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  1. #1
    Jason17 is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    advise on sust 250 and test enth


    Im 22, 195 lb, been training 5 years, about 12% and have a good diet.

    first of all i want to say that i have been on about 3 cycles of gear and have done things completely wrong. Taking and mixing stuff incorrectly and not taking any pct at all. I have done some research now and am really wanting help on how do do things right to avoid any problems. I ask kindly for some help because don't want to make the same silly mistakes.

    I current have 2 x 10ml of sust 250, and 2 x 10ml of test enth. I undertand they are both test and kinda pointless to take together.

    i have started my first week, and took 1 1/2 ml of each...

    Any recommendations of a good cycle for this for good results. Type (sust or test e)/Amount/duration of cycle.

    I am also planning to take nolva for PCT. Any advise on Amount/duration of cycle as well.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You're too young to be experimenting w/AAS. Also, your knowledge on the subject is inadequate as you stated that you took 1.5ml's of each, after saying that taking them together is pointless. So basically, you took 750mgs and this "cycle" might last 6 weeks if you inject once a week? You are doing things incorrectly again.

    Stop cycle is my advice. At your age, a good diet and a solid training regimen is what would benefit you the best.

  3. #3
    Jason17 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the reply stpete. I just want to say I'm on here to learn and to get more knowledge. I do understand taking them together pointless but i have it alreafy and don't want to waste it.

    I have been training hard for years and diet pretty well and just want a bit better results.

    If you have any other suggestions thanks again

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Look elsewhere son. The answers you want to hear and the answers you shall receive will not be the same. Too young.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason17 View Post
    thanks for the reply stpete. I just want to say I'm on here to learn and to get more knowledge. I do understand taking them together pointless but i have it alreafy and don't want to waste it.

    I have been training hard for years and diet pretty well and just want a bit better results.

    If you have any other suggestions thanks again
    on the flip side, you now have your youth and health. continue shooting stuffs into your body and you might waste those instead.

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