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  1. #1
    ChiefPol is offline New Member
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    Knee Surgery Next week, Looking into Steroid therapy, Rookie looking for experience!?

    Hey guy,

    So very new to this site and basically to this whole side of supplements.

    My story is: I'm 20 years old about 5'8 and weighing 175lbs and have been weight training for about 3 years. I'm an Active soccer player and was looking forward to what could have been very important tryouts for me this past spring but in January I tore my Medial Meniscus. I finally have surgery next week and have all my rehab lined up for after that, the only problem is since its a large tear It might take about 8 weeks to heal *And might not heal fully* Or their just gonna scrap the medial meniscus itself. My question is I was recommended by my friend (amateur bodybuilder) to take Winstrol for steroid therapy for after the surgery to increase recovery time and heal the meniscus better *if in fact they keep it* I have done some some reading and research into this but am still full of questions such as, Smart Idea? possible side effects? do I need to do any type of preparation? Do I have to stack or take support supplements or can I take it alone?

    I'm Looking for someone with experience and who can help me out with this as I Really want to be able to play soccer again by next spring.. I'm chasing my dream and really wanna do what I can to attain it.

    Thank's again.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Not a good idea Winnie drys out your joints and not good on your tendons.

  3. #3
    ChiefPol is offline New Member
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    any other alternatives then?

  4. #4
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    I think this is a terrible idea and I would ask your "friend" where he got this type of info and if it is just his "opinion" or somewhere he found this is factual information.

    My advice would be to listen to your Dr. If you are a high level athlete and want to recover. You need to be in physical therapy almost immediately after surgery and work your ass off If there was one type of AAS that was helpful for this sort of thing it would definately NOT be winstrol

  5. #5
    sharmabrah is offline Banned
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    If you take soccer (football) seriously (like me) then you should just stick to a solid diet and training regime. You can easily find time to hit the gym and have a good diet around football training and games. Trust me, it's great cardio so if you have a good diet (high protein, moderate/high carbs) then you'll be shredded and lean as phuck bro. You don't want to be too big to play football (depending on your position) but having the right diet and training can greatly improve yourself. You don't need steroids at all mate especially at your age. I versed a guy who was no doubt on steroids last year and he was slow and could barely turn on the ball - no point being like that lol.

  6. #6
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    GH and deca with test E low dosage. Might wanna look into prolotherapy or PRP for post surgery

  7. #7
    ChiefPol is offline New Member
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    Well He's been on it for a bit now, he just recommended it because it has worked for him in gains not that he's had surgery or anything, but I was looking for basically a starting point into research. & I appreciate it man I Know that I'm gonna have to kill it and I got all my therapy and everything lined up I was just looking into additional help with the next few months of recovery. Appreciate it though man.

  8. #8
    ChiefPol is offline New Member
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    haha Thank's man, It wasn't really to get that big or anything, my question was to help my heal my meniscus as close to 100 % as possible so I would be able to play at my previous level as before, But I agree Too big isent good, like my size right now is key, looking to get a little bigger but nothing I cant accomplish with natural gains. Appreciate it though man.

  9. #9
    ChiefPol is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    GH and deca with test E low dosage. Might wanna look into prolotherapy or PRP for post surgery
    I'll look into it, thanks man

  10. #10
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
    RoadToHuge is offline Associate Member
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    I don't understand why he said winny, maybe its what he has experience. I am looking a Deca in my next test cycle because it is said that deca is good for the joints. I am getting a shoulder surgery done and after the physical therapy is done, I want to do a Deca - TestE cycle and slowly build up my shoulders again. This is on top of the HGH i am taking at 4iu a day in the hope of turning back the clock a little bit...

  11. #11
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No. This road is going to cause a lot more problems than it will solve. Especially if you start messing with Deca (nandrolone ).

  12. #12
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're young enough that your body should heal naturally in time. Rest, PT, nutrition is the way to go. Winni is a terrible idea. As already pointed out, it'll dry you out and delay your recovery. You'll do more harm than good. The benefits of AAS and sport injuries is still quite controversial and many of the side effects could delay your recovery (water retention, changes in BP, heart rate, etc.)

    I wouldn't recommend GH. Yes there is evidence that it can facilitate healing but it also promotes edema and water retention which can slow recovery and in some cases promote hemangiomas depending on the severity of your particular injury. Add to the fact that legit GH is expensive and not something that'll fix you up with a few doses.

    Injuries SUCK! I'm dealing with a torn gastrocnemius right now, but sometimes rest, elevation, and proper nutrition is the best path to follow.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery bro!

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    GH and deca with test E low dosage. Might wanna look into prolotherapy or PRP for post surgery
    That's not a good idea at all at his age. It will only mess him up, shut down his natural test and hgh and delay recovery due to pct. Also increase the chance of re injury. If he was 40+ it would maybe be OK.

  14. #14
    nooby's Avatar
    nooby is offline Associate Member
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    Deca has absolutely no effect on healing. There is no steroid that would be a good idea for you to take, especially at your age. Many athletes have come back from this injury. Just do your PT, work hard at it, and eat right.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Not wild about you taking steroids for an injury due to your young age (20). Seems like swapping one set of problems for another.
    There has been much discussion about a new peptide that is designed/used for the problems you have encountered.
    Side effects are minimal, if any. Six weeks is the "normal" course, at 10mg/week, injected subQ daily. No, i haven't tried it (yet), been waiting for next injury if/when I should get reinjured.
    The TB500 is from the board sponsor, so it's legit, safe, and quick delivery.
    One of the vets spouse used it for an injury with good results.
    I hope this helps.

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