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  1. #1
    DTFzombies is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Was this gear bunk or underdosed??

    This was my second cycle. My first was 15 weeks of test prop and EQ and i had amazing results. I now have completed my second cycle with PISS POOR RESULTS. I didn't get stronger at all....the only thing my strength did was fluctuate. Lose it, get it back, lose it again. I did a 10 week cycle of test E to try something different then the prop. Here's the thing...i got the shedding a little, acne, and testicular atrophy....but no beneficial results. Was it bunk? underdosed? Also, with these shitty results should i start pct as usual after 14 days of my last pin? Or sooner because of the, you know, nothing happening? -_- It was disappointing as hell lol. Oh well
    Last edited by DTFzombies; 07-09-2012 at 03:42 PM.

  2. #2
    haterade's Avatar
    haterade is offline Associate Member
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    i would imagine underdosed .. and i would say do pct .. even a small dose can shut u down.. sorry 4 the bad luck bro..

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    yes i would do pct. Do you use and ai, how was your diet
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    What week are you in? 10 waiting yo start pct? What dose did you run per week? 10 weeks of test E isn't really long enough imo.

  5. #5
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Or it was just made from a bad batch of powder. or it was vet grade and old. That sucks, its happened to me also, You may need a different source, there is so much garbage going around theses days. Do a pct

  6. #6
    ozzie43 is offline Junior Member
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    You should edit the lab name.

  7. #7
    DTFzombies is offline New Member
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    My diet was fine, did everything like my first cycle. took in about 240 grams of protein a day, got plenty of rest, and drank lots of water. I was going to do this for 12 weeks but considering how its doing nothing i took my last pin 5 days ago after week 10. I should start my pct now or wait the 10 days?

  8. #8
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DTFzombies
    This was my second cycle. My first was 15 weeks of test prop and EQ and i had amazing results. I now have completed my second cycle with PISS POOR RESULTS. I didn't get stronger at all....the only thing my strength did was fluctuate. Lose it, get it back, lose it again. I did a 10 week cycle of test E to try something different then the prop. Here's the thing...i got the shedding a little, acne, and testicular atrophy....but no beneficial results. Was it bunk? underdosed? It was from Pinnacle Gear. Also, with these shitty results should i start pct as usual after 14 days of my last pin? Or sooner because of the, you know, nothing happening? -_- It was disappointing as hell lol. Oh well
    Might be expecting too much based on your first cycle. Test prop kicks in faster then test enth. Most people would have run the prop for 8-10 weeks and the enth for 12-14 weeks. So first cycle you used a fast steroid for a longer period of time. That alone will cause better results. Also there is no cycle like your first. Fresh receptors, planets aligning just right, a special balance in the universe.... I don't know. But your first cycle will always be the benchmark and difficult to ever meet again. Also the larger you the more you need to maintain that size in calories. That means you need even more to grow. So if your diet didn't change, neither will you.

    Just a few thoughts. That said it could have been bunk. If you can pm tell me the brand in a private message and I'll tell you if I ever heard if it and if it has a good reputation or not.

    Edit: noticed you listed the lab name. That's against the rules. Ive heard of the lab. Never used it personally. Never heard good or bad about it.
    Last edited by swm1972; 07-09-2012 at 03:27 PM.

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