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Thread: What AAS will help you get a lean ripped body?

  1. #1
    brazilian10's Avatar
    brazilian10 is offline Associate Member
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    What AAS will help you get a lean ripped body?

    What AAS will help you get a lean ripped body?, **of course with a clean diet, cardio, and hard work in check** These twins have admitted on doing "occasional cutting cycles", but no bulking cycles * to keep there bodies ripped and bf% low without being bulky, I must assume they accompany it w strict diet and cardio of course. My question is what kind of gear do they use? Winny maybe?Test P?Clen ? Its def a AAS that doesn't make them bulky or make them gain tons of weight. What do you guys think?, Ive been curious on figuring out what juice they take on there "occasional cutting cycles"?
    *there stats are 6'0 180 lbs, dunno there bf% but I assume its well below 10%

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails What AAS will help you get a lean ripped body?-936full-milo-elijah-peters-682x1024.jpg  
    Last edited by brazilian10; 06-29-2012 at 04:51 PM.

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    another good place to post this question is in the lounge under the Ask DSM thread

  3. #3
    blacksmoke's Avatar
    blacksmoke is offline Associate Member
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    At 22 your going to have trouble getting advice on AAS.

  4. #4
    brazilian10's Avatar
    brazilian10 is offline Associate Member
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    i'm 25 turning 26......anyone?

  5. #5
    Razor is offline Banned
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    oh dear

  6. #6
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    If you're not interested in gaining a lot of weight and only getting ripped I would try a low dose Test Prop + Anavar cycle. One of the potential sides of Test is acne. Acne really sucks. I got a lot of them on the front and back. Taking low dose of Test (200mg/wk to 250mg/wk) should reduce the amount of acne. The anavar helps to lean you out and keep you looking tight. The cardio and diet will finish the look with a hard look. There's no real magic AAS that will make you look ripped. It's mostly diet and cardio with a little of Test and anavar.

  7. #7
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    If you're not interested in gaining a lot of weight and only getting ripped I would try a low dose Test Prop + Anavar cycle . One of the potential sides of Test is acne. Acne really sucks. I got a lot of them on the front and back. Taking low dose of Test (200mg/wk to 250mg/wk) should reduce the amount of acne. The anavar helps to lean you out and keep you looking tight. The cardio and diet will finish the look with a hard look. There's no real magic AAS that will make you look ripped. It's mostly diet and cardio with a little of Test and anavar.

    Thanks scotchguard, will test p help retain muscle mass while on a caloric deficit diet? and should I inject it ed or eod? and isn't var extremely expensive? What dosage of var do you recommend? Thanks man!
    Last edited by brazilian10; 06-29-2012 at 02:45 AM.

  8. #8
    btern's Avatar
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    test p = eod as its halflife is 3 days, this will keep blood levels stable.....btern!!

  9. #9
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    Anymore opinions???

  10. #10
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Diet, diet, DIET!!!!!!!!!

  11. #11
    BenHadasack is offline New Member
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    AAS will help you get a "lean, ripped body" by allowing you to hold onto muscle in a caloric deficit. When you're natural and you start to get into the single digit bf zone it becomes very hard to lose fat without also losing muscle. On AAS, you can still lose fat while minimizing the loss of muscle even into the single digit bf "ripped" zone. Of course, you still need to be eating a proper diet with s caloric deficit, AAS will not get you ripped by themselves.

    There are also traditional "fat burners" like clen , t3, dnp , etc, that will actually increase the amount of calories you burn (not exactly but for the point of this discussion we can oversimplify a bit). These can help when getting really lean, but again if your diet is garbage these won't do the work for you.

    Another issue is water retention. Some AAS are known for making you hold water in between the skin and muscle, taking away from the ripped look. Others are known for eliminating this water and "drying you out". Example of a "wet" compound would be dianabol . Example of a "dry" compound would be masteron .

    As far as what these twins are on, no one is going to be able to tell you for sure. They have that "fitness model" look more than the bodybuilder look though if you know what I'm saying. A buddy of mine is actually a fitness model and his cycle looks like this:

    Test Prop 150mg EOD
    Tren Ace 100mg EOD
    Masteron Prop 100mg EOD
    Anavar 30mg ED (not sure why such a low dose)
    HGH 6iu ED

    Diuretics before photoshoots for extra dryness (not sure on doses).

    Maybe they're on a similar cycle, then again maybe not. He's a bit bigger than them for sure but like I said he has that fitness model look going.

    Disclaimer: not recommending this cycle for anyone. Just repeating what he told me.

  12. #12
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Incestual twins, thats creepy

  13. #13
    ExSciGuy's Avatar
    ExSciGuy is offline Junior Member
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    My thoughts exactly

  14. #14
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    I would try a low fat diet and cardio. And a minimum of 1.5 gal of water a day.

  15. #15
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    This is the creepiest thread I've seen in a long time...
    And the longer I do this, the more obvious it becomes that the compounds used hardly matter, compared to your diet.

    I'm far leaner right now (and 20lbs lighter) on 700mg of TNE and Letro than I was 2 years ago while running Test E (only 250mg), Primo, and Anavar .
    But lately I've hardly been eating due to some personal issues, and back then I was in China stuffing my face with cheap, greasy food.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 06-29-2012 at 02:02 PM.

  16. #16
    Brohim's Avatar
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    it was the cheap greasy food not the drugs that made a difference.

    OP you posted like 5 threads on the same topic now.

  17. #17
    bobjack is offline Associate Member
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    making another thread on the same subject...?

    all you need to achieve that look is a solid diet

  18. #18
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    it was the cheap greasy food not the drugs that made a difference.
    Yeah, that was my point.
    Diet matters MUCH more than the compounds used.

  19. #19
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    OF COURSE diet is super important, and with that in check plus a good workout routine can someone help me put a cycle together that will help me get lean and not bulky?? ((with a good clean diet -500 of my TDEE of course))..I def don't want gear that'll make me retain water thats for sure, and what I heard bc this will be first cycle ever (virgin) that I should start with a low dosage of test p only with nolvadex for 10 weeks...what do u guys think???And sorry for the kinda gay pix brahs, its that the twins are the type of body I'm aiming for.
    Last edited by brazilian10; 06-29-2012 at 04:54 PM.

  20. #20
    brazilian10's Avatar
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  21. #21
    jsanman is offline Associate Member
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    most steroids will help you get lean , but its not the steroid themselves wich will get you there , it will be your diet and training methods that will determine it
    im 6ft and 180 at about 6-8 % in my picture , the only thing iv ever taken was creatine and cheap whey powder

  22. #22
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    I know diet and cardio are super important lol! I know it's way more important than any other compound out there, I know that without my diet being on a T I won't get the results I desire, I know that without it..doing aas is useless, I know diet is 80% , I know cardio is extremely essential, I know ...I know, I know I've been told that so many times on here !!!!
    phew, had to get that off my chest -_-'.......
    Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of cycle these twins ran to aid them achieve such lean and mean physiques?....( of course with a strict diet and cardio)
    Last edited by brazilian10; 01-30-2013 at 11:01 PM.

  23. #23
    JayIsPumped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    This is the creepiest thread I've seen in a long time...
    And the longer I do this, the more obvious it becomes that the compounds used hardly matter, compared to your diet.

    I'm far leaner right now (and 20lbs lighter) on 700mg of TNE and Letro than I was 2 years ago while running Test E (only 250mg), Primo, and Anavar .
    But lately I've hardly been eating due to some personal issues, and back then I was in China stuffing my face with cheap, greasy food.
    why u running letro? jw

  24. #24
    JayIsPumped's Avatar
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    ide rather be big\strong and lean then skinny and lean ANY day!

  25. #25
    jsanman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazilian10 View Post
    I know diet and cardio are super important lol! I know it's way more important than any other compound out there, I know that without my diet being on a T I won't get the results I desire, I know that without it..doing aas is useless, I know diet is 80% , I know cardio is extremely essential, I know ...I know, I know I've been told that so many times on here !!!!
    phew, had to get that off my chest -_-'.......
    Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out what kind of cycle these twins ran to aid them achieve such lean and mean physiques?....( of course with a strict diet and cardio)
    what i was trying to say is they probably used no steroids at all...... if you have to question weather or not someone uses steroids they arnt doing it right
    and if they arre on roids that is very sad.... getting up to 180 or even 200 is too easy to achieve naturally. with a good diet and 10 hours at the gym a week you can stack up to 30 pounds of lean mass a year without any roids for the first 2 or three years
    Mickygranton likes this.

  26. #26
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    what i was trying to say is they probably used no steroids at all...... if you have to question weather or not someone uses steroids they arnt doing it right
    It would be sad if you actually WANT the big and bulky look, but what if your goals are just to be lean?In my honest opinion, I would never want people to be able to tell I'm on I have to disagree with your statement. I'm looking for a cycle that won't hold as much water, won't affect cardio in a negative way, will give me energy, and won't blow me up or make me gain weight like crazy.. etc...any suggestions?
    I heard low dosages of test p+ Var or tren with some clen could help?
    Last edited by brazilian10; 01-31-2013 at 10:19 AM. Reason: I

  27. #27
    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazilian10 View Post
    what i was trying to say is they probably used no steroids at all...... if you have to question weather or not someone uses steroids they arnt doing it right
    It would be sad if you actually WANT the big and bulky look, but what if your goals are just to be lean?In my honest opinion, I would never want people to be able to tell I'm on I have to disagree with your statement. I'm looking for a cycle that won't hold as much water, won't affect cardio in a negative way, will give me energy, and won't blow me up or make me gain weight like crazy.. etc...any suggestions?
    I heard low dosages of test p+ Var or tren with some clen could help?
    There is no such thing as a miracle drug. Steroids won't make you lean. It's about your diet. Now steroids will helpgget you lean and ripped but not by direct fat loss, but through the increased metabolism which in fact will burn more calories. But....
    If you're not willing to diet and exercise regularly it won't happen no matter what compounds you are taking.

  28. #28
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anahny View Post
    There is no such thing as a miracle drug. Steroids won't make you lean. It's about your diet. Now steroids will helpgget you lean and ripped but not by direct fat loss, but through the increased metabolism which in fact will burn more calories. But....
    If you're not willing to diet and exercise regularly it won't happen no matter what compounds you are taking.
    Im aware steroids aren't miracle drugs, it all sums up to the diet and exercise portion, but lets say my diet and exercise are on a T...what cycle would aid me to get the twins physiques? Like Scotchguard said earlier, would low dos of test p and var be my best choice?
    Last edited by brazilian10; 01-31-2013 at 10:42 AM.

  29. #29
    anahny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazilian10 View Post
    Im aware steroids aren't miracle drugs, it all sums up to the diet and exercise portion, but lets say my diet and exercise are on a T...what cycle would aid me to get the twins physiques? Like Scotchguard said earlier, would low dos of test p and var be my best choice?
    . I personally use test p and var for my cutting cycle.

  30. #30
    brazilian10's Avatar
    brazilian10 is offline Associate Member
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    What are your dosages? Do you pin low dosages of test p EOD? Also what PCT do u use?

  31. #31
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No offense, but you can look like those fruits in that picture without taking steroids .

  32. #32
    brazilian10's Avatar
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    they're actually not that light weight, just their bf% is very low...they're 6'0 180 it's test p + var my best option?
    Last edited by brazilian10; 01-31-2013 at 12:48 PM.

  33. #33
    ma_fighter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brazilian10 View Post
    Im aware steroids aren't miracle drugs, it all sums up to the diet and exercise portion, but lets say my diet and exercise are on a T...what cycle would aid me to get the twins physiques? Like Scotchguard said earlier, would low dos of test p and var be my best choice?
    If they were, you would already HAVE that physique.... so whatever you may think, your diet and exercise is not in check.
    Secondly, I would not consider either of them even ready to START doing AAS, due to their small frames, so.. yeah, stay away from steroids

  34. #34
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Yes, I know its bumped. But the best way to get that look........dont eat and do situps. At least 20, 16 year olds in my gym do this, but they have thier protien shake immediately after the ab session, lol. But serious.

  35. #35
    jsanman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Yes, I know its bumped. But the best way to get that look........dont eat and do situps. At least 20, 16 year olds in my gym do this, but they have thier protien shake immediately after the ab session, lol. But serious.
    i used to do this , they called me packman in highschool for having huge toned abs , i hate working out when im hungry though so my abs went down hill since then

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