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  1. #1
    harleydog is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    test 400/deca 250

    I am doing a cycle which I am in my 5th week of..I am doing test 400 iml twice a week[800] and I am doing deca 250 1ml twice a week[500] I am considering in that there probally not true numbers because most brands are not..My STATS WHEN I started was 260 at 13% b/f at I am at 10% b/f and weigh 275..I am not taking any any anti estrogen but did take some 20mg of nolva in the beginning..I figure another 5-7 weeks at this cycle and 3 weeks before my cycle ends I will start taking nolvadex 40mg first week then 20mg the next two cardio consists of walking about 5 miles a day for my job and doing the stairmaster for 45 mins eod...I am 46 going on 47 and this is only my second cycle I have ever done because I already had low test ...I just want to know if there is any other thing I can do to benifit from what I am taking?I have already had the test flu the first couple of shots but nothing since...I do have lupus which makes my joints hurt alot but im still able to do heavy weights...I am not a rookie when it comes to lifting and have won 2 natural bodybuilding shows but I am real new to useing gear and any anti estrogen drug..any help would be great thxs guys..

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Defiling Myself
    Do you have gyno? If not why are you running novla during your cycle. I would start an ai til you start pct. what is your pct?

  3. #3
    harleydog is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    I was just going to run 3 weeks before the end of my cycle clomid with novadex..40mg then cut you have any other suggestions?I had gyno since I was a kid so it wasnt anything I took that gave me it..honestly its not that noticable and doesnt hurt so I never got it fixed..

  4. #4
    mwilkinson's Avatar
    mwilkinson is offline Associate Member
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    when i ran my deca /test 400 cycle i did clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 and started that two weeks after my last pin. if you have access to adex i'd try .25 eod until first day of pct. if anyone wants to chime in that would be great, but i'm just going off what worked for me.
    good luck man

  5. #5
    harleydog is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    thxs mw I was thinking pretty much the same thing you were..I do have some liquid arimdex but its probally 3yrs old by now..

  6. #6
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    Right hello again m8 dont start the nolva untill pct theres no point m8 if you have hcg /arimidex use these and get some more.. 3 years in boarder line so not worth wondering weather its going to work and then after your cycle do nolvex/clomid as suggested above and ull be fine but pointless while your still juice unless your experiancing sides like gyno /itchy nips etc etc

  7. #7
    harleydog is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    binsser I never got any hcg /or arimidex I only bought clomid and nolva..I thought you only used hcg/aridex if you had gyno starting...I guess I need to find some hcg .also I bought some arimidex liquid its green but its probally 2-3 yrs old and open its liquid tastes like thxs for the help m8

  8. #8
    freddy1418 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2012
    You can get a ai from the sponsor of this forum look at top of page... there ar-r good luck....

  9. #9
    harleydog is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    freddy are you talking about the liquid lethro?how much would I give my rat if he is starting to get gyno?

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