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  1. #1
    monthehoops1888 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    N00b with a plan...kinda...what do you think?

    So quickly my stats
    age 28
    height 6'2"
    Weight 185lbs
    Body fat 5%

    Previously I did a 6 week cycle of oral annavar with winstrol . Then 4 months later I did 6 weeks injectible oil based sustinon with oral winstorl. Then directly after than I did 6 weeks oral annavar and winstrol. I got some pretty nice gains and I was happy, however after the sustinon my back broke out bad and I got on accutane, that messed up my head so now im on 105mg of Solodyn and that helping. People tell me I broke out becasue of my diet, I used oil based, and/or i didnt do a pct.

    So lets fast forward to now, last time I did anything was Oct 2011.
    So my plan (all oral)
    6 Weeks dobol with test. After that 12 weeks EQ with test. Then the Pct (clomid, novadex, or hcg )

    While Im on all of this my diet/ supplements consist of
    3 hard boiled eggs
    greek yogurt
    Chicken breast
    brown rice
    sweet potatoes
    whole milk

    Protien (Myfusion or syntha6)
    Multi vitamin
    Milk thistle (im told this wil help with acne)
    solodym 105 (acne medication)

    Now I'm not looking to get massive I'd like 20lbs max of lean muscle after its all said and done, and to be cut. Working out and eating extremley clean, which I have been working out 3-4 days a week for the last 5 years, and eating really clean and working out 3-5 days a week in the last 10 months, I get definition but I dont gain any size.

    What do you think?

    So as you can tell Im quite in experienced with alot of this. I have all the determination, it's knowledge Im lacking in here. So I plan on surfing around here, but if you have any suggestions or tips I would greatly appreciate it.
    Last edited by monthehoops1888; 07-20-2012 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    couple things. You are not 5%bf. Thats what the pro's are at on stage.
    you said oral. There isnt oral test or eq. So i dont know what you are actually planning
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    monthehoops1888 is offline New Member
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    Well like I said I dont have alot of knowledge but i measured my body fat with one of those electronic impulse devices and it said 5.4% sooo...I dunno. Im very lean and always have been. And yes the test and EQ is injectible sorry...

  4. #4
    SK1Viking's Avatar
    SK1Viking is offline Associate Member
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    not the fatherland
    Just go with a test only cycle you first time around, so that way you understand how your body reacts to it. Get an AI. Hcg should be run during you cycle. Please look around a little more and read. I never posted a question to this forum because its all been asked or written in the stickies. good luck

    If you already have the EQ just save it

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    If those are your stats you need food not steroids . Your not eating enough.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree with the Cape and you need to do some research before you do anything.You dont know jack and you risk hurting yourself.

  7. #7
    monthehoops1888 is offline New Member
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    Yeah i def agree i mean i eat clean 4-5 meals a day, and put the time in the gym it just seems my results are soo slow. Thats why i got on here. The above cycle is what a friend who has a good bit of experience has recomended so i was just seeing what you guys thought. Ive been browisng around on here reading the diff profiles of stuff, i need to know alot more for sure but then again theres alot of info to get through. But def any advice you can give i appreciate

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st thing hit the diet section learn to eat.That is 90% go see them they will fix your problem.

  9. #9
    monthehoops1888 is offline New Member
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    Copy that, thanks guys.

  10. #10
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    If those are your stats you need food not steroids. Your not eating enough.
    This is the only advice you need for now, hopefully you listen and make the most of it

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