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  1. #1
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    heavy 50 mg dbol for 8 wks, Test depot starts week 4- week 8 (Interesting Stuff) help

    Can anyone help let me know if this is a good cycle?:

    Dbol 50 mgs each day for 8 weeks. Except for week 7 & week 8 when I will taper down to 30 mgs per day on week 7 and then 15 mgs/day on week 8

    Test Depot introduced only during week 4 . In other words, Test started on 4th week into cycle at 250 mgs per week for 5 weeks (week 4, wk 5, wk 6, wk 7, wk 8).

    Nolva 10 mgs per day for 8 weeks during the whole 8 week cycle

    Liver protectant. 1 pill per day for 8 weeks.

    So it's a Dbol only cycle UNTIL the 4th week at which time, I will use 50 mgs/day Dbol AND 250 mgs/WEEK TEST DEPOT.

    In other words, the Test will be added the 4th week at 250 mgs per week for another 4-5 weeks until the 8th week.

    should i stop taking Nolva 10 mgs per day for 8 weeks (throughout the 8 wk cycle) and INSTEAD take Nolva 10 mgs per day AFTER the 8th week FOR 3 WEEKS, when I have completely stopped taking the D-bol & have completely stopped taking the Test Depot?

    I READ somewhere nolva for a heavy andro cycle which is what this is should be taken during each day of the whole cycle.

    thanks in advance for ur help, bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i dont like your cycle plan at all...what is test depo?... im assuming its a long ester test or test blend?...if it is then not only are you doing yourself a dis-service by running d-bol solo but your then going to start up a long ester test, take 5 weeks for it to "kick in" then shut it all will bw very dissapointed with your reasults if any...any ways i could be wrong you need to let us know what exactly is in your test depo...the ones i currently have are dosed 400mg and 500mg per ml and are a blend of long ester test...
    Last edited by ghettoboyd; 07-21-2012 at 04:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    it's testosterone enanthate . Testoviron Depot. Depot as in like a place where trains are housed, a storage area. I guess it's stored then released slowly. Can I do a 12 week cycle? (another 4 weeks added)? During those 12 weeks which is another 4 weeks on top of my original 8 week cycle the Test Depot would be released slowly? During this extra 12 weeks I would slowly taper down on my d-bol through and including week 12.

    Would that be better?

    Sorry for my lack of experience.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to cut the dbol to around 6 weeks at most. 8 weeks is way to long
    what are your stats?
    lifting experience or cycles

    and nolva is a serm (used for pct) it is not an ai. I suggest you read a little bit about pct and have everything ready on hand before you decide to run this cycle

  5. #5
    hugo276 is offline New Member
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    cany any one help me how do a get the free steroids that said a would get thanks

  6. #6
    GorillaNuts's Avatar
    GorillaNuts is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Test depot weeks 1-10 ( or 12)
    Dbol weeks 1-4, at most 6

    Don't take TE nolva during cycle, get your self arimidex /anastrozole and dose that eod at .5mg forthr duration of the cycle

    Then pct.

  7. #7
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    hi thanx for ur concern/interest: age: 40 y.o., ht 5 feet 10 in. weight: 205 lbs., body fat: 15 -20 percent, bodytype: ECTOMorph, lifting experience bodybuilding on & off since 17 im 40 yrs old. joe weider school of bodybuilding. been doing 2 dbol only cycles in 2012 usually 6-8 weeks (2 dbol only cycles so far) this 3rd time im introducing test depot 4th week into cycle.

    my hookup told me that im supposed to use 10-20 mg/day Nolva during cycle if my cycle is a heavy androgenic cycle which this is.

    *so u suggest i stop taking nolva 10 mgs/day during cycle and INSTEAD use it for 3 weeks after cycle is over 10-20 mgs/day???

    THANKS again dude for ur help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    also, 1 other thing,

    why is 8 weeks of dbol too long? both of u gearbox & gorilla nuts say 8 weeks is too long for dbol.

    if ur worried about liver damage. im drinkin a gal of water, milk thistle, liver protectant liv.52 & i just ordered some "liver juice"

    gear box when should i add test is my proposed entry of test depot at week 4 to week 8 a good idea.

    "hugo" u seem lost on the way to the yellow brick road, hugo is funny cos that's how my friends from spain who lift call roids--jugo short for juice. hehe haha

  9. #9
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    anyone else. please help & be as thorough as possible, please in answering all of my questions. thanks

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    there is so many things wrong with your idea
    test use is way to short. Once it starts to work you are stopping it.
    i see no reason to run 50mg of d-bol for 8 weeks
    Nolva will block estrogen but it does not reduce it. So you will still have high levels.
    You have no real pct set up
    your 15-20% bf. So 8 weeks of d-bol you will probably look like crap after. Bloated and fatter looking.

    I have no idea of your goals but i dont see that being a good cycle for any goal. There are a million better options.
    I dont know how much d-bol you used before. But anything over 40mgs for me is just more sides not gains.
    Using what you want i would expect bad back pumps and would more limit alot of what you want to do then help
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    thanks for not being too harsh on me everyone. I will copy and paste ur replies and do more extensive research.

    i ordered some more testoviron depot--another 5 weeks of 250 mgs/week and will probably do 6 weeks (NOT 8 WEEKS) of 40 mg/day dbol (NOT 50 mgs/day) since im 3 weeks right now into my original plan of 8 weeks dbol 50 mgs/day. and i will probably (like i said) continue the test for another 5 weeks doing altogether Test for a grand total of 10 weeks at 250 mgs/week.

  12. #12
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    All sounds a bit out of wack bro and yeah dbol for extended periods of time are not good, I wouldnt go over 4 weeks, dbol axed my liver at 40mg in 2 weeks.

    You thought about PCT? there doesnt seem to be any mention or knowledge of it...

    heavy 50 mg dbol for 8 wks, Test depot starts week 4- week 8 (Interesting Stuff) help-pct.jpg

  13. #13
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Man listen to them here they know what they talking about. You need to use an AI on cycle and you have to do pct after cycle finished to get you test production back to normal. There is a lot good info here, just search AI and pct and you will understand. Not to complicated if you research site. Good luck

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