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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Revamped Test cyp/Deca/Anadrol cycle

    History/stats in profile, off cycle for about 2 - 2.5 years. Started med school so lost alot of gains but been working back at it hard for a while with nutrition and workouts.

    Week 1-4 Anadrol 50mg/day

    Week 1-14 Test cyp 600mg/week
    Week 1-12 Deca 400 mg/week

    2 weeks later, PCT

    Clomid 100/50/50/50 - 4 weeks - 1st week 100mg/day, the rest 50mg/day
    Nolva 20/20/20/20 - 4 weeks 20mg/day
    Arimidex 0.5mg/day 4 weeks

    1. During the cycle do i use nolva 20mg/day or arimidex? Ive heard advocates for both. I used to have puberty gyno then got it removed. Ive used nolva in the past on cycle and its worked but never used arimidex. Used letro but it was too potent. So Nolva or arimidex? If Arimidex, then at 0.5mg eod or 0.5mg/day or 0.25mg/day?

    2. Also i was thinking about incorporating anadrol during weeks 8-11/12 as well, just to get an extra kick of gains? Although unorthodox, wut do u guys think about that?

    3. How do i incorporate HCG into this cycle and PCT, i have 3 amps of 5000iu? Never used HCG before.

    4. I was reading up on the slingshot approach with the reload/deload by Ronnie Rowland, any thoughts on that?

    5. Injectable Frontload or not since i got anadrol in there?

    6. Hows PCT looking, always been my weakness?

    Let's be civil with the responses lol

    Thanks in advance guys!!
    Last edited by Schwarzenegger; 06-08-2012 at 02:08 PM.

  2. #2
    bob87's Avatar
    bob87 is offline Member
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    Feb 2012
    1 us the dex
    2 cant comment never ran it
    3 with that much hcg run it from your first pin 3x a week
    4 im still reading this.
    5 i wouldnt frontload your kicker should be sufficient
    6 run pct clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20

    would like to see your stats

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    thanks for the input man, appreciate it. Stats are in profile and cycle history

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Feb 2012
    1. the usual starting dose for adex is .25mg eod. you can slowly increase it if you feel you need to.

    3. hcg subQ 250iu 2x/wk, including the 2wk wait for pct.

    dont they teach you this in med sch?...kidding

  5. #5
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    History/stats in profile, off cycle for about 2 - 2.5 years. Started med school so lost alot of gains but been working back at it hard for a while with nutrition and workouts.

    Week 1-4 Anadrol 50mg/day

    Week 1-14 Test cyp 600mg/week
    Week 1-12 Deca 400 mg/week

    2 weeks later, PCT

    Clomid 100/50/50/50 - 4 weeks - 1st week 100mg/day, the rest 50mg/day
    Nolva 20/20/20/20 - 4 weeks 20mg/day
    Arimidex 0.5mg/day 4 weeks

    1. During the cycle do i use nolva 20mg/day or arimidex? Ive heard advocates for both. I used to have puberty gyno then got it removed. Ive used nolva in the past on cycle and its worked but never used arimidex. Used letro but it was too potent. So Nolva or arimidex? If Arimidex, then at 0.5mg eod or 0.5mg/day or 0.25mg/day?

    2. Also i was thinking about incorporating anadrol during weeks 8-11/12 as well, just to get an extra kick of gains? Although unorthodox, wut do u guys think about that?

    3. How do i incorporate HCG into this cycle and PCT, i have 3 amps of 5000iu? Never used HCG before.

    4. I was reading up on the slingshot approach with the reload/deload by Ronnie Rowland, any thoughts on that?

    5. Frontload or not since i got anadrol in there?

    6. Hows PCT looking, always been my weakness?

    Let's be civil with the responses lol

    Thanks in advance guys!!

    I like your cycle - you look prepared. It is a long cycle with deca so I would go with longer pct - 6 weeks.

    1 - only dex
    2- its not unordox and it can be done with drol, but IMO better go with fast injectable 8 weeks on orals aint good idea. I like inj winny for the last 4 weeks - 12-16.
    3- Standart protocol is 250 iu e3d.
    4 Its too advanced technique - you should think about TRT once you are out.
    5 anadrol is the frontload - dont understand your question.
    6 clomid - 100/100/50/50/50/50
    nolva - 40/40/20/20/20/20
    drop a-dex.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by miboleron View Post
    I like your cycle - you look prepared. It is a long cycle with deca so I would go with longer pct - 6 weeks.

    1 - only dex
    2- its not unordox and it can be done with drol, but IMO better go with fast injectable 8 weeks on orals aint good idea. I like inj winny for the last 4 weeks - 12-16.
    3- Standart protocol is 250 iu e3d.
    4 Its too advanced technique - you should think about TRT once you are out.
    5 anadrol is the frontload - dont understand your question.
    6 clomid - 100/100/50/50/50/50
    nolva - 40/40/20/20/20/20
    drop a-dex.
    Yo thanks for the help, really appreciate it.

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