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  1. #1
    TheTimeIsNow's Avatar
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    Anyone know this Brand?

    hey Guys whats up. Im starting my first cycle this coming week . Couple questions i have. Im looking to lean out so im gonna be doing a cycle of test prop twice a week. Either 50mg or 100 mg twice a week. Since its my first time i am not sure exactly. Ive gone to my doctor and have had everything checked out from my normal test level to my liver enzymes including blood count. So im good to go now .I am have a question about this brand of test prop. I got it from my body who has been cycling for roughly 4-6 years now so im sure its legit but was just wondering if anyone can verify. Also thanks to the guys who helped me a few weeks ago with the advice of diet to lean out a little more. Thanks. Also does anyone have a website i can get needles through.. thats all im lacking.

    Ok i edited the post... sorry about that. Fast Muscle was product name
    Last edited by TheTimeIsNow; 07-21-2012 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Before I say anything else, I have to advise you to edit out the lab names in the pictures there. It's against board rules to have lab names displayed in pictures, unless it is an FDA approved pharmaceutical.

    I've never heard of or seen that brand. Must be lesser known, less popular. Could be a good thing, as the less popular and lesser known brands out there have either zero fakes or less fakes in circulation compared to the more well known labs.

    Some critique on what you have mentioned in your post:

    1. You stated you are going to use testosterone propionate at "50mg or 100 mg twice a week". This is not a good idea at all, and you will have less than desireable results running this. Testosterone propionate is a short-estered variation of teoststerone, and as such, its half life is approximately 2 days. This means you need to be injecting test prop at LEAST every other day in order to maintain stable steady blood levels of the hormone. Anything less frequently, and you are not using it properly. Ideally, you'll want to do 50-100mg every other day (I would reccomend 100mg every other day, but 50mg is also ideal if your main goal is to simply lean out). This would result in a total of 4 shots per week. Doing your original protocol of twice a week is a disaster plan. I would advise to revise according to my advice here.

    2. Needles can be purchased through the board sponsor, ar-r .com (the banner at the top right of the page).

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    ^^^ agree with everything
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Before I say anything else, I have to advise you to edit out the lab names in the pictures there. It's against board rules to have lab names displayed in pictures, unless it is an FDA approved pharmaceutical.

    I've never heard of or seen that brand. Must be lesser known, less popular. Could be a good thing, as the less popular and lesser known brands out there have either zero fakes or less fakes in circulation compared to the more well known labs.

    Some critique on what you have mentioned in your post:

    1. You stated you are going to use testosterone propionate at "50mg or 100 mg twice a week". This is not a good idea at all, and you will have less than desireable results running this. Testosterone propionate is a short-estered variation of teoststerone, and as such, its half life is approximately 2 days. This means you need to be injecting test prop at LEAST every other day in order to maintain stable steady blood levels of the hormone. Anything less frequently, and you are not using it properly. Ideally, you'll want to do 50-100mg every other day (I would reccomend 100mg every other day, but 50mg is also ideal if your main goal is to simply lean out). This would result in a total of 4 shots per week. Doing your original protocol of twice a week is a disaster plan. I would advise to revise according to my advice here.

    2. Needles can be purchased through the board sponsor, (the banner at the top right of the page).
    Agree with Atomini. please delete those pics with lab names. You may repost if you can somehow hide the names.

  5. #5
    TheTimeIsNow's Avatar
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    Thanks for response Atomini.
    I guess ill try 50 mg EOD because i wanna keep this first cycle as low as possible considering it is my first time and i wanna try it out .I hAve not purchased any amiridex. You think i will need it on this low dosage?

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeIsNow View Post
    Thanks for response Atomini.
    I guess ill try 50 mg EOD because i wanna keep this first cycle as low as possible considering it is my first time and i wanna try it out .I hAve not purchased any amiridex. You think i will need it on this low dosage?
    Maybe. what is your bf%?

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeIsNow View Post
    Thanks for response Atomini.
    I guess ill try 50 mg EOD because i wanna keep this first cycle as low as possible considering it is my first time and i wanna try it out .I hAve not purchased any amiridex. You think i will need it on this low dosage?
    There is no way to tell. I could run a ton of test and not have issues. My boy just looks at a vial of test and starts to get gyno. There is also other health issues to high estrogen. I would read swifto's sticky at the top of the forum
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeIsNow View Post
    Thanks for response Atomini.
    I guess ill try 50 mg EOD because i wanna keep this first cycle as low as possible considering it is my first time and i wanna try it out .I hAve not purchased any amiridex. You think i will need it on this low dosage?
    You might not need it, but when it comes to knowing whether or not you'll be sensitive to certain side effects, I always say this:

    You never know 'till you go.

    If I were you, i'd keep an AI on hand just in case. If you end up being sensitive to estrogen-related sides, such as gyno, then you can easily start administering your AI.

    By the way, I applaud your idea of starting your first cycle at a low dose of test. My very first test cycle was 300mg per week of test enanthate . Compare that to most people's first-time cycles at 500mg per week. I made excellent gains! The lowest possible dose you can use to obtain gains, the better it is for you (and your wallet). You really don't need 500mg per week on a first cycle (or even your first several cycles) to see results, especially if it's a first cycle and your body is fresh to supraphysiological levels of AAS. Your diet will be what predominantly determines your results, not the amount of gear you use. Take for example 300mg of Test E a week. When blood levels are stable, that dose releases about 47-50mg into the bloodstream per day. The human body naturally produces on average 11mg per day. That's a huge-ass whopping difference. Our bodies produce rediculously low levels naturally compared to what we typically cycle with. Approx 50-70mg per week naturally. So, your choice of 200mg per week should be great for your goals.

  9. #9
    TheTimeIsNow's Avatar
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    thanks again antomini. My body as of now with no gear looks like this . So im assuming with my mature muscle i already have and considering at this time i workout 2-4 hours a day atleast and my stamina is high and diet is superb.. except the occasional vodka nights =)... i stay away from everythign but vodka .. i feel i should see results with my dedication. the picture with my legs was yesterday.. Also like isaid it was gixxers idea for the test prop so thanks gix and lets give this a go =)Anyone know this Brand?-img_0563.jpgAnyone know this Brand?-img_0575.jpg

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