Hello all,

As you read its my 2nd first cycle lol. I did a cycle (4 weeks, I think, of Sust 250 eod and forgot what I took for pct ) about 8 years ago and gained about 15 lbs during the cycle. I was really thin, 5'11 about 155. I had no side affects at all and was very happy with the results until I got off cycle and lost it all. Now that Im looking to try again but something different because I read that I prolly had a lot of water weight at that time with the sust 250.

Now I'm looking to start another cycle. Im getting married in 14 weeks and would like to put on some weight for the bachelor party/wedding/honeymood deal. For the last 6 months I have worked out about 4-5 days a week and am about 15% BF 162 lbs. Diet is about 170 grams protein (I know thats low for trying to put on weight) and 2500 calories per day (again low).

Just started this week with the muti vitamin, grilled chicken (about 8 ounces a day), a lot of turkey/ham on some wheatgrain, fruits, yogurt, amino acids and a few protien shakes a day. Trying to consume something about every 3 hours to the point where im already starting to hate food lol. One other thing, I work in a job that requires up to 14 hour days of hot semi-physical work during the summer so Its limiting my workouts to 45 mins- 1 hour tops.

Im thinking to do an 8 week test cycle with I guess clomid /nolv ptc. Im looking for opinions really on what to do. I just want to cut up a bit and put on about 10-15 lbs.

Options are appreciated. Also what vendors on here are good for that? I ordered from one before (not sure how name dropping on the site works) and they actually have a "beginner cycle" of this:

Testosterone Cypionate 10ml 200mg X 1
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex 10 mg/60 tab) X 1
Nandrolone Decanoate(Deca ) 10ml 300mg/ml X 1
Proviron (mesterolone) 40 tablets X 1
Methandrostenolone (d-ball) X 1
1 $340.00 Buy Now

Thanks guys I appreciate any info that will be helpful to me!