Ive been talking to a guy that knows alot about gear and bodybuilding, ive also read a ton on here and have been doing gear for 6 years. What i wanna know is the lowest amount of test i can run with Eq and 50mg of winni each day. Im looking to lean up and stay strong but without the bloat. I wanna do 600mg's of eq 50mg of winni everyday but dk what the best dose of test would be. If more is better so be it but i already cut to make weight as it is just wanna cut all body fat and no bloat. So someone who knows please tell me i was told u could tun eq for almost 20 weeks before it would suppress your test production. IM looking to be as lean as possible while getting the best affects possible for an mma athlete. Ive been running these compounds off and on for about a year have a fight may 15th and june 2nd so cycling off isnt an option now
3iu of riptropin eod at bedtime
600 mg of eq (300 mg/s twice a week)
200 mg's of test e (100mg's twice a week)
50 mg's of winni every day

Please someone who knows critique the cyle mostly concerned about test dosage and will go up on eq if i should. Plan to post cycle of all gear in july but keep on hgh forever! Dont plan to juice ever again so please help guys thanks