starts is also a smart idea. But the taper down is during the weeks of no shot and before PCT. so assuming test E, the 2 weeks u wait before PCt, the first week u keep it the same then the next week begin to taper it down.

    and yes kelkel i will post it on here

  12. #12
    jandj's Avatar
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    what a great thread !! I followed the exact same pct and rebounded great. I got my bw and all was normal. the only problem I had was the acne on my back. I stopped the AI before pct and didn't taper. I guess this was the reason for the acne.. I still have acne on my back after two months .. sucks.

  13. #13
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    I find that salicyclic acid works best for body acne on me, and no others compare. It will remove any acne i have within a few days.
    Ive tried some other types, but it really didnt do much other than just dry out my skin, and didnt take care of the acne.

    Find a loofa with a stick and some body wash with "salicyclic acid' as the main ingredient and after u use ur body wash, use the loofa and scrub ur face and back with it pretty good. that and shower more, anytime you are laying in the same place increases the chance of acne. so shower more, before bed, after gettin up, after working out. that can really help with the acne issue.

  14. #14
    gonzo6183's Avatar
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    7.5mg Accutane ED is my friend lol, 3 pimples for an entire cycle when on the last one I got thousands all over me

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Thousands? Damn.

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