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  1. #1
    Muscles9889 is offline New Member
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    Urine test " icup "

    Do steroids come up in the 10 panel urine test as the "icup" It test for recitation useage druqs and I'm not sure if it does for steroids any help would be appriciated thank you

  2. #2
    bigga4068 is offline Junior Member
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    The short and sweet of it is no. Don't worry about it bro steroid testing is pretty sophisticated and can only be done by close urine a precise urine analysis. If you like you can hit me up and I can break down the science of it for ya but seeing as how I'm sure your not really concerned about the science of it and more just if they will test for it or not I won't take up the space or time explaining all the boring stuff ha ha. I used to work in a lab conducting drug screenings so I know most all of it.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Usually cost prohibitive. Wouldn't worry.

  4. #4
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    The icup only hits on street drugs, some Rx drugs,and alcohol.

    Thc, meth, amph, MDMA, benzo, oxy,opi, alcohol, pcp and 1 other

    I.E. pot, meth, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, OxyContin, hydrocodin, Valium, Xanax.......

    This kind of stuff. AAS testing has to be done in a lab and it is very expensive.

    "before you judge me, make sure your perfect!"

  5. #5
    chickenwing1 is offline Junior Member
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    Agree with papa- g. I get d.o.t. test all the time. Never had any problems while on cycle. No worries bro

  6. #6
    Muscles9889 is offline New Member
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    Thank you all I just wants to be sure cause it does those 10 and then there's a side panel to make sure you're not trying to cover your urine and it test for creatinine and stuff so I didn't no and didn't want to risk it thank you all

  7. #7
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muscles9889
    Thank you all I just wants to be sure cause it does those 10 and then there's a side panel to make sure you're not trying to cover your urine and it test for creatinine and stuff so I didn't no and didn't want to risk it thank you all
    It doesn't test for creatinine, but rather this compound is already in the body and when it reacts with the compound they are testing for it changes thus yielding a positive result. It's really not that scientific at the on site test level.

    "before you judge me, make sure your perfect!"

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    You're fine.

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